Influential is scientific management

It was here that Frederick Taylor began his studies into this felled and his ideas were later furthered by individuals such as Gilberts and Giant. Despite each individual having a significant input into the study of scientific management Taylor was widely regarded as the ‘Father of Scientific Management’ and hence the term Tailoring’ being introduced. 2. Technically Scientific Management Is the “management thought concerned primarily with the physical efficiency of an Individual worker” . However George Ritzier defined Scientific Management as a procedure that “produced nonhuman technology that exerted great control over workers” .

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In this statement Ritzier refers to the effect of scientific management. Before the study by Taylor and most businesses followed the old ‘Rule of Thumb’ management procedure in which the worker had the ‘Initiative’ and control and therefore it was only his hard work that resulted In the businesses success or failure. Taylor studied his place of work, The Bethlehem steel Company. And came to the conclusion that the “Old Rule of Thumb’ was very inefficient. His time and motion studies were aimed at replacing the unproductive rule of thumb and replace it by the “one best way”.

He believed hat there was one perfect method which could be adopted by employees to carry out a task and this would generate the best Job. In effect Taylor wanted to deskill workers I. E. Create division of labor and wanted employees to be specialized In one segment of production and repeat this task constantly. Hence logic would tell you that constant repetition of a task would result In better productivity output and ultimately higher quality. Tailor’s approach to creating an efficient structure for an organization was ‘bottom up’ in which he concentrated on improving efficiency and motivation of staff on the bottom of the structure I. The shop floor. This was a different view of structure improvement compared to organization structure designers such as Max Weber and Henry Payola who were top down’ and aimed at Improving the management or top section of the hierarchy of an organization. How influential is scientific management in the 21 SST century? By syndicated How influential is scientific management in the 21st century? 1 . Scientific Frederick Taylor began his studies into this field and his ideas were later furthered as the ‘Father of Scientific Management’ and hence the term ‘Tailoring’ being introduced.

Technically Scientific Management is the “management thought concerned primarily with the physical efficiency of an individual worker” . However the worker had the ‘initiative’ and control and therefore it was only his hard work that resulted in the businesses success or failure. Taylor studied his place of work, The Bethlehem steel Company, and came to the conclusion that the “Old Rule of workers I. E. Create division of labor and wanted employees to be specialized in one that constant repetition of a task would result in better productivity output and improving the management or top section of the hierarchy of an organization.