Local Area Supermarket Study For this study I chose to dedicate a portion of my Investigation Into how Woolworth, Sterling promotes Australian produce, the ma]orally of this study Is dedicate to how the store caters to the local communities dietary needs and how Woolworth website promotes their Australian products. Woolworth, Sterling has many fresh produce items that are promoted as grown in Australia. Above a majority of their fruit, vegetables and nuts there are white labels saying ‘Grown in Australia’.
On the labels r price tags In the deli and seafood section there are many white label maker suckers saying made In Australia’ or ‘produce In Australia’. When heading over to the dairy or bread aisles, there are a number of South Australian products displayed. Local brands from the Riverbank and Flourier are popular in the dairy section. There are few brands of bread that are proud to display Australian Owned’, ‘Product of Australia’, and ‘Locally Made’. The Adelaide Hills is full of different intolerance’s and allergies, the most common being gluten intolerance’s and nut allergies.
There are products In close to every section that strongly advertise being gluten free or nut free. All products clearly display whether the product does or does not contain nuts on the product somewhere. When looking through the baking section for gluten free alternatives, it is very easy to find gluten free flours. There are also many proud organic alternatives for the many people in the hills that prefer to buy their fresh produce from markets. Organic lovers can also find a wide range of snack items or muesli to satisfy their lifestyle.
Spring Gully’s cry for help to the South Australian community has spiked an Incredible increase In the amount of products being stocked In all supermarkets, and hence a massive Increase In the amount being sold. Supermarkets are waking up to communities sticking together more now than they were 3 years ago, this is the reason for more local products being stocked. The Woolworth website is very proud and proactive in advertising their Australian produce (Appendix 1). This is because supermarkets are experiencing an increase in people wanting to help their local farmers. Everybody knows someone that knows someone”, Is the popular statement coming from Woolworth employees when asked why they think more people are buying Australian. “A lot of the people that are passionate about Australian produce will often tell us they know somebody who is in the fruit and Vega business. ” States one employee. Almost every link clicked on the website will lead to a page that has some form of Australian pride displayed. How much of what they stock is actually Australian? We may never know, but Australian reduces are on their way to taking over supermarket shelves all over the country.
This wall be an Incredible boost to Australia’s economy and community ties, If there Is ever to be a huge drop in Australian products on the shelves, there is no doubt the customers will have something to say about it. Appendix 1 By Lambently For this study I chose to dedicate a portion of my investigation into how Woolworth, Sterling promotes Australian produce, the majority of this study is dedicate to how the or price tags in the deli and seafood section there are many white label maker tickers saying ‘made in Australia’ or ‘produce in Australia’.