Managing Individual Performance

Most leaders want a simple formula for managing employee performance. However, individuals have differentiating characteristics that make them unique. Understanding employee behaviors is a prerequisite to effective employee motivation. Assessment tools and theories-based on human nature provide perspectives in understanding individual performance. This paper analyzes a simulation and explains how motivation correlates to an individual’s personality profile. Criteria for Team Selection Careful consideration is given in selecting appropriate team members.

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The criteria a leader uses for this process is motivation to be on the team, commitment to success (Tompkins, 2002, p. 28), complement personalities and skills, and necessary talents to accomplish the goals (Hill and Ingala, 2001, p. 37). Motivation and commitment are essential characteristics team members must portray in order for the team to achieve its goals. Tompkins (2002) stated, “There is no such thing as a part-time team player. Team players are committed to the team and dedicated to mutual success and cooperation” (p.30).

Another critical element in choosing team players is finding individuals with similar behaviors and abilities. Hill and Ingala (2001) stated, “In today’s tight job market, the right fit is a critical success factor for any position on the team” (p. 38). Choosing the Team Building Case Files Building case files was the first task to be filled in the DARE group. The responsibility of this individual is, “conduct site visits to verify and research case histories and substance abusers’ profiles” (Managing Individual, n.d. ).

Lisa Stafford was chosen for this position because she possesses characteristics that enable her to analyze situations quickly and is a hard-worker. Since the individual needed to travel to several locations and possess analytical skills, having an extroverted personality type is essential to succeed in this role. However, the project leader needs to monitor Lisa’s overzealous behavior and clarify her goals as the project progresses. Moderate Self-Help Groups

Daniel Nichols was chosen to “facilitate interaction within self-help groups, arrange group meetings, handle conflicts, and build records of interactions and results” (Managing Individual, n. d. ). According to his Myer-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Daniel is a personable individual, resolves conflicts, and likes to win the confidence of his team members and peers. The project champion may endure issues with Daniel’s competitive behavior and may require frequent reminders. Perform Follow-ups

For the third task, Michelle Levy was selected to “monitor addicts in family, work, and community environments, observe status, examine behavior and report possible relapse, validate recommendations for employment, and record observations” (Managing Individual, n. d. ). Although her MBTI indicated she is an introvert, her sensing, thinking, perceiving dimensions reveal she is a keen observer of the environment and competent in analyzing data. Michelle’s pessimist attitude may require the project leader to encourage her to remain positive and motivated during the completion of the task.

Supervise Confrontation Sessions The final task required the individual to “handle sessions with relapsed victims, analyze related reasons and situations, define treatment paths, and help victims handle relapse-related stress” (Managing Individual, n. d. ). Tony Wu was chosen for this role because his MBTI showed he has an introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging personality that would protect and care for the relapsed victims. His desire for accuracy ensures that he succeeds and accomplishes his goals.

The leader needs to monitor Tony because he has a history of taking on to many tasks at one time. Factors in Managing Team The factors the champion considered in order to effectively manage the DARE team are the different personalities, motivational levels, and communication skills within the group. Upon choosing the volunteers for the project, the DARE Champion analyzed the MBTI to determine the best personality for the right job. Another crucial factor the leader endured was motivation while developing the project.

“What motivates an individual directly links to the person’s personality traits” (Managing Individual, n. d. ). Finally, communicating with the volunteers is the key ingredient in managing an effective team. By communicating with the volunteers, the leader was able to understand the individual’s needs, implement interventions, and motivate the volunteers to achieve their goals. Understanding these factors enables managers to motivate employees and achieve the impossible (Managing Individual, n. d. ).