The “PepsiCo’ company are have been “How do take a coke? And what? ” many idea variants produced over the years ago. The drink was first made in on 1898. Than new brands was born on June 16, 1903. The “PepsiCo’ company was founded in Pepsi-Cola brand on 1965. Now is Pepsi coke is the stronger favorite drink and not know country, city, people haven’t in the world. Now is produced in a lot of drinks and brands. Drinks are: * Pepsi (Max, one, light, next, vanilla, Jazz, diet … ) * Energy drinks * Pure and aqua waters * 7 up, mountain dew Price
Pricing decisions are almost always made in consultation with marketing management. Price is the only marketing mix variables that can be to be changed quickly. Price variables such as discounts, dealer price, retail price etc. Supplier Manufacturer Distributor Retailer Customer Pepsi being a which to advertise product quality, it tends to sell its product with price range from more low to high prices, depending on the use and the targeted customers. Place Depending on the type of the product marketing management decides to put into place an exclusive, to licensing, network of distribution, while selected dealers or wholesalers.