Basic Needs – The workplace needs to be suitable for the work force, complying with health and safety regulations etc. Security Needs – Security in the work place, if there is money being handled then there needs to be the right kind of security for example safety deposit boxes and a panic button. Another type is security from their jobs not worrying from one day to the next that their job is in jeopardy. Group Needs – To expect people to be able to work in a group. If a group task needs to be completed it is not left up to one person to complete this.
Self Esteem – When people’s confidence is being knocked then their self-esteem is lowered people start to doubt their ability. For example if somebody is producing good work but a manager has got a grudge against them, so they keep putting their work down, then they will have doubts in their ability to achieve things because their self esteem has be knocked. Self-Fulfilment – If somebody is not getting job satisfaction then they are not fulfilling something in their life. So employees have to make sue that their work force is happy within their job.
Goal Theory When people have goals to meet then they have the motivation to full fill this goal. Within a workforce if people don’t have a goals or targets to meet then they don’t have the drive to complete their work to the best of their ability. Goals have to be set o that they can be completed. Expectancy Theory – This is a kind of aim, it could be the quality of work that the employees have to product, and so they are expected to produce good quality of work. The standard of the work that can be produced.
For example a carpenter cannot be expected to make the finest cabinet with the wrong type of tools to do so. Outcome 3. 2 Relating to the case study you can see that there are a lot of differences between workforces. The shop floor workers are made to feel scared and on edge all the time by their boss, they are given targets to aim for, but these targets cannot be reached, so when they are not fulfilled they are punished for this by not being offered overtime. This is an absence of motivation
In the administrative department there is a presence of motivation as the manager listens to his workers, discussing the targets, which can realistically be met. Giving them motivation to better themselves, for example encouraging one of the work force to study to become a member of the Chartered Institute Of Marketing. This shows a presence of motivation. Task Three Applying motivation theory – within the case study I found that the manager within the administrative and support department applied motivation within the work force in different ways.
For example, He its his employees down every week and makes his colugues talk about their progress relating to targets. Another example was that he makes sure that the targets that are set for his work force are ones that can actually be met. Another example is that during the day he comes and sits down with the employees and try’s to find out any problems that they might have, if they have any then they can discuss them without letting the employee keeping it to themselves. Doing this makes the employee feel as if they are appreciated.
Failing to apply motivation theory – within the case study I found that the manager on the shop floor was not applying motivation. Examples of this are:Conditions at work: If workers have to work in poor conditions then they won’t have the same motivation to work as employees who have comfortable working conditions. Task Four Brief Description Of Event My experience was working in a shoe shop. I was given daily targets of selling i?? 800 worth of shoes within 4 hours, with a pair of shoes averaging 20 per shoe.
Throughout the day the manager would start making comments about the amount of shoes that I had sold, informing me that it wasn’t good enough. If the targets where met that day then he would say that if we where able to reach that target then he should make it higher for the next week. Analysis Of Event From this you can see that the targets that I was given I wasn’t able to reach, and so this didn’t give me the motivation to try, Why try and reach something I knew I couldn’t reach.
You can also see that the manager hadn’t sat down and set realistic targets for me to meet. As well you can see that he gave us no motivation to reach the targets and also gave us no praise when they where met. What I Learnt From this experience I learnt that to be able to motivate people you have to have be able to give them a task in which is reasonable for the to complete. As well people need to feel appreciated and as thought they have achieved something themselves when they have completed something.