Organizational Behavior development stages

Organizational Behavior development stages and Interpersonal relationship Impact Abstract: The mainly three stages of Organizational behavior development which were principle of scientific management, The Hawthorne Studies and contingency model of leadership effectiveness. It implied organizational behavior have been development and been effectively used in organizational management. It helps manager more effective to manage the enterprise increases productivity.

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Interpersonal relationship which has the important influence to the business management is divided into two aspects: interpersonal relationship outside the enterprise and inside the enterprise. They separately have the important Influence to the business management from the different sides, simultaneously between each other mutually affects, affect mutually and Influence each other. Human behavior In organizational Is complex and often difficult to understand.

Organizations have been described as clockworks In which human behavior Is logical and rational, but they often seem like snake pits to those who work in them. The study of organizational behavior is a science which systematically researches the people’s behaviors in the organizations. Communication, teamwork, leadership and organizational culture and structure etc are the fields of the researches of organizational behavior. The theme of this essay is to discuss and analyze the relationship between the organizational culture, organizational structure, leadership and the organizational performance.

This article mainly is divided into three parts as following. In the first part– organizational culture, this article sums up the features of healthy cultures and analyzes Its Impacts to the organizational performance. In terms of the next part of organizational structure, this article mainly does a research on the four kinds of structure and gives an analysis of Its each advantages and disadvantages. The last part of leadership mainly Introduces leadership’s functions and the principles of effective leadership from the theories of Charles.

In recent years, many North America ethnologists divided organizational behavior development into three stages since the beginning of the 20th century. 1900-1927, Frederick Winslow Taylor, principle of scientific management. 1927-1965, George Elton Mayo started an experiment named “The Hawthorne Studies” to develop the Human Relations Theory. Also Theory X and Theory Y. 1965- Contingency model of leadership effectiveness. An important factor of Organizational Behavior can be development is to seek solution for the struggle of the labor relations.

Organizational behavior to develop an important reason Is to seek solutions for the struggle of the labor relations. Cost minimization, profit minimization Is the goal of the employers, and labor requirements to Improve working conditions and Increase the benefits. Employer pursuits the effectiveness and expect fair labor to meet the needs of life and tit those troubles. They should focus on how to improve production efficiency, thereby increasing output and profits, raise wages and improve work conditions.

A series of scientific management system and method considerably mobile the enthusiasm of the workers and improve production efficiency. Elton Maps Hawthorne Experiments, a Harvard Business School Professor examined productivity and work condition, were conducted from 1927 to 1932 at the Western Electric Hawthorne Work in Chicago. The studies grew out of preliminary experiments at the plant from 1924 to 1927 on the effect of light on productivity. Those experiments showed no clear connection between productivity and the amount of illumination but researchers began to wonder what kind of changes would influence output.

Elton Mayo discovered a general upward trend in production, completely independent of any of the changes he made. He findings did not mesh with the F. W. Taylor theory of the worker as motivated solely by self-interest. It did not make sense that productivity would continue to rise gradually when he cut out breaks and returned the women to longer working hours. This fundamental concept that Mayo discovered seem obvious today. Workplaces are social environments and within them, people are motivated by much more than economic self-interest.

Aspects of that industrial environment carried social value. The cooperation and loyalty explained why productivity rose even taken away the rest breaks. The portion of the Hawthorne Studies that dwelt on the positive effects of benign supervision and concern for the workers that make them feel like part of a team became known as Hawthorne Effect; the studies themselves spawned the human relations of management that is constantly being recycled in new forms today. The Hawthorne Effect has been described as the reward o reap when you pay attention to people.

The mere act of showing people that you are concerned about them usually spurs them to better Job performance. Giving a feeling of valuable to organization and spending time and money to help employee develop skills will motivates them to work harder and better. That is the Hawthorne Effect at work. The Fiddler Contingency Model was created in the mid-sass by Fred Fiddler, a scientist who helped advance the study of personality and characteristics of leaders. The model states that there is no one best style of leadership. Instead, a leader’s effectiveness is based on the situation.

This is the result of two factors – “leadership style” and “situational affordability”. Fiddler’s Contingency Model postulates that the effectiveness of leaders results from a relationship between leadership style and situational affordability. Leadership style is measured with Fiddler’s Least Preferred Coworker Scale, which assesses whether the person rating the coworker is task-oriented or oriented towards interpersonal relations. Situational affordability is a measure of the degree to which the situation of the work group affects the leader’s ability to influence group members.

Situational factors include elation’s between group leaders and members, structured of tasks, and the extent of the leader’s power. Fiddler’s research indicated that task-oriented leaders achieved best results in either very favorable or very unfavorable situations, while relations- oriented leaders were most successful in less extreme situations. Identifying leadership style is the first step in using the model. The scale asks you to think about the person who you’ve least enjoyed working with, either now or in the past. This can you determine the “situational variableness” of your particular situation.

This upends on three distinct factors: Leader-Member Relations – Task Structure – Leader’s Position Power – Then identify your situation, final determine the most effective leadership style. The Fiddler Contingency Model asks you to think about your natural leadership style, and the situations in which it will be most effective. The model says that leaders are either task-focused, or relationship-focused. Once you understand your style, it says that you can match it to situations in which that style is most effective. However, the model has some disadvantages.

It doesn’t allow for leadership flexibility, and the ALP core might give an inaccurate picture of your leadership style. As with all models and theories, use your best Judgment when applying the Fiddler Contingency Model to your own situation. Unless you are isolated, or living on an island populated only by yourself, you will interact with people every day of your life. Although it is possible to go it alone’, the extent of human achievement is of necessity limited when people do not work together. One person can have brilliant ideas but may lack the brainpower, imagination or objectivity to capitalize on those ideas.

Therefore, you are intentionally creating and developing relationships with the people you know and meet. This is why we need teamwork. This is also another reason why the organization needs to handle well the relationship among workers in the organization. Organizations are essentially about people working together and yet so often they fail to capitalize upon the full potential of this. A team can accomplish much more than the sum of its individual members and yet frequently groups of people are seen to achieve less than could have been accomplished by the individual members working alone.

Teamwork is individuals working together to accomplish ore than they could alone, but, more than that, it can be exciting, satisfying and enjoyable. You gain knowledge, experience and understanding on different levels about the people in your life, and that affects the way you deal with them. In other words, as a human being, you get pretty experienced in managing the relationships around you. In the work place, however, managing relationships takes on a new and different importance. The reason this is so is because relationships cannot be allowed to get static: to work well, they must continually develop and grow.

A good working relationship is a dynamic one. This is the way they avoid becoming stale and falling into predictable patterns, which is when mistakes are made. But also, managing relationships means that you become alert to and aware of changing needs, of difficulties that arise or of issues that need resolving. People are in well- managed relationships, they feel aligned, committed, on board and motivated. Their needs and wants are being considered; their quirks and individual ways of working are being accommodated; their contributions are being acknowledged.

People communicate with others well because it is through outstanding communication that the best relationships get developed. When we have been well managed the relationship grows. Because loyalty and trust are built, dealing with those people is something we look forward to and appreciate. How to maintain an excellent relationship? This is a good question. The goal that we all have in common is enjoy respect, and who like, love and respect us in turn. Fully 85% of your happiness will be determined by the quality of your relationships at each stage and in each area of your life.

How well you get along with people, and how much they like, love and respect you, has more impact on the quality of your life than perhaps any other factor. To build up a good relationship with others helps you a lot. First, friends can offer their help to you whenever you meet troubles. And if you have a good relationship with others, then you can ask for all kinds of help from them. Second, relationship is a symbol to make us human different from animals. We all need it. We can hardly live without love, friendship and so on. Generally speaking, people hate loneliness.

We also respect for those who do not like you. How to deal with our personal relationship? Every relationship experiences some conflict. Some experience more than others, some are playful, and some are hateful. Then there are those that are never ending pattern of conflict that seem impossible to break. These are 10 possible steps to consider bringing harmony back to your relationship if you do want to stop the cycle of conflict. 1 . You need to take some cool down time. If you have found yourself in a heated argument, the best thing you can do is walk away for a little while.

Blow off some steam with a walk or by talking things out with a clear headed friend. If you Just need some rest, take a nap or a meditation nap. Before going separate ways take a deep breath and agree to discuss the issue later. The whole goal of separating should be to come back together with ability to work things out. 2. You better know the mutual respect with others. No matter how divided you are in your position, Just always remember the humanity of the other person. Keep in mind that their weaknesses and frailties. Think about the respect you want and then give it unconditionally to the other person.

Be kind even if you are angry. If that makes you cry instead of screaming, you will probably find that yourself getting closer to the true root of the issue. When you get to the root, you can start solving things. 3. Start with yourself. You should ask yourself what part of the argument is your responsibility. How did you contribute to this argument? What can you do to resolve it? Do you need to apologize? Do you know how? 4. What is it all about? From your perspective, what is the argument really about? What would the other person say the argument is about?

What common goals do you both shares that could be used as a vehicle to reach a resolution? 5. Needs vs… Wants. You need to figure out what it is that you want, and then ask yourself, what do I really need? Go for what you need and be flexible on your wants. A need is something you cannot live without and a want is more of a preference. A resolution does not mean you get everything you want, but hopefully you get everything that you need. If you cannot get what you need then you may need to reevaluate the relationship. 6. Compassion and empathy. How is the other person feeling?

How would it feel to be in their shoes? Be honest is enough. What are their fears behind the anger? Focus on the good qualities in the other person and consider what their goals are. 7. Wisdom and strengths. What are the best qualities of this person? What wisdom do they possess? Everyone is smart about something. How can you tap into that wisdom to help you move forward out of conflict? What can you learn from your partner? 8. Better to be happy than to be right. Conflict can be hurtful and damaging to a relationship when allowed to run really want?

What is your goal? At the end of your life, how will you view this argument? What will you wish you did? How can you emerge from this conflict and return to a light and peaceful state? 9. Mutual caring. What good things do you want for your partner? How can you help that person get what they need while you get hat you need, either actively or by taking a step back? 10. Share good times together. We can get into a pattern of conflict with partners and friends when we are not finding time to share fun together.

So once the immediate conflict is resolved or at least semi-resolved, take some action that will have long-term benefits. Schedule in fun time together on a regular basis. A good place to start is once a week. Designate this time to be fun time together. No discussion of trigger topics. Communication is the best way to build up the personal relationship. The skill of communication is a rower weapon to build up the personal relationship. Interpersonal communication occurs between two or more people in an organization. It is central to health and well-being, both at home and on the Job.

Reading, listening, managing and interpreting information, and serving clients are among the interpersonal communication skills identified by the Department of Labor as necessary for success in the workplace. It is also the key to unlocking social support for preventive stress management and important to build and sustain human relationship at work. The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and unambiguously In fact, communication is only successful when both the sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication.

By successfully getting your message across, you convey your thoughts and ideas effectively. When not successful, the thoughts and ideas that you convey do not necessarily reflect your own, causing a communications breakdown and creating roadblocks that stand in the way of your goals – both personally and professionally. You must commit to breaking down the barriers that exist in each of these stages of the communication process to deliver your messages effectively, Also, culture preferences is a factor affect the understanding and misunderstanding the message by communication.

Once you understand this, you need to work to understand your audience’s culture, making sure you can converse and deliver your message to people of different backgrounds and cultures within your own organization, in this country and even abroad. A communication skill should keep up and continues to develop. If you’re good, get better; if you’re better, get brilliant. Listening, responding, dealing with conflict, negotiating skills, learning to say ‘no’ and ‘yes’ when appropriate, are all important elements in communication. And the more effective your communication, the better managed your relationships will be.

Sometimes there really is nothing you can do to alter a difficult situation or create a different response in another person. What you can do, however, is to feel a whole lot better in yourself for the trying. It really isn’t all that difficult to learn how to manage the relationships you have better. Mostly it’s about getting to feel more secure and confident in your own capabilities, combined with really hearing what people want and need and trying to give it to them. It’s about being clear and communicating in ways that people understand.

The key to getting the success you want is managing relationships well can be the most valuable skill you ever acquire. American communication that needs to be maintained among different people interpersonal communication, and anyone needs self-space or psychological safety space both in work and life. The minimum interval among interpersonal communication is less than 6 inches. The far distance ranges from 6 inches to 18 inches. This type of interpersonal communication distance that we call intimate distance. Personal distance has less physical contacts which range from 1. 2. 5 feet. It is able to shake hands with each other for friendly interpersonal communication. Social distance ranges from 4-7 feet which is usually kept in work environment or social gathering. Also it ranging from 7-12 feet reflects more formal exchange relationships. Public distance ranges from 12-25 feet. The space almost can accommodate anyone. Each appropriate type of distance determines the interpersonal relationship between each other. Appropriate type of interpersonal relationship is an important factor to promote internal and external interpersonal harmony.

Internal interpersonal allegations is the basis of enterprise which achieves the highly effective. Harmony internal interpersonal relationship guarantee the organization decision can be implementing. Harmony external interpersonal relationship is the good image of the organization. No matter the organization produces goods or offers service, it must be satisfied by clients, customers, cooperative partner. That is the only way that organization can be accomplishing its goal. In other words, organization must be built up a mutually intimate relationship with customers, clients, cooperative partner, and workers.