Personality Development

Published on: 6th Feb. 2010 Body language, which Is best defined as a non-verbal form of communication showed through facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body movements, says a lot about one’s personality. In essence, If you want to achieve an effective personality, you will also need to Improve your body language. There are many ways you can Improve your body language, but like most things, it needs practice and consistency so that it will become part of you, and not just something you can do for a certain period of mime.

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If you want to develop your personality in a positive way, you need to be aware of your own body language and make sure it adheres to what is generally perceived as positive body language. Basic Do’s for Body Language These are Just some of the different body language examples that you should follow. Maintaining eye contact Is a sign of respect and interest towards the other person. If someone Is talking and you make sure you are keeping your eyes focused on them then this will make them feel that you are In fact Interested In what they have to say. Another body language Is your facial expression.

If you are always frowning, this would Indicate that you have a negative aura, and this will push others away. Whereas If you are constantly seen smiling, you are going to attract other sunny and happy people to you. Posture is also very important. You need to sit properly, avoid slouching, and if you can, keep an open posture at all times, leaning towards the speaker whenever necessary, to show that you are interested. Don’t for Body Language Just as there are various body language movements and expressions you need to have, there are also those you need to do away with.

These kinds of body language re negative, and not at all helpful in projecting a pleasant or winning personality. ; Fidgeting. This would only indicate nervousness and will make the other person doubt your credibility or your ability. ; Standing too close. When you are too close to someone, physically, It will make the other person uncomfortable and will also trigger them to think you are Invading their personal space. ; Staring. Though It may not always be the case, staring is considered rude. While you maintain eye contact towards the other person, do not overdo it to the point of staring. Crossing your arms. This would indicate resistance on your part, so if someone is talking to you and you are crossing your arms, you will make the other person think that you really are not agreeing to what they have to say and you are making it known to them. Practice Makes Perfect As mentioned earlier, it is recommended that you keep practicing in order for these body languages to become natural for you. Now that you are already aware of the city and don’t, you can easily figure out which ones you need to get used to and which ones you need to get rid of.

And little by little, on a dally basis, you need to practice and maintain good body language. Constantly remind yourself of what gestures, movements, and expressions you should have until It will be Innate In you. Your personality can be molded into what you have always wanted. You can attain a on the way you verbally communicate, improve your confidence, and build a positive aura around you, you also need to be aware of your own body language. Look at yourself in the mirror while you talk and notice every form of body language you portray. Are these positive?

If there are those that you do not like, make an effort to eliminate them. Great speakers are not born, they are made. Before they became read speakers, they underwent a rather difficult process of honing their skills, talents, and yes, even their personality. You too can become one as long as you are committed and geared towards self-improvement. It is not an easy feat, but it is possible, nonetheless. Read Next: Importance of Time in Personality Development 1. What is Personality? 2. Components and Aspects of Our Personality 3. Different Personality Types 4.

Know Your Personality 5. How to Develop Positive Personality 6. How to Enhance Your Personality 7. How to Avoid Negative Thoughts 8. Why Personality Development is Important 9. Importance of Character in Personality Development 10. Importance of Behavior in Personality Development 11. Importance of Speech in Personality Development 12. Importance of Body Language in Personality Development Time in Personality Development 14. How to Control Your Mind 15. Conscious Mind Programming 16. Subconscious Mind Programming 17. Self Awareness 18. Personality Development Tips 19. 20.

What is Personality? 13. Importance of 21 . Author: Oxford’s Inc. Published on: 24th Jan 2010 | Last Updated on: 19th Novo 2010 22. Do you ever wonder why whenever we describe someone’s personality, we usually refer to the attitude and behavior? It is because our attitudes speak of our personality. But there is more to behavior and attitude that comprises a person’s character. Our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical well-being all build up our so-called personality. 23. We become observant of the people around us and those we interact with and study each one’s personality.

We usually describe another person’s personality as good or bad. When someone has a rude and unlikable behavior, we say that the person possesses an undesirable personality. On the other hand, someone with a good heart and an admirable demeanor has a DOD personality. 24. When we speak of personality, we pertain to the person’s an individual. It is, in fact, one of basic foundations of the study of psychology. There have been many definitions coined by psychologists about personality. Let us understand the general understanding of this concept and what involves it. 25. Personality Defined 26.

As earlier mentioned, personality is all about the most essential psychological aspects of a person’s life – our thoughts, feelings, motives, skills, and behaviors. The term is coined from the Latin word ‘persona’ meaning ‘mask. This means that people UT on a ‘mask that distinguishes them from the rest. We can choose to portray different persona which constitute to our personality but our inner selves have a greater representation of our true characters. 27. Every human being possesses a personality that defines our essence as individuals in every stage of development in our lives.

It is what makes up a person and it is what makes us unique from each other. In other words, no two individuals have the same personalities and so you are being characterized by other people as to who you are and what you are to them based on your personality. 28. Fundamental Characteristics of Personality 29. Our personalities may be collectively characterized into four fundamental characteristics. First is that every individual’s personality manifests consistency. This means that we demonstrate a pattern of regularity or uniformity to our behaviors as recognized and identified by other people.

In essence, we tend to act in similar ways and respond similarly to various situations. 30. Another characteristic of our personality is that it is psychological and physiological. A person’s character and identity is built up by the patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. However, some researches would mention that biological aspect also affects or influences personality. 31. Our personalities are also said to be characterized by impact behaviors and actions. It causes us to take action or respond to various situations and experiences in certain ways aside from affecting how we act and react in certain situations. 32.

The fourth characteristic of our personality is that it is demonstrated through multiple or various expressions. It is more than Just a person’s attitude or behavior but also identified through patterns of thoughts, emotions, relationships, and interaction with other people. 3. Essential Components or Layers of Personality 34. Out of curious research and study of our personalities, psychologists have found out different components or layers of the human character. The first component is the persona or the external layer in which people put on a personality that they want to show to others which may not truly define their true image.

We can be someone else’s personality if we want to and hide our true nature. 35. The second layer or component of personality is the self or ego. It is also otherwise known as the personal identity. This level is what we pertain to as our true personality. It is his level that controls our consciousness. We are aware of the experiences we encounter and the things we do and think of as our ‘self or ‘ego’ is tied to our memory. With this layer of our personality, we are able to take control of other mental processes and manifest or execute them. 36.

The third component of our personality is what experts call the realm of unconsciousness which is different from our ‘persona’ and the ‘personal identity or our consciousness. Any activity that is not Next: Components and Aspects of Our Personality 39. Components and Aspects of Our Personality 40. Author: Oxford’s Inc. Published on: 25th Jan 2010 41 . An important part of understanding our personality is learning its components and its essential aspects. Our personality comprises of different fundamental characteristics and constituents that make up the totality of an individual’s whole being.

We need to understand what these factors are in order for us to better appreciate our unique personalities. 42. The Three Components of Personality 43. Sigmund Freud is known for his study on the three basic components that greatly affect our personality. He created the three levels of awareness that are congruent to the three different parts of the mind: conscious mind, preconscious mind, and subconscious mind. According to him, our conscious mind includes our current or present mental processes contributing a major part in our current awareness. 44.

The next level of mental awareness is our preconscious mind which, according to Freud, comprises those that we are aware of, but we do not really give focus or pay attention. We can either decide to take notice of these things and purposefully let our conscious mind be aware of them. The third part of the human mind is the subconscious where some of our thoughts surpass the conscious level. 45. From these levels of awareness by Freud, he then developed the three monuments of our personality: the ‘d, ego, and super ego. These are the results of our thinking, feeling, and behaviors. 46.

The id functions primarily based on pleasure principle wherein our mind seeks to achieve pleasure and avoid any form of pain. Freud mentioned that the id consists of two major instincts and these are Eros and thanks. The former is otherwise known as the life instinct that urges us to seek for pleasurable activities while the latter is our death instinct that stimulates us to cause to destroy. 47. The ego is the next component of our personality which is the earth of our consciousness. It is characterized by either of the dominant functions which are introversion or extroversion along with the other functions.

It is based on the reality principle which states that our mind acknowledges what is real and currently existing. It also understands that there are corresponding consequences to our behaviors. 48. The super ego is the last component of our personality in which our values and morals are contained. Our super ego can also offset or compensate the id. 49. The Big Five Factors 50. Our various personality traits are generally categorized into what is referred to s the Big Five Factors: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neurotics, and openness to experience. 51 .

Extroversion pertains to being outgoing, sociable, full of energy, enthusiasm, and action-oriented. Introversion, on the other hand, refers to lack of liveliness and energy. 52. Agreeableness manifests our differences in terms of cooperation and social harmony. Agreeable people like getting along with each other well while disagreeable individuals are more concerned with self-interest and personal well-being. 53. Conscientiousness focuses on how we manage and control our impulses and desires. Conscientious people are intelligent, organized, reactive and may have gone through or are going through a particular strong negative feeling. 5. Openness to experience is a trait that characterizes people who are creative, imaginative, curious, and intellectuals. 56. Essential Characteristics of Personality 57. Our personality is characterized not Just by one aspect of our whole character such as our behaviors or attitude but also by our patterned thoughts and feelings. It is said that whatever behavior an individual has is consistent and becomes a regular pattern even in different types of situations. It is associated with an individual’s natural stimuli to a circumstance.

For example, when there is a deadline to meet, most of us cram during the completion process. 58. Another characteristic is that our personality is both psychological and physiological. We have known personality to be a major element in the study of psychology but experts also found that our biological aspect also affects the way we shape our personality. 59. Although we closely associate a person’s behavior and values with personality, the way we think and even physical appearance are also expressions of human personality. Our physical appearance is the initial impression of people when identifying our personality.

And then it can possibly change when the inner personality comes out through other aspects such as our attitude and communication skills. 60. 61 . How to Avoid Negative Thoughts 62. Author: Oxford’s Inc. Published on: 30th Jan 2010 63. Every individual’s personality is characterized by patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Our mind and behavior are closely connected to each other. We manifest into actions what we think. We react either positively or negatively according to what we think. A errors who tends to entertain more of the negative thoughts than the positive ones is someone who possesses a not-so-good personality. 4. It follows that if you think negatively most of the time, you also manifest undesirable behaviors and outlook in life. So, do not be surprised if people will not really take time to interact with you or if those around you would pitch in negative remarks about your personality. It is because people tend to enjoy the company of those who have positive thoughts and attitude. Here are some effective methods in avoiding pessimistic thoughts. 65. Positive Thinking 6. The power of positive thinking is so prevailing that it can eradicate depressing thoughts in your mind.

Also, you must know that once you start to entertain more optimistic thoughts, you will attract more of the positive vibes and situations. According to the law of attraction, whatever your thoughts give out to the universe, the universe will simply respond according to those thoughts. 67. Positive thinking is known to be a mental attitude that seeks for constructive and favorable outcomes. When we think of affirmative and encouraging thoughts, it becomes apparent in our words and actions. These are essential in our success and growth in life, career, experiences, and relationships. 68.

For example, you are in a final interview for the job position you have always aimed for. Instead of thinking of failing and the what if’s, you might as well prepare for your responses to the possible questions. Think of getting the Job rather than being nervous of the other applicants. Once you have this answering and presenting yourself. 69. In order to develop positive thinking, use affirmative words while thinking and talking. You can also watch feel-good movies such as comedy flicks. Try reading a few lines from an inspiring book or article everyday. Mingle with people who think positively most of the time.

Think of past experiences that relieve happy memories such as family vacation, bonding with friends, or bonding moments with your dog. 70. Affirmations 71 . As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the use of affirmative words can help improve positive thinking. These are positive words and statement that we can use in our communication with other people. They describe situations, events, goals in a positive manner. Affirmations need to be repeated either mentally or verbally with insincerity and eagerness until it is brought into the subconscious mind and automatically becomes a part of it.

Our subconscious adapts to these new ways of thinking so we tend to develop better habits and attitudes and even create new skills. 72. Some examples of affirmative words are “l am able to”, “l can”, and “It is possible”. Avoid the use of vague and negative expressions such as “no”. You may also create your own power dialogues and keep on repeating it everyday until your mind becomes accustomed to it. 73. Creative Visualization 74. Creative visualization is another effective method to avoid negative thoughts.

This is a process of painting a picture in your mind on the things that you wish to happen in your life or the things you wish to achieve. Because our mind is so powerful, it can create a vivid imagination of our thoughts. For example, every time you feel down, try to simply visualize a baby who looks so adorable. When you think of such thought, your mind clears away the problems and happy thoughts dominate the subconscious. 75. Do not hesitate to think big and dream big. Visualize yourself having an abundant wealth, living in your dream house, driving your dream car, and living a more satisfying life.

There is definitely no harm to think of big ambitions. 76. For instance, if you wish to travel to another country, you can start visualizing yourself in that place and let your imagination rule over your experience in that place. Sooner or later, this visualization will turn to reality with a positive belief and conviction that you will make it to that place. But do not fret if it does not manifest right there and then, since not all our thoughts instantly change into actuality. 77. Why Personality Development is Important 78. Author: Oxford’s Inc. Published on: 31st Jan 2010 79.

A person’s personality s defined by their characteristics, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. These aspects start developing during childhood, and are strengthened and molded as the person grows into adulthood. 80. A very important thing you need to remember is that your personality, regardless of what it is now, can develop and evolve. The significance of this understanding is that you can still do something about your personality today, which means that if you think your personality needs to be changed or improved, then you can make this happen. 81 . Why is personality development important?

The following points will help you understand why. 2. Your Personality Will Help You Build Strong Personal Relationships 83. Have you ever wondered why some people have lots of friends while others do not? Or why others can easily adapt to any social gathering while others cannot? The difference is largely due to the type of some are rather intimidating and difficult which causes others to avoid them. Try to observe parties and you will notice how those who are always smiling and going out of their way to talk others are the life of the party, while there are also those who prefer to stay in one corner, all by their lonesome selves. 4. In family life, how you deal with your spouse, your parents, or your children also has something to do with the kind of person you are. Although the love of a family is unconditional, there are certainly times when challenges arise, and how you deal with each one affects the relationship you will have with your family. 85. If you are too shy to speak when in a group, then this only means you lack self-esteem and confidence. If your relationship with your family is not too well, then it only means you lack communication and trust among each other. All these can be changed if you strive to improve and develop our personality. 6. Your Personality Will Dictate Success in Your Career 87. In the workplace, it is quite common to experience difficulties, from something as simple as beating traffic to stressful ones such as meeting project deadlines, as well as maintaining good relationships with your bosses and colleagues. Though majority of us have the mental capacity to handle the responsibilities bestowed on us, we lack a high level of emotional intelligence which is considered Just as important to get the job done. 88. As you might be well-aware of, emotional intelligence and personality o hand in hand.

This is why personality development holds a very vital role in a person’s ability to succeed in whatever career he chooses to take. If you are easily frustrated, without the capability to handle stress brought about by work-related events, then it will be easy for you to give up during difficult times. 89. Since personality also entails knowing how to relate with others, knowing how to communicate effectively, and even how to dress appropriately, it is instrumental in helping us climb the echelon of success. 90. Personality Development Helps You Improve 91 .

Dorothy Jongleurs and Muriel James, in their much talked about book “Born to Win,” talked about how each individual has been born to be a winner. However, in the course of development, from infancy to adulthood, negligence towards our own potentials took a toll on our progress, and as a result, we are no longer able to use our unique traits to their fullest. 92. The good news is that with personality development, we can do something about this. No matter how ordinary we think we are, we can polish our traits and behaviors and shine through. We can transform our personality into one that aims to succeed in any aspect of our lives. . These are just some of the reasons why personality development is very important. In a nutshell, developing one’s own personality addresses the problems we face both at home and at work, helping us become successful in every endeavor we engage ourselves in. 94. It is never too late to change. No matter how young or old you are, whatever level you may be in your career, you can still do something to achieve a better, more desirable personality. 95. 96. Importance of Character in Personality Development 97. Author: Oxford’s Inc. Published on: 1st Feb. 2010 98.

There is an ongoing infusion between behavior and character, so defining each one should help clear can be learned through training, and is something that may be governed by one’s emotions. Character, on the other hand, is innate within a person. It is governed by the mind and is seemingly unchanging despite the circumstances a person is placed in. 99. A person with good behavior is popular among his peers; he does not do anything that is unbecoming of him and is generally liked by everyone. A person who has character is someone who is able to accomplish something; be it a successful business, stable finances, or a great family.

Behavior is short-lived, while character is long-lived. And when a person’s positive behavior becomes well-accepted in the mind, it becomes part of his character. 100. Character and Personality 101 . Now that the confusion between behavior and character has been resolved, we are going to talk about character and personality. As mentioned, character comes from the mind and as such, it is objective. This includes trust, honesty, leadership, responsibility, courage, and loyalty. Personality, on the other hand, comes from the heart, and is perceived to be subjective.

Examples of these are extroverts, introverts, hinders, feelers, and Judger. Now, why is it that character is important in personality development? 102. Character does not include personality however personality includes character. If you want to develop a winning personality, you must have the character to back it up. 103. Teaching Character 104. In spite of what many people say, character can be taught. You can do this in the classroom, at home, or even to yourself. There are many self-help books and resources available, many of them focusing on leadership and courage, but of course there are many others to choose from.

Essentially, what you need to remember when o are teaching character whether to others or to yourself is that these need to be based on real-life experiences so that the teachings will be easier to accept. 105. You could start with something as basic and simple as how you handled traffic on your way to work, or how you spent your coffee break in the office. Focus on the positive aspects. Did you show patience even while you got stuck in traffic? Were you honest and made sure you spent only fifteen minutes on your coffee break this morning?

If the answer is “No” to any of these questions, then you need to find out why and what can you do better next time. 106. Molding a Great Personality through Your Character 107. As mentioned, personality may stem from your character, though not exactly limited to it. And because character can be classified as right or wrong, you can have either a positive or negative personality. For example, a smuggler can have character because he organizes his group and shows leadership in this aspect, but his actions are still wrong, so it is always important for you to know which side you are in. 108.

That being said, once you have predetermined the character you want to have, you need to teach yourself this slowly yet consistently until it has become part of who you re. If you want to have leadership, then live each day showing what a great leader you can be. You can volunteer in various organizations in your company or school, or you can step up and form one yourself. At home, you can initiate activities that your family can take part in and enjoy. There are so many things you can do to practice and show leadership, and it all starts with making that big decision to give it a shot. 09. Character on its own can be limiting because it is bound by opinions and needs people of similar character understand. However, when man’s character becomes art of his personality, it can be used to accomplish something greater because personality is dynamic, persevering, and limitless. If you can build character and let it mature into your personality, then you can do anything your mind and heart desires. 110. Read Next: Importance of Behavior in Personality Development 111. Importance of Speech in Personality Development 112. Author: Oxford’s Inc.

Published on: 5th Feb. 2010 113. In every aspect of our life, a good personality holds a very important value. Whether you are a budding professional, an established career person, or perhaps a home-maker, it is something hat will help you develop and maintain solid relationships with others. 114. One of the key facets of personality development is speech. This is the ability of a person to effectively communicate verbally. Some people are gifted with verbal communication skills, while others are simply to shy and unsure of their abilities to even want to try.

Speech is important in so many ways; be it at home, at school, or at the workplace, you need to be able to articulate well the thoughts and ideas you have. 115. In personality development, the importance of speech is summed up into two: perception, and expression. By reading further, you can acquire a better understanding of what we are talking about. 116. Gaining Positive Perception from Others 117. Human as we are, we often Judge others by what we see. We easily have our own perception on what is going on around us.

In the same way, our perception of others can be influenced by the way they speak and the message they are trying to relay. This is one of the reasons why speech is very important in personality development. 118. You see, if we are careful with our speech, whether formal or informal, we can gain a positive perception from our peers, colleagues, and our superiors. If we are fond of using negative words, for example, people will tend to think that we have a bad personality. On the other hand, if we talk with grace, finesse, and confidence, then it is common for others to perceive us as someone with a pleasing personality. 19. Putting Into Words Our Thoughts and Ideas through Oral Expression 120. It is, without doubt, very difficult to improve our personality if we cannot even verbalize what it is we want to say. If we hesitate to speak on fear of being misjudged by others, if we are too shy and scared to open our mouth in a gathering, it will really be difficult for us to develop our personality. 21 . Part of our development is derived from what we learn from others, but if we have poor oral communication skills and refuse to do something about it, then we are blocking the doors for growth.

Being able to express ourselves through speech is essential to build relationships with people, but if we keep on holding back and decline any opportunity to improve, then nothing good will ever come out of it. 122. Tips to Improve Your Speech Communication Skills 123. There is always a way around a problem, and if speech is something you are finding hard to deal with, you should not worry as there is a way to solve this. Here are some tips you will find useful in your goal to communicate effectively by means of speech.

By following these, you are already doing your part to not only speak better, but to improve your personality as well. 124. First of all, you should be confident yourself. Secondly, use polite speech and body language. Now this is something other people miss out on; the words you use and the actions you make will show the type of person you are so this is something you should be careful of. Thirdly, modulate your voice and do not speak too fast or too slow. Voice quality, along with odd language and content, always plays a very crucial role on how people will perceive you when you speak. 125.

Personality development is a broad field, and in order for you to have a pleasing personality, it is important to address all aspects related to it. Speech is one of the many areas that should be given sufficient attention, because without it, people’s perception of you and your ability to express yourself would be deeply affected. By following the tips mentioned above, you could master the art of speaking, and at 126. 127. Different Personality Types 128. Author: Oxford’s Inc. Published on: 26th Jan 2010 129. Every human being is indeed unique and has different sets of individual traits and characteristics.

Even twins are not completely the same with each other based on studies. We all possess different types of personalities yet we manage to understand each other and interact regardless of these differences. However, not all of us are aware of our individual personality types. 130. In this article, we will learn the different personality types of human beings according to research and careful observation or study of psychological experts. As you go along, learn to discover what type suits you the most ND how you can relate to people with the kind of personality you possess.