Present work

Similar types of questions are assessed for sections 2 and 3 regarding the skills and knowledge for present work and future work. There are three different approaches used at this appraisal the first part is a self-assessment the second part is providing evidence for this and the third part is the appraiser’s comments. This helps identify that Shipley College use the textbook type of staff appraisal scheme based on self-evaluation, line manager evaluation and performance reviews.

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The appraisal scheme is set up in such a way that first the appraisal takes place then actions that are going to be taken upon by the staff and the College are identified and agreed upon in a review document and action plan. This can be found in appendix part (E) on page 5. The last bit of this document identifies any area of development needs to be considered for the personal development plan. Then throughout the year the steps taken toward development and meeting the set of actions intended on are documented and signed by staff and the appraiser.

The appraisal also monitors the performance of the tutors within the classroom; these are called “classroom observations”. This document may be viewed in the appendix part (E) page 6 and page 8. These appraisals are usually done by observation where another tutor, usually the head of department/sector sits in and watches the tutor teach the class and observes how he/she handles the class and any situations that may arise. After completion of all the appraisals (self-assessment, observation, etc. ) are completed they are documented throughout the year.

All the tutors have individual portfolios where all these situations are document and have relevant evidences as well such as performance appraisals linked with training and development actions taken after the performance appraisals and a list of all the events and training and development activities attended. Development needs are identified from the appraisal documentation and then staff development and training is programmed to meet those needs. This completes the training cycle that meets the standards.

E5 – Correct identification of any possible areas of conflict between the human resources functions In Shipley College there were a few conflicts between the human resource functions. There were two main problems that staff helped identify. One problem was that the College is in need of tutors with IT skills because there is high demand for IT skills. The second problems is that tutors are very enthusiastic about continuous professional development and receiving training, however they wish to develop in their own profession not in IT skills.

This is a dilemma because Shipley College does not have many IT tutors. There was one case in which, an already existing 2 year course in its second year lost their IT tutor because a new IT course was initiated and this tutor was the only person with the qualifications at Shipley College to do the job. So Shipley College increased this tutors salary and changed his job. This is a major conflict between the training, recruitment and managing function at Shipley College.

Shipley College employ a large amount of part time tutors in comparison to full time. This crates insecurity and also causes higher than necessary labour turnover. This can result in skills shortages as the problem indicated above. Tutors also request secondment in order to update their skills this is rarely granted, as the cost would be too great, as replacement tutors would need to be found. Training and development for part time tutors is a waste of money because these tutors can be lost to full time employment elsewhere.

Performance Management E6 – Knowledge of the purpose of performance management and ability to describe how the business’s approach may be influenced by motivational theory: C3 Identification and analysis of the relationship between the business’s training and development programme and its management of performance and explain how these two functions may be influenced by different motivational theories. The purpose of businesses using performance management is to compete with competitors.

Training and development increases competitiveness but must be linked to performance management in order to monitor the effectiveness and increase performance. In order to have efficient performance management businesses must be aware of any relevant legislation regarding the business environment. Management and development is also linked with motivational theories. For example if tutors stay at one level and never get the chance to develop and widen their skill they will feel as if their jobs are repetitive and will not fully try using the entirety of their capability to perform their job.

They will simply go through day-to-day reading out of their “teaching manual”. Like Maslow’s hierarchy, tutors should be given the chance to develop their skill and this will not only motivate the tutors but also increase the performance of Shipley College. Businesses have always relied on the performance of human resources “in the twenty-first century this is more true than ever before because the economy is built on intelligence and complex information and communications technology. Systems” (Heinemann Advanced Business by Needham, Dave and Dransfield, Rob page 440)

The development of these advancements in technology has caused the need for businesses to have employees working efficiently in a self-motivated manner in order to compete in this hi tech world. This need has caused businesses to develop systems to manage performance: In order to have something to monitor performance against businesses need to start off with creating a mission statement and a value statement. The mission statement states the relevant objectives of the business and where it aims to be and how it aims to develop.

The values statement sets the standard and quality that the organisation aims perform at. Linking this down to individual employee objectives the performance management system may start. The system should also include performance related, training and counselling. To complete the cycle of performance management system the organisation must have several reviews throughout the year. Businesses have developed several key aspects of Performance Management they are performance appraisal, self-evaluation, peer evaluation and target setting for individuals and groups.

Which motivational theory seems closest to match with Shipley College’s performance management? Due to the natural high intellect of the tutors Adams Equity theory certainly affects motivation at Shipley College. Highly educated individuals such as the tutors at Shipley College are not always concerned with money as the only motivator, but look for alternative methods to gain satisfaction from their jobs. This is especially true for being treated equally in comparison with other tutors who are at the same level. Adams Equity deals with how people perceive how they are treated in comparison to others.

This theory has 2 types of equality, distributing and procedural equity. Distributing equity deals with fairness and how people feel about their rewards compared to others. Procedural equity deals with the perception of employees in relation to procedures such as recruitment and selection and development. Shipley College follows distributive equity because if they did not surely the staff would be de-motivated, as they are self-sufficient individuals who have a strong foundation (education) in believing in things such as fairness.

And again because of the high intellect of tutors if Shipley College did not follow procedural equity in all matters such as recruitment and selection or training and development and differentiated between individuals based on relation or favours then staff would also be de-motivated. This can be proven by the fact that Shipley College have a staff handbook, and details of policies, procedures that meet “equal opportunities” in the areas of training and development and recruitment, selection and promotion.

Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory is also demonstrated at Shipley College. The two-factor theory states that at work there are to types of motivators: satisfiers and dissatisfiers. Herzberg’s stated that having dissatisfiers will keep absenteeism down and negative attitudes but will not motivate staff to work harder. In order to motivate employees the satisfiers must be met. Shipley College recognized this theory and demonstrates it by keeping resources at Shipley College plentiful, staff parking, coffee, etc, these are the dissatisfiers.

The whole of policies are probably created in light of this theory, this is because Herzberg’s two factor theory states the following things as “dissatisfiers”; “Impossibility of growth and development, unfair treatment of employees, feeling s of inadequacy, unfair management and supervisory practices, unfriendly relations with the hierarchy, autocratic or arbitrary company policy and administration, low pay, poor working conditions, antagonistic relations between different levels of employees.

” In contrast tutors will stay motivated if Shipley College recognizes that tutors jobs are difficult and constantly remind tutors of this, and occasionally give tutors a “pat on the back” or a good job note. Other methods to keep tutors motivated is to reward hard work such as working extra hours, covering lectures etc. with rewards such as giving tutors bonus pay, and the possibility of obtaining special promotions. (Heinemann Advanced Business by Needham, Dave and Dransfield, Rob PG 455) The performance management system at Shipley College is linked with its training and development.

One example of this may be Shipley College’s objective to aid tutors in completing their key skills exams and portfolio work. In order to maximise the productivity and to increase the teaching ability of the tutors they must complete more qualifications. This is performance management linking with training and development. The tutors are aided in completing their key skills portfolio work and exams and this increases their transferable skills and increases the competitiveness of Shipley College.

These two functions training and development and performance management are linked to motivation theory because the basics of these function starts with getting the employee to be motivated in order to improve performance. The only way tutors will happily and effectively teach at Shipley College is if performance management fulfils all the basic job satisfaction needs of the tutors at College. For example tutors should expect things such as, access to copying machines, and computer resources. These are satisfiers and not having them will dissatisfy the teachers.

These are all management level things for tutors to be provided with these. Training and development is especially linked to motivating staff because offering workers a chance to develop is one of the basic motivational theories that is present in many different theories such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Macgregor’s x and y theory, the Herzberg’s two factor theory and so on. Macgregor’s X and Y theory is a good demonstration of the types of tutors at Shipley College. The theory states that there are two types of employees. The X employee is only motivated by money and slacks off if not constantly monitored.

On the other hand the Y employee will work hard and be more motivated with the more responsibility that they are given and wants to continuously develop through out their career. This is demonstrated at Shipley College because X tutors are key skills tutors who are not concerned with developing their careers further but are only motivated by the chance to make more money. Key subject lecturers are Y types of employees because they constantly take responsibility for their students in their own hands and are motivated to put in the extra effort to help students and perform better when left alone.

This demonstrates why Shipley College try and employ Y type tutors and give them some key skills training to try and avoid recruit X type tutors who will only want to teach key skills. Another reason that performance management is linked to motivational theory is Lawler: linking rewards to performance. These are all motivational theories that form the foundation of training and development and performance management. This is because in order for business to effectively manage performance and train and develop their staff they will use some sort of motivating techniques to get their employees perform their job better.

A1 Analysis of how relevant labour market trends relate to the ongoing human resources planning of the business The training and development methods described in E4+E7 were all part of initiatives that the government took and is taking to improve the supply of skills in the workforce. The department for Education and Employment’s Business plan for 1998 to 1999 was to: “Objective 1. Ensuring all young people reach 16 with the skills, attributes and personal qualities that will give them a secure foundation for lifelong learning, work and citizenship in a rapidly changing world. Objective 2.

Developing in everyone a commitment to lifelong learning so as to enhance their lives, improve their employability in a changing labour market and to crate the skills our economy and employers need. Objective 3. To help people without a job into work” (Heinemann Advanced Business by Needham, Dave and Dransfield, Rob PG 437) There were numerous other initiatives launched such as the Lifelong learning Partnerships and Individual Learning Accounts in order to supply skills needed for the economy. Over all the need for training and development is linked 3 ways individual objectives, company objectives and government objectives.

These relevant market trends and government objectives relate to the ongoing human resource planning of Shipley College. Future objectives and labour market trends will also dictate the type of training and development that will be carried out in Shipley College’s CPD programme. This is because the changed in the market reflects the type of qualifications that Shipley College will supply. A2 A critical understanding of the contribution that effective human resources management can make to improving the competitiveness of the business and illustrate you points effectively

The competitiveness of a business depends on training and development. The demand for “knowledgeable” workers has increased over time with the development of information technology; this has caused the economy to be “knowledge” based. For example the conflict between human resource functions at Shipley College illustrates how dear tutors are with IT skills and teaching qualifications. The more knowledgeable a company’s workers are the more value they add to the company’s products.

This is true for Shipley College because the more IT tutors they have the more courses they can run and the more students they can attract from the locality. This will also enable them to meet the learning school council goals to improve skills of locality in certain areas. Therefore in order for companies to gain the competitive edge against competitors they need to train and develop their employees. The majority of jobs in Britain now lie in the service sector, this has caused an increase in demand for knowledgeable individuals from various sources, e. g.

pinching trained workers from other companies, or alternatively companies are seeking in house training and development programmes. This is exactly what happened to the second year class at Shipley College when their IT tutor was take from them in order to initiate a new IT course. Companies must find a way to take on trained workers because companies now rely on the “intellectual” capital of rather than physical labour because majority of economy is in the service sector. There are also added benefits that companies receive when training their own employees.

Along with increasing competitiveness the business will improve efficiency arriving from more skilled working having less wastage and improved performance leading to higher standards of quality and production. Training your own employees costs less for businesses in the long run because of various factors such as trained workers usually cost more and they tend to leave sooner where as training in house usually causes employees to stay with the company longer and motivates them and gives them higher morale. Overall the efficiency and quality of the work force increase whilst reducing costs.

The qualifications that the tutor’s gain from continuous training and development improve the competitiveness of Shipley College because students/parents and especially the government will invest in any learning institution based on the results the students receive and how well the students give feedback on that particular place. This makes it necessary to train tutors more and more to increase their performance, this will inevitably give tutors more skills to teach their students producing higher results and more student satisfaction with their courses leading to competitiveness in the teaching business.

Not only will students see the results that a particular school or College attains but parents and the government will recognize this and parents will send their children and the government will recognize the benefit of granting more money to this learning centre has on the society which ultimately benefits the government and the whole of the country as more new comers contribute to the growing economy.

In order for Shipley College to have a smooth running environment they must coincide with all these factors, and they certainly do; they have an excellent performance appraisal systems that continuously links with training and development throughout the year documenting all skills needed, objectives attempted, skills gained and objectives for the College met as well.

In order for Shipley College to have a smooth running environment they must coincide with all these factors, and they certainly do; they have an excellent performance appraisal systems that continuously links with training and development throughout the year documenting all skills needed, objectives attempted, skills gained and objectives for the College met as well.