Required numbers of employees

It is appropriate to begin by defining the subject area. HRM describes the range of strategies and processes utilized to attain the competitive advantage by corresponding the needs of the organization with the needs of the employees. One approach to defining the subject is to evaluate the range of specific responsibilities. Human Resource Planning is a part of HRM. Manpower planning or HR planning are synonymous. HR planning is more broad-based. Hereinafter, it’s known as Human Resource Planning or HRP in short.

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Human resource planning is the procedure of anticipating and carrying out the faction of people into, within, and out of the business. Human resources planning is done to accomplish the best possible use of human resources and to encompass the correct number and types of recruits needed to meet organizational goals. Human resource planning is the process of analytically reviewing human resource requirements to make certain that the required numbers of employees with the required skills are on hand when and where they are looked-for. The business factors that underpin human resource planning in an organization:

The factors: The factors have been deliberately simplified a very complex area into a number of key factors: 1. Gets the fundamentals right 2. Supports people management 3. Achieves desired outcome for the business 4. Has a compelling employee proposition 5. Aligns and integrates with the business 6. Proactively leads the people schedule 7. Creates value, innovates and demonstrates impact. Each factor has been discussed in below: Laying the foundations: getting the basics right At the establishment, an organization seats the need to be proficient and cost effective in service delivery and support to the line.

Getting the basics right, both in administration and in core routine processes, is vital to gaining the trust of the organization in HR and to people considering it as an effective function. The foundations present the indicators of the two factors that make up the foundations. ‘Supports people management’ at its basic is also the ancestor to HR being able to facilitate people management. Leave management is an important function. HR has opened a leave management database to obtain current leave status of all the employees of an organization. It provides employees about their leave status when it is necessary.

HR Management also deals with some personnel functions like show cause, termination, Dismissal, discharge, and resignation. It also issues circular as ; when required, conduct department inquiry, and all other functions related to HR. Developing a human resources plan for an organization: An organization’s performance and resulting productivity are directly proportional to the quantity and quality of its human resources. While employee performance must be evaluated in economic terms of efficiency and effectiveness, it can be best achieved through recognizing and enhancing the human dignity of each employee.

The quality of the human resources can be effectively increased through education, training, and personal development. Human Resources Development functions aim to increase the quality of the human resources especially through training. ased on above discussion we may conclude that objective of HR planning is to guarantee availability of the HR needs of the organisation at specified times in the future. Or, Right people in right place at right time. It is a systematic HR process to help the organisation meet its business objectives. Human Resource Management policies in an organization:

The Human Resources Policy Manual is simply the University’s Human Resources policies written into a usable guidebook for its managerial and supervisory staff, and all employees. Research and experience has shown that written policies promote consistency, continuity, and understanding within an organization. When policies are put into writing in the form of a manual, they add a visual effect to their overall purpose. Moreover, written policies help management by eliminating the need for time-consuming and expensive memos, bulletins, and announcements.

Written policies also aid supervisors and managers in consistently achieving fair and equitable interpretations of policy that require action on a regular, recurring basis. Moreover, fellow employees feel a deeper understanding of their role in the organization when they realize that policies are written and thereby uniformly administered. Specifically speaking, this Policy Manual is designed to provide management with the following advantages: Understanding – Written policy is one of the best antidotes in the Human Resources medicine chest for the troubles an organizational grapevine can cause.

Even though everything is subject to interpretation, the odds overwhelmingly favor the written word compared with the oral. Line of Authority – Top management cannot make all the decisions that need to be made within the University community. Often times they feel the need to because they are afraid to release that authority to subordinates. Naturally, it follows that if top management felt that subordinates could make decisions like top management would, the reluctance would be relieved. The Policy Manual achieves this desired relationship.

It thus results in a solid delineation of authority. Consistency –Consistent application of policies is constructive because it means employees will be treated equally. It prevents, to a great extent, the seepage of prejudice and bias in the decisions of supervision. The achievement of this one virtue takes a colossal step toward the maintenance of satisfactory employer-employee harmony. The need for a Policy Manual is essential. In short, no organization is invulnerable to the fallacies of human nature. These written policies should increase understanding of University-wide policy.