Sequence and Rate of Development

The next stage of development will be around 1 year of age when they will try to stand while holding things, try to walk whilst holding parents hands and finally they are able to walk independently. What Is meant by the rate of development? Rate of development is the speed at which the various stages of child development happens. Some children may reach the various stages of development earlier or later than others because each chills progress Is Individual to them.

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With some hillier their growth patterns can be very different from their peers and this can lead to effects on their behavior. An example of this Is that some babies will start teething at around 6 months where as others won’t start until 9 months, or a child can begin to make sentences at around 1 year of age where as another child may only be able to speak a few broken words. Why Is the difference between rate and sequence so Important?

The difference between rate and sequence is important because the sequence of placement means that you must finish one area of development before you can move on to the next one and the rate of development Is the pace that a child develops. These principles run through all the areas of development from physical, social, Intellectual and language regardless of the chills age and If one Is skipped or Is slow then you must recognize the differences so that you can identify where children need help or may be at risk of having special educational needs.

It is therefore important to remember that often development Is divided Into efferent areas but they are interconnected and link with one another. For example, developing physically and refining these physical skills will have an effect on the. Therefore it is important when planning or thinking about activities with children and young people to consider not only in terms of the specific areas the activity will cover but also in terms of the broader picture, as many activities will stimulate the children’s interest and encourage them to develop skills in different areas.