Sigmund Freud Psychosexual Personality Development

Life and History Sigmund Freud was born in Beriberi Austria on the 6th May 1856. He was a Scholar, Psychologist and Neurologist he developed techniques and theories of psychoanalysis. He coined influential concepts such as (a) Child Sexuality, (b) Lobed, and (c) Ego. He also attained a Medical Degree in 1881 and got married in 1882 and went on to have six children which included the famous Ann O his daughter which he used as one of his subject to develop his theory that human behavior when activated produce psychic energy.

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Freud was Inspired by Brewer and together they published their findings In the Studies of Hysteria In 1895. HIS colleges found that two much emphasis was placed on sexuality in his research but nevertheless he published all of his findings and this brought about revolutionary reactions where his theories were the basis of psychologist research to disprove or enhance his theories. His research was the catalyst from where psychology was reborn. Freud was also known for his psychoanalytical theories in understanding why people do what they do, say what they say and act how they act.

The hidden unconscious symbolic meaning he tried to prove was the cause of action, reaction and the spoken word. One of Freud accomplishment was revolutionize psychotherapy with his methods of analyzing patient’s dreams and memories tracing present behavior to childhood experiences including children sexual fantasy. Freud was a persuasive speaker and writer with enormous influence so this weak theory still got massive attention and acknowledgement. Fraud’s Repression Hypothesis stood as the best experimental demonstration of Repression for many years and It has been tested again In 2003 and the theory stands as is.

Freudian Slips Life and History are words that would come out unconsciously while conversing with others It would usually be In reference to something happening In their lives presently but sometimes has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Freud suggested that children go through a lot of emotional stresses which they repressed he was unable to persuasively prove this theory. He also believed that natural impulses are detrimental to society. Freud was by far the most famous psychologist his face Fraud’s work in the Laboratory consisted mostly of observation of careful coin. Anatomical observation rather than experimentation. Making detailed observations of individual patients attempting to draw assumptions about the human psyche. There are four enduring contribution of Fraud’s Ideas: (1) We do not always know why we are doing something. (2) Conflicting Motives influences much of our behavior. (3) Our present relationships resembles past relations with our parents (4) People develop through stages of psychosocial Interaction and relationships with the social world. FIFO Out of Fraud’s fourth enduring contribution comes the theory that I would be dealing with.

Fraud’s theory spans from infancy to adolescence. Sexuality is his driving force. Each stage refers too period of life during which a particular body zone is of heightened sexual importance. These body zones are called Erogenous areas. There are some terms that must be understood firstly the ID and the Libido. The ID exist in the unconscious part of the mind and its operations are completely unconscious. The id contains the Libido which is the primary source of instinctual motivation for all psychic forces. This force is insistent and unresponsive to the demands of reality.

It obeys one rule only to obtain immediate gratification and is called the pleasure principle, (Pleasure is not postpone) hence fixation. These three theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction our mental life is scribed. According to this model of the psyche, the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends; the super-ego plays the critical and normalizing role; and the ego is the organized, realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego. Oral Stage – birth – lyre The mouth is the site of sexual and aggressive gratification it is an infant source of interactions.

The mouth is vital for eating and the infant derives pleasure from oral stimulation. Tasting and Sucking reflex together with the trust developed fro who is feeding the infant enables comfort through this oral stimulation. The primary inflict at this stage is the weaning process of the child who ought to become less dependent on the caretaker. Freud believes that if this process is not handled properly the child would have issues with dependency or aggression. Oral fixation can result in problems with drinking, eating, smoking or nail biting.

Five Stages of Psychosocial Personality Development Anal Stage 1-3 yr The Anal cavity and sphincter muscles of the bowel are now the main source of pleasure. In the earlier expulsion sub-stage the child undergoes potty training and so he/she has the first encounter with external restriction and its wish to defecate here and when it pleases. Parental love is no longer unconditional but now depends on what the child does in the later retention sub-stage. Parents come to be seen for the first time as authority fugues. The content of his bowel is freely expressed indicating compliance with his environment and by withholding his disobedience.

Phallic Stage 3-5/6 yr Sensitivity is not concentrated in the genital and masturbation (in both sexes) becomes a new source of pleasure. The child becomes aware of anatomical sex differences which marks the beginning the start of the Oedipus complex (Greek tragedy Oedipus Rise in which Oedipus kills his father and marry his mother). Both boys and girls experience conflicting emotions in relation to their same and opposite sex parents and how successfully these conflicts are resolved is crucial for future personality development.

It’s through the resolution of the Oedipus complex that a child Super Ego and sex roles are acquired. Girls supposedly experience fewer conflicts than boys during the love from the mother to the father is Penis New a girl discovers that she and her mother lack this organ so she becomes attached to her father. Freud believe, that Penis New eventually becomes transform in women to the need to bear child. A Five Stages of Psychosocial Personality Development girl fixated during the Phallic Stage develops strong feelings of being inferior to men which are expressed in seductive or otherwise flirtation behavior.

Latency Stage 5/6 – Puberty There is very little to say in this stage. The child’s sexual instinctual drive is mostly submerged or repressed and the child now channel this energy into developing new skills and acquiring new knowledge in relative terms the balance between the ID, Ego and superego is greater than at any other time in the child’s life. Genital Stage Puberty – Maturity Latency represents the calm before the storm. Harmony within the child’s personality is disrupted during this unset of Puberty, the child now an adolescent begins to form adult sexual attachment to mates of the opposite sex.

Because this sexual instinctive drive now finds its Out let in the heterosexual genital contact and it called the Genital Stage the ID is powerful and demanding. Freud had four major Criticisms: (1) Environmental consideration is lacking in his theories (2) He stops at adolescence (3) Interpret actions but cannot explain (4) Morally inferior he thought of women Personal Analysis Freud to me presented himself as a man that was willing to take risk, push the envelope a little more.

He was educated and respected and because he moved within a certain strata his views and opinions would always be considered as real possibilities. Dealing with the Psychosocial theories using my experience as a mother, instructor of Life Skills and Self Awareness and being a Counselor with Servos my span of observation, interaction and fact finding is generally a broad one. So in relation to all that Freud put out in his theories I do agree with the stages, except one, (latency) the gratification immediately, the fixation and the difficulty in moving on.

I have seen a lot of individuals fixated on a stage and yet development of the other stages progressed immensely and they are well rounded, confident, intelligent out going except for when they have regressed into that particular stage, but what I am now realizing it is our interpretation of what we see or observe and perhaps not what the facts really are. I make this pronouncement as it relates to the Oral stage where the mouth continues to be the focus by ‘sucking finger’ yet these adolescents progressed in the other stages but find comfort safety and relaxation in this process.

For me analyzing this theory I think that in Latency all that is stated is true but a great part of this channeling energies is placed in observation. I think the child observes too great measure what is taking place in its life. Making comparisons, intensifying short comings, adopting a set of ideals and making plans for the rest of their life even if it is not well taught out is what is taking place internally(financial status, type of family they have and the type they want, what they o be, if they want to travel and to what country) .

In this period is Latency because no development stage is seen but a lot is going on inside is like quiet riot but one part at a time Hence the radical explosion of the Genital Stage. References “Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior” Richard Gross give depth insight on all aspects of psychology. “Beyond Pleasure Principle” by Sigmund Freud is an essay marking the turning point in his theoretical approach. Previously he attributed most human behavior to