Social development

Down through the years psychologists and Individuals Involved In education have developed and investigated different theories about how children learn. To understand how children receive and use information is of great value to parents, teachers and indeed society in general as the children of today are tomorrows adults and our society will not develop if our children cannot learn effectively. In this essay I will discuss the theories of Level Viscosity as I believe his work has become the inundation for a lot of our modern day theories and concepts In regard to a child’s cognitive development..

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Bigotry’s theory of Social Development as It Is also known was the building block for the concepts and strategies now used in our pre-schools and schools today. Unlike Pigged who believed that development proceeds learning, Viscosity believed that to develop, a child must learn first. He rightly believed that the most effective learning comes from a child’s social Interaction in society and the ultra they are reared In. Social factors and culture contribute to a child’s cognitive development.

Viscosity believed that society gave a child various cultural tools which enabled learning, language being one of the most important. Language is the primary form of interaction and through language a child can communicate thoughts, emotions, opinions and ideas and develop friendships. A child’s level of language skills can and most likely will affect all other aspects of their development both personally and academically.