Therefore the mother was called the “first teacher” and the house the “first school”. The education was Imparted through grandmother’s caring actions, stories, lullabies and traditional infant games. The child instead of merely learning or’s, learnt the ways of the society and imbibed the cultural values through direct contact with the society. The modern world has resulted modern problems which need modern solutions. Now there are practical difficulties in putting the child in contact with the society. Hence a new setup called “school” Is needed to establish the contact twine the child and the society.
Shall Reach www. Avidly]all. In Society is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subjected to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Whereas culture is defined as the knowledge, language, values, customs and material objects that are passed from person to person from one generation to another generation. In order to function in a harmonious way, the society needs some rules and regulations and the members of the society should have certain amount of tolerance. To live in the society it is important to know how other members of the society think and behave.
But the human being is not born with this knowledge and hence he relies on the culture which teaches him how to behave, how to dress, what to eat, which gods to worship or how to make or spend money. He learns culture through social participation, interaction, observation and imitation. The current study involves studying the socio-cultural approach in Interiors Schools. In order to quantify the study it is compared with Kindergarten Schools. Forbore the founder of the Kindergarten method compared the children to tender lands and emphasized the importance of care by tending to every need of the child.
He brought movement into the classroom through songs, dances and activities. He was the first person to understand the importance of self-activity and developed “Gifts or Occupations”. He was also the first to advocate learning through play. Nearly 55 years after the death of Forbore, Interiors started the first Interiors House of Children, Case die Bambini and laid a foundation for scientific education. She advocated that the child needs to develop as a human being, as a member of the society and as an individual, independent person.
Both Interiors and Kindergarten Methods have their own positive and negative aspects. METHOD OF RESEARCH This is an interdisciplinary comparative research where the data was collected through case study method, observation, interviews and administering the tests. Two schools from each category Kindergarten and Interiors were selected for the Case Study. 32 children, 16 boys and 16 girls were selected through random sampling method and were administered with the Multi-dimensional Assessment of Personality (MAP) Form P test and the Rubin Social Problem Solving Test.
While the teachers in Kindergarten schools met their parents once in a term, the Interiors teachers met parents every week. The parent participation in the school activities and parent- education program was much more in Interiors compared to Kindergarten. It was found that Interiors school strictly avoided the Junk food and insisted on distributing homemade food while celebrating the festivals and birthdays. The important revelation of this study is that there are no Kindergarten schools according to the norms of Forbore or his followers available in Bangor, which calls for a methodical research.