Sri Lankan Defense Market Analysis

The Future of the Sir Lankan Defense Industry Market Attractiveness, Competitive Landscape and Forecasts to 2019 published by Strategic Defense Intelligence, provides readers with a detailed analysis of both historic and forecast Sir Lankan defense industry values, factors influencing demand, the challenges faced by industry participants, analysis of industry leading companies, and key news. Key Findings The Sir Lankan defense industry, valued at US$I . 8 billion in 2014, is anticipated to record a CARR of 8. 06% over the forecast period, to reach IIS$2. Billion by 2019 An increased threat of the re-emergence of the separatist militant organization, De- mining, and rehabilitation efforts by the military forces following the Lame war, and the strained relationship with India are factors driving military expenditure The country is expected to strengthen its maritime security and surveillance to counter the problems of terrorism, piracy, oil pollution spills, and illegal drug and arms raffling Over the forecast period, the country is expected to procure fighter aircraft, transport helicopters, offshore patrol vessels, surveillance systems, armored vehicles, and ambush-protected (MRS.) vehicles, among many others Sir Lankan homeland security (HALLS) expenditure stands at IIS$O. 5 billion in 2014 and is expected to grow at a CARR of 4. 41% over the forecast period, to reach IIS$O. 6 billion in 2019 Synopsis This report offers detailed analysis of the Sir Lankan defense industry with market size forecasts covering the next five years. This report will also analyze factors that influence demand for the industry, key market trends, and challenges faced by industry participants.

Inquire before buying this report @ http:// neurotransmitter. Com/inquire-before-benchmarking=15686 . In particular, it provides an in-depth analysis of the following: Sir Lankan defense industry market size and drivers: detailed analysis of the Sir Lankan defense industry during 2015-2019, including highlights of the demand drivers and growth stimulator for the industry. It also provides a snapshot of the country’s spending patterns and modernization patterns Budget allocation and key challenges: insights into recruitment schedules formulated within the country and a breakdown of the defense budget with respect to the army, navy, and air force.

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It also details the key 2014 Sir Lankan Defense Market Analysis and 2019 Forecasts By margarine Force analysis of the Sir Lankan defense industry: analysis of the market characteristics by determining the bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitutions, intensity of rivalry, and barrier to entry Import and Export Dynamics: analysis of prevalent trends in the country’s imports and exports ever the last five years Market opportunities: details of the top five defense investment opportunities over the coming 10 years Competitive landscape and strategic insights: analysis of the competitive landscape of the Sir Lankan defense industry. It provides an overview of key players, together with insights such as key alliances, strategic initiatives, and a brief financial analysis Purchase a copy of this report @ http://neurotransmitter. Com/purchase? Rename=15686 . Reasons to Buy This report will give the user confidence to make the correct business decisions eased on a detailed analysis of the Sir Lankan defense industry market trends for the coming five years The market opportunity section will inform the user about the various military requirements that are expected to generate revenues during the forecast period.

The description includes technical specifications, recent orders, and the expected investment pattern by the country during the forecast period Detailed profiles of the top domestic and foreign defense manufacturers with information about their products, alliances, recent contract wins and financial analysis wherever available. This will provide the user with a total competitive landscape of the sector A deep qualitative analysis of the Sir Lankan defense industry covering sections including demand drivers, Porter’s Five Force Analysis, Key Trends and Growth Stimulator, and latest industry contracts Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 . What is this Report About? 2. Definitions 3. Summary Methodology 4. SAID Terrorism Index 5. About Strategic Defense Intelligence 2 Executive Summaries 3 Market Attractiveness and Emerging Opportunities 1 .

Defense Market Size Historical and Forecast 2. Sir Lankan defense budget to grow at a CARR of 8. 06% during 2015-2019 3. De- mining and rehabilitation efforts and a strained relationship with India are expected to drive defense expenditure.