Stage of development Shows signs of understanding through repetition of simple actions such as waving Is inquisitive of the objects around them. Begins moved towards independence More mobile given them greater ability to explore their surroundings. Socially there is a greater awareness of other children. Goals for behavior Positive responses to instructions to demonstrate understanding of words. Tolerating other children and playing alongside them. To be aware of their own and other children’s feelings/emotions.
Role of adult Allow time for children to try things themselves for example putting shoes on. Help children learn to meet needs in socially acceptable ways e. G. Taking turns. Encourage them to use words to get what they want and express themselves. Provide safe experiences, be one step ahead by safeguarding potential hazards. Praise children’s positive behavior by rewarding them or showing positive gestures/responses. 2-3 Wants to be fully independent/ do things for themselves but is not always capable Child can express more of what they understand Frustration at not being understood.
Might use physical means to get what they want such as hitting, biting and scratching. Friendships become very important/ Awareness of others increases. Some might struggle to Join groups whilst other can show become bossy. Ability to follow simple instructions Demonstrating patience e. G. Waiting for their turn. Being able to share with other children Join in group activities and participate in group time/circle time led by adult. Focus and attention during story time. Use of good manners when reminded or by doing it by themselves.
Role of adult: Encourage children to consider how others feel and to express their feelings verbally. Encourage them to sort out their own problems. Provide as much possibilities as possible for children to be independent. Encourage creativity in acceptable ways. Make clear boundaries and give clear, simple explanations. Praise and encourage centre when snowing positive Demeanor Ana when canceling set goals of opportunities for physical activities. Explain why something maybe unsafe/ inappropriate Take time to listen/ be patient and calm. Provoke lots Why is it important all staff are consistent when dealing with behavior (positive and inappropriate) Why is consistency important? Consistency gives a child a sense of security. They learn they can rely on their careers and trust that their needs will be met. This will also help the bonding process with their key career. Developing a daily routine with regular activities such as meal times, snack time, group/circle time will help create a peaceful environment and help with self-discipline. Also read about hypothetical company
Consistency helps a child develop a sense of responsibility because they know what is expected from them. Children who have consistent rules with eradicable consequences are less likely to “push the limits”. They learn quickly that “no” means “no”. Investing early in consistent caring will have later benefits such as being able to Shah with other children, less temper tantrums, arguing and bargaining as the children grow. Without consistency children must “guess” daily what actions are appropriate. They wonder if everything that takes place happens because he or she did something to make it happen.
List 5 benefits of rewarding positive behavior: Children will know what they are doing right and understand good from bad They ill demonstrate the positive behavior in a pattern if they understand why they are being praised and rewarded Children will be able to change their behavior when constantly and consistently being reminded, knowing what their routine is and what is expected from them Show consideration for others at all times they will Respect each other and respect other’s opinions Listen to other people Share they will take responsibility for their own actions they will Respond to instructions appropriately they will Speak politely.