Stakeholder mapping

The key players in UNICEF are the donors, government and staff.They have the power to take a central acting role in potentially sabotaging or supporting the intent of the organisation. For the organisation to be effective and to stay viable, the staff have to be committed to their work and the organisation has to keep them motivated. The donors also need to be satisfied in that the money they give to fund projects is used for that cause.

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The government needs to be informed of all the projects being undertaken. They also need to be satisfied with the projects and can help by enforcing government policies and laws in favour of women and children. The community is the organisations largest “customer”. They have very little knowledge on their rights and low interest. The have high power in that the moment they are aware of their rights then the organisation will have achieved its goal.

The public sector portfolio matrix strategically maps the organisation, judging on the organisation’s ability to serve effectively and the political attractiveness of its services in terms of the extent in which it gains stakeholder and public support for funding. Source:J R Montanan and J S Bracker Strategic Management journal, vol 2, 1986 After a close analysis of the external and internal environment of UNICEF, it can be strategically put in the “Political Hot box” matrix as shown in Fig.5 above. The services it provides to the public are in high demand because of the economic and political environment and the HIV/AIDS epidemic but for which there are limited resources. There is a great need for support to orphans and vulnerable children are the number is rapidly increasing.

Marketing Strategy

The Ansoff’s matrix is a well known marketing tool which was first published in the Harvard Business Review (1957) in an article called ‘Strategies for Diversification’ . Marketers who have objectives for growth use it. UNICEF’s objective derived from the increase in orphans is for growth. It needs to penetrate into the market through promoting more forcefully for orphans and vulnerable children. This it can do by promoting the service through the media and advocating for children’s rights. “My name is… I work for …….. but currently I’m working for UNICEF on this survey. I am interviewing children between the ages of 6 and 18 years here in Hatcliffe in order to find out about their experiences as orphans and vulnerable children.

First, I would like to know if you are the head of the household? (If they are proceed. If they are not, then ask to talk with the Head of the Household. If that person is not available then find out when it would be a good time to return and make an appointment to come back. Be sure and keep the appointment even if the head of household does not.) Are there any children living in this household that have lost either their mother, father or primary care giver (guardian)?

Have any of these children been interviewed in the past few weeks [or other appropriate time period] for this study? IF THE RESPONDENT STATES THAT A CHILD IN THE HOUSEHOLD HAS BEEN INTERVIEWED BEFORE, DO NOT INTERVIEW ANYONE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD AGAIN. Tell them you cannot interview them a second time, thank them, and end the interview. If they have not been interviewed before, continue:

Confidentiality and consent: “I’m going to ask the child some personal questions that some people may find difficult to answer about their feelings and their emotions. Their answers are completely confidential, their name will not be written on this form, and will never be used in connection with any of the information they tell me. He or she does not have to answer any questions that he or she does not want to answer, and s/he may end this interview at any time. We would greatly appreciate your help in responding to this interview. The interview will take about 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the age group.. Would you be willing to let one of the children participate?”

“I would also like to ask you a few questions about your life and the lives of your children. We are asking these questions so that we can understand the situation better and be able to develop interventions and programs for the community. We will want to talk to the child alone and she or he can agree or refuse to participate, also she or he has the option of asking you to be present at anytime during the interview. The questions for you will only take about 20 minutes. Would you be willing to participate?”

One limitation of participating in the survey is that you may experience intense emotions due to recalling difficult experiences in your life. The benefit of participating is that we have a trained psychosocial support person who is available to connect you to an organisation that may offer some forms of assistance. We will also provide you with a list of resource places that may be able to offer additional psychosocial support.