Strategic Plan Part II

Analysis As a new business owner one must understand that when starting out there is great potential to succeed as well as fail. External and internal factors are two of the greatest factors to the success or failure off business. The purpose for this paper is to define some of these external and internal factors for Next Level Transition Center and see how well they are able to adapt to them.

Also an analysis will be conducted to identify major issues or opportunities the company may face from any forces and trends. External Forces and Trends As with any company, as for external forces and trends, the impact on my business can be attributed to several forces. New environmental, competition, economic legal and regulatory, social, and technological architecture throughout the last decades have stimulated changes in the delivery of career services.

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Recent economic conditions have transformed the employment market, causing near insurmountable challenges and issues for new employees looking to start a new career in the workforce. Environmental Forces and Trends Next Level Transition Center, Inc. Is a small, independently owned start-up company mounded in 2014 with operations to begin July 1,201 5; the ribbon cutting of the facility. Of the fourteen full-time employees, four key employees will be instrumental in carrying out this marketing plan. The key players include: Charles L.

Cowan, President and CEO; Melissa Cowan, COOP; Charles L. Cowan Jar. , Marketing Manager; and Jasmine and Galena Cowan, Facility Coordinator. Competitive Forces and Trends It has been determined that there are not any transitional centers within a forty- Strategic Plan Part II: By Cowan 9 any transitional centers that provide these same services there are 6 transitional centers in a forty mile radius. The competition inside the forty radiuses is not extremely competitive due to the fact they only offer services to those that have been in the Job market before.

We not only offer services to that demographic of people but also to the demographic that has never been in the Job market. This makes available a benefit as the transitional center has something different, and new to offer. In addition, the transitional center is located downtown in a centralized area which gives advantages over other transitional centers. Economic Forces and Trends Economic forces can be a serious external force and trend to businesses either ever starting or lasting.

Instability of the United States economy and the loss of many Jobs have forced individuals to live off of savings, governmental assistance and unemployment. However, there is a population that has lived off of governmental assistance due to various reasons and never been in the workforce. Legal and Regulatory Forces and Trends In regards to legal and regulatory forces and trends that would affect this business would be the building inspection. All businesses all facilities must comply with EPA, OSHA, State and local governmental safety guidelines.

There are no other regulatory or legal forces impacting Next Level Transition Center, Inc. , operations at this time; however, caution must be taken to protect the company from frivolous lawsuits as well as legitimate suits. Technological Forces and Trends Advances in the way employers look for employees especially in South Carolina is very tech savvy. The Workers application will be used as a tool to assist with finding employment for our clients and also what skills are required in order to effectively establish training curriculums.

It is imperative to maintain an excellent superior in- souse database to maintain all client information and employers’ information Social Forces and Trends A potential competitive advantage for Next Level Transition Center is their clothing bank that allows clients who can’t afford business attire the opportunity to select clothing for a Job interview. In addition to completing the program this will allow the clients to feel more confident when attending an interview.

In addition, initial appearance in today’s society demands competent, properly dressed, and confident clients when interviewing for a Job. Strategy Next Level Transition Center, Inc. s target market is unemployed and personnel on governmental assistance who seek Job employment in Sumter County, Sumter, South Carolina. By focusing service operations solely on two groups, Next Level is implementing a different distinct focused strategy composed of providing necessary training, education opportunities, and Job skills the only multi-functional transitional center within a forty mile radius.

The unemployment rate is Sumter County, Sumter, South Carolina as of May 2012 is 10. 5%. The average median household income is $33,267 and there is a 19. 4% below poverty level rate. This strategy relies heavily n promoting Next Level Transition Center opportunities and key initiatives in the local area of the only multifunctional transition center to provide not only key skill when scheduled for a Job interview. Processes and Systems Next Level is a start-up service organization.

Consequently, expenditures will include the negotiation to acquire certification licenses from the State of South Carolina, purchase and remodeling of the transition facility located on Broad Street, Sumter, South Carolina, the special equipment necessary to perform computer literacy training, audio visual equipment for classroom training, lending closet and clothing rope off points, solicitation and employment of personnel to operate the facility, advertisement and promotional efforts for the attainment of partnerships with business owners across the state.