Once the candidate has been appointed, the job description can be used to gauge whether the employee is doing the job ‘properly’ by comparing their activities with the description also it allows the employee to know what is required for their position within the organisation in achieving its objective. It can be used for verification of workers responsibility encase a dispute may arise if an employee is not concluding their part of the work load. Nevertheless, in saying this some workers who are motivated by money and may not go beyond the threshold of this document and use the excuse that it is not their responsibility because it is not within their job description. As the document is clearly laid out it makes it inviting to read and it is done in a way which it is easier to remember your participation within William Hill.
But in saying this some who are looking for a job may not feel it is professional enough because its presentation is very poorly, not even the company’s name written at the top which reflects it is very much standardise form. I must say that my job description is very effective in meeting its purpose because all my responsibilities and roles have been identified for me on this document and its done in a mundane way which is very simple to grasp which may have been it overall purpose so no one can say that ‘it’s not part of my job’.
The improvements could be to the presentation of the job description rather more appealing by at least placing the company it belongs to this may then encourage workers to stay because they are important as managers and as well proficient. This should then make them feel rather happier due to that sense of importance and the working environment would be a pleasant place to work. Also a little note should be placed on the job description that other tasks will be required of you by your manager, which will not stretch your competence too much and would be in your interest to oblige.
Person Specification
We have now the skills and knowledge needed to perform a particular job which has been outlined in the job description. Now calls for the person specification sometimes referred to as the job specification, which shows a profile of the type of person required to do the job successfully. Depending on the job role or how quickly William Hill want to recruit its job specifications will vary but mainly follows the format below – person specification for a manager in William Hill:
Such a description can then form the basis for the selection of the must suitable person to fill the managerial position, because its requirements have to be met in order to obtain the right person. The job specification also should take into the culture of an organisation for instance in William Hill sociability is our culture, which is stated in interest. William Hill wants us to work in a friendly atmosphere, social workable environment with all of us sharing ideas whereas our rivals take the solidarity culture. But it is very important to state this on the person specification so you don’t recruit an unsuitable appointment.
Application Forms
The aim of application forms is to find out about candidates by asking for information in a structured format and since they are being asked relevant questions it makes sorting applications and short-listing far easier for the personnel department. This is like ‘sifting out’ applicants who least fit the requirements of the person specification and job description. The application form also covers the information contained in a CV, such as personal details, education, and job experience and includes much more depending the position, which is required to be filled. Also by gaining biographical information, the personnel department has a simple way of matching the applicant’s qualifications, interests, past experience etc. to their person specification. This allows William Hill to decide quickly which of the applicants is suitable for a job.
Information required normally includes: Personal details – name, address, telephone number, D.O.B Education and qualifications Declaration of a criminal record Experience/employment history References – applicants will supply names and addresses of two references that will be able to support the candidate’s application by confirming that they are good character and are suitable for the job. Other information – this allows the applicant to write a statement in support of their application. The applicant would state why they are interested in the job and why they feel that they will be able to perform it well. This section also gives the employer a chance to see that style, clarity, tone and use of language in the candidates viewing.
References are used when candidates are short-listed for the post and will then only be read if William Hill seriously considers the candidate for appointment that is why with their application forms no references are asked whereas other companies like WHSmith do feel this is relevant and should be contained with their forms.
Benefits of an application form are that information, which is required of a candidate, is placed on the form and this relevant to William Hill or else it will not be asked. All applicants give details in a standard way, rather than the different approaches of letters of application. This makes sorting applications and short-listing far easier to the personnel department because they can then match candidate’s qualifications, interest, past experience etc. to their person specification.
This allows William Hill to decide quickly which of the applicants is suitable for the job. But this is a tedious process for any person in the personnel department in having to read every single form and it is very time consuming because time is money. The questions which are asked on application forms can be distorted and long winded and may lead to very candidates applying for the position also some questions are asked twice but worded in a way which is confusing.
This document is good for its purpose due to it getting to the point on retrieving information which is relevant for the position. But for improvements William Hill should produce a little handbook which is to be given with the application form that has an explanation of what the answer would aid in the favour of your form. This may incur more cost for William Hill but in does enable candidates to put the right answer on the document.