David Myers acknowledges that the pattern of development is complex because it is the product of several processes of the Journey through life from womb to tomb. Although development runs parallel with chronological age, age itself cannot cause development. Human development is marked by three major processes biological, cognitive and constitutional and the changes that occur through these processes. Physical development has to do with the way the human body develops over a lifespan.
According to Contract (2006) biological processes produce changes in an individual’s physical nature, inherited genes, the development of the brain, height, eight gains, changes in motor skills, among others reflect the role of biological processes in development. Cognitive processes involve changes in an individual’s thinking, intelligence, and language. Constitutional processes involve changes in the child’s relationships with other people, changes in emotion, and changes in personality. Biological, cognitive, and constitutional processes are interlinked.
Constitutional processes can shape cognitive processes, cognitive processes can promote or restrict constitutional processes, and biological processes can influence cognitive processes. The family member whom I will be discussing in terms of how biological, cognitive and socio emotional processes interact is my recently late grandmother Juanita Fortune Turnip December 24th 1924- September 16th 2010. My grandmother was the clear example of “if you don’t use it you will lose it”. She was retired and spent most of her time at home.
The first most apparent signs of physical changes in her late adulthood were the grey hair, wrinkles, decline in vision and hearing among other typical signs. Specifically, she began to experience a medical condition called arthritis. Arthritis is the inflammation of the Joints accompanied by anis, stiffness and movement. She no longer could go and do things as she accustom because she no longer had the capacity physically. She became very inactive and to make things even worse there was no cure for arthritis.
Prior to this period she loved to entertain and go visit friends and family and she was very independent as she had separated from her husband years ago. She always believed why ask someone when you can do it for yourself. She also placed her time and energy into craft making by using various household items. She shifted from being an active vibrant individual to being somewhat passive. She may have recognized the laity is that she is getting older and furthermore the considerable shock that death is definite.
Some interaction among the processes came into play here as I am sure this affected her cognitions and psychologically as a result of these cumulative losses. It can be safe to say that the majority of seniors experience some form of decline in working memory however this can result into something severe such as the Listener’s disease. My grandmother was a victim of this disease. Listener’s is a progressive and irreversible brain disorder that produces loss of memory and confusion, first recent memory goes then older ones.
As a result of this she could no longer live alone which allowed for the increase of self devaluation and intellectual impairment. As the disease progressed she could no longer recognize family members. These physical changes led to the disuse and consequent atrophy of cognitions . As result t tense Doctors In turn attaché nerd relationship Ana nerd personality. She could no longer have sensible conversations and was frequently erratic. According to Arrant (2000) at present I am 24 years old and can be considered to be emerging into adulthood which occur approximately between the ages of 18- 25 ears.
This period is deemed as the transition from adolescence to adulthood that involves experimentation and exploration and is also characterized by two criteria for adult status economic independence and independent decision making. Currently I am not at such Juncture as I do not live on my own and my mother, a single parent still has quite a substantial part to play in certain decisions I make but I am in the process of achieving these two criteria.
I am no longer an adolescent however I am not a fully an adult. Adopting John Holland model of personality types and career hoicks, I categorize myself in the social type because of my drive to help people more than engaging in intellectual tasks. In 2009 1 graduated with my bachelor’s degree in sociology and minor in psychology. During that period at university my cognitive skills have developed immensely not only academic intelligence but also emotional intelligence.
According to David Elevations emotional intelligence describes the ability to get along well with others to understand what others are experiencing and to respond appropriately but I do not fit this mold perfectly because I do have issues with making friends easily. Moreover, I am experiencing some changes that are according to Elevations should occur in middle adulthood, for example some signs of decline in processing and recall which can be attributed to an inherited gene or to my decline in physical activities.
This is clear evidence of biological processes restricting cognitive processes or vice versa. The reality is that in any of these domains or periods there is no one universal path. For instance, a number of my classmates are already married with children or have already built a career in their preferred field while I am still in the process of achieving such goals. Ballets and his colleagues argue that developmental-processes may begin at any point in life and are not necessarily linear.