That image is then followed by one of a man in a headless chicken costume giving out leaflets. This is a visual pun. “Running round like a headless chicken”. This leads us to think that all jobs other than teaching, like headless chickens, have no aim and no real purpose. A headless woman working in a factory, taking off dolls heads is the next image we see. This image defiantly has a shock factor and shows a great contrast to the next image shown of the teacher. In my opinion the dolls symbolise that the headless people don’t have a purpose just like the dolls don’t have a purpose, thus leading you to believe that teaching gives a person a purpose.
The final image is of a teacher, teaching a class of pupils, science. For the first time in the advert everyone has a head. You are first shown a girl with static hair, in order to draw attention to the fact that they have heads. The lesson is a science lesson on static electricity. This is probably because this country is short of science teachers. This image comes across very relaxed, and fun. The colours are bright and cheerful which creates a happy atmosphere.
The teacher has got the whole classes attention, which is a contrast to the image of the woman doing an office presentation, who did not. The last thing you see when the image freezes is a shot of the teacher with his hand on his head, zooming in into a close up shot. This is done to really stress the point that the teacher is using his head in order to teach, unlike the people featured previously in the advert. All these images shown have an ultimate purpose of proving that other jobs are insignificant when compared with teaching. This is done by showing a very strong contrast between teaching and all other jobs.
The first and second adverts images both promote teaching as a career, but differ in the way they go about persuading the viewer. The first adverts, images are portrayed, in my opinion in a more sophisticated and mature manner, were serious issues are addressed. It persuades you in a calm and relaxing manner and comes across very peaceful and trusts worthy. This is completely different to the second advert in that the images are more humorous and do not come across serious in the least. The images are much more light hearted and would appeal to the younger generation were as the second would appeal to the older.
Each advert contains voice-overs. However the first advert contains a great deal more. The first advert asks a question when each new image is shown. This prompts us to think more deeply into what we are being shown and to really, take in the advert. The first voice over asks the question, “Can you explain how its eye works?”. This is referring to the flies’ eye and prompts you to consider whether you are any good at biology and have the skills to explain to others. This question is soon followed by another asking “Can you spot the mean number?” which like the first question prompts you to think about whether you could teach maths.
There are four other questions asked: “Can you explain how?”, “And why”, “Can you help someone develop?”, and “Can you open windows?”. All resulting in you asking yourself if you have the qualities of a teacher. The final vice over is “Those who can, teach”. This is right at the end of the advert and is the last thing you hear, leaving it fresh in your mind. This creates great emphasise on the questions you answered previously, and that if you could answer them you almost feel it is your duty and obligation to be a teacher and give something back to your country.
The second advert is again different to the first advert in that it only has one a voice over, “Use your head. Teach.” This is a much more simple message and sums up the point of the advert, which is that all jobs (except teaching) do not require you to use your head. The voice over and the teacher is male, in my opinion this is because there is a shortage in male teachers, so they are trying to get rid of stereotyping.
The first and second adverts voice-overs both emphasize the points of the two adverts. They differ in that the first adverts voice-overs help it to promote its message a great deal more effectively, making the viewers interact by asking questions, Where as the voice over for the second advert simply ends with the closing message only emphasizing the point rather than promoting it. The music and sounds in the adverts help create the atmosphere in the two adverts. The first adverts music is a classical piece of music and contains sounds from violins and pianos. The music provides a calm, thoughtful, delicate and soft atmosphere. Ii is a very serious piece of music, and promotes relaxation and is very thought provoking, but is defiantly an acquired taste.