Nowadays we have special TV shows that are directed towards infants and there is also a cable network specifically intended for babies. This, however, does not mean that we should refrain from the aroma social interactions that kids should have at that age and put them in front of the “box”. The first 2 years of life are of the most importance when it comes to brain development. This is why it is believed that many types of media, including TV, can get in the way of a children learning process.
This includes playing with other, and interacting with the kid’s relatives. These are activities that support learning and healthy physical and social growth. Having said that, it is necessary to note that a little time in front of the TV could be a good thing for kids. Many children that are not et in school could learn to count and could even learn the alphabet. Older kids could learn about the world, nature and wildlife. In contrast, children that are exposed to violence might turn to be aggressive and be scare of the things that surround them.
Parents need to be aware of what kids are seeing on TV and need to encourage kids to spend more time outside playing and exploring so they can learn firsthand what the world is about. Examples of Atypical Behaviors and their Impact on Family Oppositional defiant disorder – Oppositional defiant disorder is a pattern of softening, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures. It affects boys more so than girls. This behavior typically starts by age 8, but it may start as early as the preschool years.
This disorder is thought to be caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Some of the symptoms include, but are not limited to: Angry and resentful Argues with adults Blames others for own mistakes Few friends or lack thereof Trouble in school Some of the treatments suggested for this type of behavior include talking with a mental health professional for individual, as well as family therapy. Medications may also be helpful, especially if the behaviors occur as part of another condition such as depression, childhood psychosis, or ADD.
Major depression – Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue and unhappy. In a major depression case these feelings interfere with everyday life for long periods of time. Causes for depression are mostly unknown but quite a few researches point to chemical changes in the brain. This could be due to a problem with the child’s genes, inheritance, or it might De ten consequence AT a stressful event. C anuses or neglect can also lead to a child with depression.
Some of the symptoms include, but are not limited to: Fatigue and lack of energy Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, and guilt Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed Thoughts of death or suicide Trouble sleeping or excessive sleeping Some of the treatments suggested to treat depression include antidepressants, psychotherapy or a combination of both of these. In extreme cases an individual might need to be treated in a psychiatric hospital. Anorexia nervous – Anorexia nervous is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height.
People that suffer a form or anorexia usually have an intense fear of weight gain, even when they are underweight. Part of the causes that lead to this disorder could be due to the person’s genes and hormones. However, social stigmas promoting small and thin stereotypes are greatly blamed for this. Some of the symptoms or risk factors presented in anorexia might include, but are not limited to: Trying too hard to be perfect Being more worried about weight and shape than their peers Having eating problems during infancy or early childhood Constantly having a negative self-image Having an anxiety disorder as a child
Some of the treatments suggested include therapy for the individual and their family. In many cases a therapy designed to help the individual gain weight at a rate of 1 to 3 lbs per week might be use. Also, antidepressants, antispasmodics, and mood stabilizers may help some anorexic patients when given as part of a complete treatment program. Families dealing with a child’s atypical disorder most times have to also deal with the pain of watching their children going through it. The family has to work and deal with the denial and increasing behavior issues that arise as the disorder progresses.