Understand Child and Young Person Development

Children and young people’s development is completed with each area being interconnected we need to look at all areas of their development in relation to particular aspects of development the sequence of children’s development for each age range is divided into five different aspects which are: Physical development Intellectual development Language development Social development Emotional development Physical Development ages: Birth – 6 months: Lies on back with head to one side. Grasps objects when they touch the palm of the hand.

Kicks legs and waves arms. Watches movements of own hands, plays with own hands. Turns from back to side. Holds on to and shakes small items. 6 months to 1 year: Pushes head, neck and chest off floor with arms when on front. Uses whole hand in palmary grasp, passes toy from one hand to another. Sits alone without support. Reaches out for toys when sitting. May crawl or shuffle. Will take and hold a small brick in each hand. Uses index and middle fingers with thumb in pincer grip to pick up small items. 1 -2 years: Stands alone and starts to walk holding on (cruising’). Ђ Picks up anything tiny room the floor using neat pincer grip. Pushes and pulls toys when walking. Pulls off shoes. Can walk downstairs with hand held. Shakes head for yes or no. Holds a crayon in primitive tripod grasp and scribbles. 2-3 years: Walks up and down stairs with both feet on one step. Climbs on furniture. Builds a tower of six bricks. Uses a spoon for self-feeding. Puts shoes on. Draws circles and dots. Starts to use preferred hand. 3 years: Stands and walks on tiptoe. Can kick a ball confidently. Turns single pages in a book. Builds bridges with blocks when shown. Years: Can aim and throw and catch a large ball. Walks backwards and on a line. Cuts round an object with scissors and copies a square. Clothes. 5 years: Skips. Runs quickly. Easily dresses and undresses. Hits a ball with a bat. Draws a person with a head, body and legs, and a house. Catches ball. 6-7 years: Buttons and unbuttons Enjoys hopping, bike riding, roller balding and skating. Can sew simple stitches. Ties and unties laces. Builds intricate models. Controls pencil in a small area and does detailed drawing. 8-12 years: Improves physical skills that have already developed.

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Puberty starts around 10 for girls with a growth spurt and increase in body trench. Communication and language development ages: cries when DSSSL needs require attention, Tort example anger, tiredness, Lossless. Becomes quiet and turns head towards sound of rattle near head. Coos in response to career’s talk. 6- 12 months: Responds differently to different tones of voice. Starts to respond to noises out of sight with correct visual response. Vocalizes for communication, shouts for attention. Babbles loudly and tunefully using dual syllables in long strings, for example ‘dad, ‘baby’, ‘AMA-AMA. Imitates adult vocal sounds, for example coughs, smacking lips . Understands ‘no’ and ‘bye-bye’. Knows own name. Understands simple messages, for example ‘clap hands’, Where are your shoes? Responds to simple instructions, for example fetch your shoes’, ‘shut the door. 2 – 3 years: Developing dense of own identity, wanting to do things on their own. Counts to ten. Holds simple conversations. They are seeking attention from adults and starting to feel Jealous if the attention given to other people. 3-4 years: Asks many questions of the type: what? Why? And how? Forms short, grammatically correct sentences. Imitates adult speech. 4 – 8 years: Speech is fluent and correct, using descriptive language. Gives full name, age, birthday and address. Recognizes new words and asks the meaning of them. Produces most sounds, with some residual difficulty with some letter groups. 8- 12 years: Children are fluent speakers, readers and writers of their language. Out load. Will know the different tenses and grammar. Intellectual development ages: Stares at career. Cries when basic needs require attention.

Follows movements of large and smaller objects. Will read Pinks In reaction to Dragnet lag Very curious, easily distracted by movements. Ђ Immediately fixes sight on small objects close by. And reaches out to grasp them. Puts everything in mouth. Watches toys fall from hand within range of vision. Drops toys deliberately and watches them fall – this is called ‘casting’. By 3 years: Will be able to copy circle and crosses. Matches two or three primary colors. Paints with large brush, cuts with scissors. 4- 5 years: Names primary colors and matches ten or more colors.

Can decide on lighter and heavier objects Understands, in front of, behind, next to Counts to 20 by rote. Copies square, and range of letters – some spontaneously. 5 – 6 years: Ability to write developing is able to write some words and copy others. Simple books. Increasing sophistication in drawing and painting. Can sight read ten or more words. 6-8 years: Reads Able to understand concept of conservation , for example the amount of play dough remains the same if you make a ball of dough into a long, thin snake. Developing the ability to think about several things at once. Ђ Enjoys games and rules. Can reason and apply logic to problems. Can transfer information from one situation and use in another. More creative in play. Reading and writing confidently. Social and emotional behavioral development ages: Responds positively to main career. Imitates facial expressions. Smiles, engages and vocalizes with careers. Stares at bright shiny objects. Becoming Mont Gazes Intently at parents or careers. 6-9 months: Starts to show interest in other babies, smiles. Shows fear of strangers and distress at separation from career .

Interacts differently with various family members. Recognizes familiar and unfamiliar faces. Shows stranger anxiety. Seeks attention from parents or careers. More demanding and assertive, emotionally volatile. Temper tantrums may start. Unhappy at changes in routine. Expresses rage at being told ‘no. ‘ Starting to develop object permanence. Enjoys other children’s company but reluctant to share toys. May show concern when another child is upset. Becoming emotionally stable, but still prone to mood swings. Learning to separate from career for short periods, for example while at nursery.

Greater social awareness. Will play in twos or threes, sharing ideas. Friendly to other children. Plays alongside others. Increasing in independence, but still needs support from adults. Enjoys co-operative and dramatic play. Understands co-operation and competition. Responds to reasoning. Being more independent and self-motivated. Becomes engrossed in activities. Concerned about being disliked. Good sense of self-awareness developed. Enjoy Volunteering helping others and taking responsibility. 6- 7 years: Able to form firm friendships. Very supportive of each other, playing complex games.

Plays In separate sex groups. Fairly independent and confident. Increasing sense of morality (right and wrong). Friendships become very important – mostly same sex. Concern at thoughts of others about them. Often unsure about changes in settings. They love being in groups of friends similar ages. Development – ages 12- 19 years Adolescence, these years from puberty to adulthood, may be roughly divided into three stages: early adolescence, generally ages twelve and thirteen; middle adolescence, ages fourteen to sixteen; and late adolescence, ages seventeen to twenty-one.

Physical development Adolescence for boys usually begins later than girls. There are specific stages of development that boys go through when developing sexual characteristics such as, His body size will increase, with the feet, arms, legs, and hands sometimes growing “faster” than the rest of the body. Some boys may get some swelling in the area of heir breasts as a result of the hormonal changes that are occurring. Their Voice changes may occur, as the voice gets deeper. Not only will hair begin to grow in the genital area, but males will also experience hair growth on their face, under their arms, and on their legs.

Girls In girls, the initial puberty change is the development of breast buds, in which a small mound is formed by the elevation of the breast and papilla (nipple). The breast then continues to enlarge. There may be an increase in hair growth, not only in the pubic area, but also under the arms and on the legs. The female’s body shape will also begin to change. There may be not only an increase in height and weight, but the hips may get wider. There may also be an increase in fat in the buttocks, legs, and stomach. Adolescent girls will also experience menstruation, or menstrual periods.

Social and emotional development I en teenager may develop sell-conscious as changes In tenet Day snaps take place. They may start to complain that parents prevent him or her from doing things independently. They start to have greater concerns about others and has thoughts about their purpose in life. Until now, a child’s life has revolved mainly around the family. Adolescence has the effect of a stone dropped in water, as her social circle ripples outward to include friendships with members of the same sex, the opposite sex, different social and ethnic groups, and other adults.

They become self-reliant and able to make own decisions, become more conformable around parents and can integrate both emotional and physical intimacy in a relationship. Intellectual Development Most boys and girls enter adolescence still perceiving the world around them in concrete terms: Things are right or wrong, awesome or awful. They rarely set their sights beyond the present, which explains younger teens’ inability to consider the Eng-term consequences of their actions.

The step of development is dependent on how much direction is given with regard to helping the brain to make the assembly between knowledge and practical application in daily life. By late adolescence, many youngsters have come to appreciate subtleties of situations and ideas, and to project into the future. They start to take personal responsibility for employment, finances and accommodation. Their capacity to solve complex problems and to sense what others are thinking has sharpened considerably. Language development Language development shifts in the teen years from basic grammar mastery to the SE of language on a higher level.

In the teen years, your child should develop the ability to use more complex syntax and to adapt her oral and written communication. A teenagers thinking ability is also developing and like practicing their new intellectual and verbal skills. Task 1. 2 All aspects of development and learning will affect one another. A child who does not know how to share may find social interaction with other children a problem. This can affect social development, as other children will be reluctant to play with them and May avoid any interaction. If a child has speech impairment it will affect their inference.

They may not be able to understand what is going on in the classroom so their Intellectual development will be affected for example they may be behind in tenet rearing Ana writing. I nee may not nave as many Eternal as tenet Eliminate speech ability will have an impact on how they communicate with the other children. A child with hearing difficulties will be delayed socially and intellectually. They may be afraid to speak out in class as their speech may sound different and they may be picked on as a result of this. They may have low confidence and low self-esteem because of this.

A child who doesn’t develop emotionally for example an autistic child becomes withdrawn from those around them. Social development will be affected as they may be unable to express their feelings. Communicative development may be affected and they may have low self-esteem and confidence. Task 1. 3 There are numbers of factors that will affect the child’s development. Background Pupils may well come from a wide range of different family environments, cultures and circumstances for example their parents may come from a foreign country and have different religious beliefs.

This may affect the child as they will be taught meeting different at home and school may be teaching something else and this may confuse the child. There may also be a language issue as the child may speak the parent’s language at home and may have problems speaking English at school. Health if pupils suffer from poor health or physical disability, it may restrict their development opportunities. Health can be affected by low income and a range of socio-economic factors such as access to good-quality health services and shops selling good-quality food at affordable prices.

The child’s emotional development will also be impacted depending on their illness of their needs. It is important that adults in schools are aware of these situations and circumstances so that they can support them by ensuring that they are included as far as possible. Environment Families who feel confident about their future income and finances can choose their lifestyle. They can also choose where they would like to live. Families in the higher social classes tend to live in more expensive housing areas with good facilities for travel and education.

Families with lower incomes tend to live in more densely occupied housing areas. Different social class groups often live in different neighbor odds, but there can be disadvantages to living in poor-quality or high-density. Housing. These can include noise, pollution, overcrowding, poor access to shops and other facilities. Task 1. 4 Recognition Is very Important Decease IT a canal a Tails Deanna Walt tenet work teen all areas of their development may be affected for example, if a child or young person does not talk to anyone or even only speaks a few words compared to others, this may cause concern.

This would socially affect the child or young person’s because they would find it hard to make friends, work in groups or even interact with adults. It would also affect their communicational development because they would find it hard to speak to people and also may find it hard to listen to instructions. Responding to a concern like this has to be done in a professional manner, this means that you should not talk to the parent/career or the child. You would have to make a note of exactly what was seen or heard, why it was a worry to you and the date and time must be recorded to back up your evidence.

Then you need to approach the class teacher with your concern. If the teacher disrespects your opinion because they are already aware of the condition, you still need to report it as it is our responsibility to discover the cause and seek help. Once it is reported, the correct person can help the child appropriately to solve the matter correctly and get the child back on track. If a child’s problem goes without being noticed then they will be affected in many areas of their development. Task 1. The Transitions experienced by most children and young people are the following: Moving away Leaving friends Friend’s moving away Puberty starting a new school moving from Juniors to High School Task 1. 6 The Transitions that only some children or young people may experience are: Illness Divorce New siblings New step parent Step children Bereavement New baby Task 1. 7 I northbound our elves we are confronted Day changes. People, places Ana even our own bodies change. We are faced by on-going periods of transition as things alter from how they were to how they are now.