Very strong motivators

Noise refers to distractions and interference in the environment in which communication takes place, obstructing the flow of information by affecting the accuracy, clarity or even the “arrival” of the message. Noise includes not only physical noise but also “technical noise” (equipment breakdown), “social noise” (attitude/vocabulary differences) and “psychological noise” (excessive emotion). As discussed above, it is important to identify the different forms of internal communication that is available.

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By doing this, both employers and employees are able to identify any problems they may have, and also identify their own strongest form of communication. Internal communication, includes, memoranda, notices, meetings and house journals. Although they may be effective forms of communication, problems may arise along the way, therefore resulting in a failure of communication. 3. Why managers accused of being “poor communicators” The workplace is no longer what is used to be. People are not alike. They don’t think, act or communicate the same anymore.

The consequences are confusion, conflict and dissatisfaction. What’s a poor manager, supervisor leader or anyone else for that matter, to do? The question, what’s wrong with these people, sums up a lot of the problem. Those peoples are us. People tend to want the world to look and act like they do. But it is also the cause of a lot of workplace conflict. The causes of managers being “poor communicators” are summarized as follows: The first cause of “poor communication” comes from not listening.

Managers are sometimes unable or reluctant to listen to fellow employees and get feedback from them. This problem, according to a professor of psychology, is that entrepreneurs demonstrate great trust in their own decisions and dismiss criticism. But entrepreneurs who don’t seek out the feedback of others, even this feedback is bad news, are unable to respond to new opportunities. What’s more the inability to accept bad news can lead to a condition known as group-think, in which there is no debate and no questioning of bad decisions.

Due to the fact that managers feel superior over their employees not only they don’t hear what are being said and really process the word of their employees -who may have right about something- but also they wait their turn to speak and say something that might discourage their employees, just to take the feeling that ‘I am the boss in here’. A second cause is that managers are very ambitious persons and they might see the initiatives from some employees as enemies to their further progress and career establishment in the organization.

Their selfishness drives them to demonstrate reluctance to work in teams, lack of sharing vital technical or organizational information and to shut the door to the face of someone of the employees who tries to show some interest for the organization and shares his thought with the management. Managers are also professional intellect and they disdain of junior employees as they show intolerance to development needs. Furthermore managers’ analytical skills make them unable to see the wider picture and their egotism provides them with lack of empathy with staff and blindness to other people’s agendas and needs.

Managers are client focus persons and their impatience to serve the client as the client work always takes priority over management and all internal issues makes them close the doors to their employees who try to share some problems with the management or at least need a clarification about the work from their bosses. Another area that causes communication problems comes from misunderstanding. The most common form of misunderstanding is “the et cetera principle”. This principle means that the people take for granted that we understand what they are saying. People expect us to fill in what they do not.

This causes completely the wrong direction than what is expected. Some managers make the mistake of believing that just giving information ensures understanding. It does not. Understanding comes from share interpretation, not shared information. To many times when providing information managers do not allow themselves enough time to ensure that the instruction they are providing are clear and understood. The little time employees spend asking managers questions is nothing compare to the amount spent to complete a redo project. 4. Reinforcement theory and Communication

Most employees recognize that effective communication is important in the workplace. Working in a healthy environment, the main aspects that are important to worker satisfaction are recognition by management, benefits, communication between employees and management, and relationship with immediate supervisor. The question raised, is whether management is in tune with employees. Mostly, employees are focused more toward the tangible items like benefits and job security, even though they need motivation and good communication with the management in order to be productive. Establishing good communication is definitely a challenge on a job.

In Reinforcement theory we see behavior as being environmentally caused. It ignores the inner state of the individual and concentrates solely on what happens to a person when he or she takes some action. It is concluded to a main point that consequences influence behavior. Reinforcement theory provided the strongest support for explaining differences in the use of Non Monetary Recognition. High-use managers were reinforced for using Non Monetary Recognition, while low-use managers were not reinforced for using the behavior, perhaps in part because they hardly ever displayed the behavior.

Incentives are situational factors that motivate. Several motivation theories focus on the management of expectations that one will be rewarded. If an employee is relatively certain that overtime will lead to a bonus, that employee will be more motivated to work the overtime. That’s why reinforcers in organizational settings are typically rewards. Paychecks, bonuses, and promotions are all consequences that encourage an employee to continue the behaviors that achieved the rewards. Intrinsic reinforcers such as rewarding or interesting work and a sense of accomplishment can be very strong motivators.

Although what we mentioned above is what employees need to be motivated, a good communication with the management leads to a more successful workplace environment. All employees need good communication skills in order to provide quality products or services, satisfy customer needs and help make profits. Management should help the employees to fit into the company and contribute to company objectives. That will lead to more valuable employees. Communication and honesty from managers are key factors in employee motivation.

Managers who are known for these traits are seen as being up front with people, being able to tell it like it is and as having no hidden agendas. It is important to provide to the employees specific verbal feedback. Acknowledge good performance and address problems as soon as they arise; have periodic, ongoing progress conversations with them and be able to keep communications open. Managers can thus create motivating work environments by getting genuine feedback from employees about whether they possess these skills and by practicing them regularly.

Employees are the important element to company’s ability to achieve its objectives and mission. Therefore teamwork, integrity, communication, and fair treatment of employees all play an important part in the way the group operates. 5. Methods to improve Communication Skills. As Robbins and Coulter [2002, p. 282], argue, “Managers need effective communication skills….. ineffective communication skills can lead to a continuous stream of problems for a manager”. This quotation suggests that if communication skills are not dealt with in a well-organized and professional way, then this can lead to problems for managerial staff.

It is not only ineffective communication skills that can de-motivate employees etc, but the ways in which communication is delivered and received is also vital. There are a few tips for improving communication skills in the work place. 5. 1 Using Verbal and Nonverbal Communication: Speeches formal one-on-one and group discussions and the informal discussions are popular form of verbal communication. Verbal communication conveys the speed and feedback. However, managers should verbally reinforcing their employees when they doing a good job. 5. 2 Think clearly:

This refers to the communication being sent in a clear and concise manner. It is important to think before you speak or write when communication. 5. 3 Listen actively: Communication is not just about speaking or writing your massage, it is also about listening to your recipient. Good communicator should make sure to understand what the other person is trying to say. Also should make sure he understands someone’s point before he reacts. It is important he speak with self-control and don’t just say the first response that coves to mind. Managers does listen fully their employees ideas before dismissing them.

5. 4 Stay positive: Employees need recognition from their employer. For instance, expressing interest, approval, and appreciation for a job well done is powerful workplace motivator. Managers should not criticize employees even something they done wrong but always celebrate team or individual successes. 5. 5 Select appropriate media: It is important from manager to choose the appropriate form of communication in conjunction with own desired objective. There are many effective forms includes memoranda, notices, meetings and house journals.

5. 5. 1 Memorandums: Using a memorandum as a means of communication to employees is a fast and easy way to communicate effectively. Managers have the choice to either send memorandums to an individual, or a group of people. By sending a memo, managers are able to provide any information required, quickly, inform employees of any decisions that may have been made, and also remind people about any tasks that may need doing. Not only can memos be sent in the post, but also nowadays, e-mail is beginning to dominate the communication industry.