Visual Communication

The manager is responsible for the running of the business. They handle the financial side, ordering materials, customer service, training staff and the quality monitoring. The Assistant Manger When the manager is away the assistant manager will take all the responsibilities that the manager will normally do. The assistant manager helps the manager with his/her duties and analysis the business. He/she will also take complaints and other matters to the manager.

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The Restaurant Supervisor The restaurant supervisor supervises the restaurant to make sure that everything is at the standard that it should be. They handle complaints that have to be settled straight away, and then pass the complaint on to assistant manager who tells the manager about it. The Chef The chef is in charge of the cooking aspect in a restaurant. They tell the other cooks what to do but also have other responsibilities within the kitchen. They have to make sure the food is at a high quality and meets ‘Pizza Huts’ standard. They have to make sure that the food they store is within the food act e.g. checking shelf life, no insects. The chef also has to have high qualifications and do training ever so often to make sure that food is cooked propel.

The Assistant Chef The assistant chef takes on the chef’s responsibilities when they are away. They help with the ordering of products and the making of pizzas. They assist other chefs and may attend meetings if necessary. The Receptionist The receptionist greets customers when they first arrive. They will take the customers to their seats and give them a menu. When the customer leaves they normally say ‘thankyou for coming’. The Wine Waiter The wine waiter takes the customers drink orders from the waiter/waitress. They then make the drinks and either take them to the customer, or give them to the waiter/waitress to deliver to the customer.

The Waiter/Waitress The waiter/waitress takes the orders from the customers and then delivers it to the chef to cook. Once cooked they will deliver the meal to the table. While the customer is eating their meal they will walk up and down the isle so that if the customer needs them they are there for help. They will also ask the customer if their meal is ok, and if there is anything else they need. The waiter/waitress will undertake cleaning duties when the customer has left, and will make sure standards are maintained at all times.

The Restaurant Cleaner The restaurant cleaner will make sure that the restaurant is at a high standard. They will clean the whole restaurant before and after the restaurant has opened. They will also clean whilst the business is opened, cleaning up drop drinks and food, and helping the waiter/waitress to clean tables. The Dish Washer The dish washer cleans the dishes, knives, folks, pots and pans for example. They will load the dish washer as well as empty it and put the equipment away. They make sure that it is all washed at a high standard so the customer can not complain about dirty plats, knives and folks, and that the pots and pans can not carry germs from one meal to another because they weren’t washed properly causing an infection in the customer.

Over the years laws have come in to protect workers in the work place. In particular the laws have been passed in the areas of employment, discrimination and health & safety. There is a law that protects workers against discrimination in race relations (1968 & 1979 Act). It is illegal to discriminate on the bases of race, nationality or ethnic origin. Employers can not distinguish a worker because of their race, gender or disability when selecting new employees, contracts, training, benefits and redundancies. In 1995 the disability discrimination act came in operation. This is very similar to the race relation act. It is illegal to discriminate a person because they have a disability. Employers can not show prejudice to workers because they have a disability when selecting for new recruitment, contracts, training, benefits and redundancies.

For years there were campaigns about equal pay for men, women and part – time staff. To protect women from being paid less then men even if they did do the same job, the equal pay act (1970) and the sex discrimination acts (1975 & 1987) came appropriate. Women were doing the same jobs as men, same hours but would still get paid less and get different unfair treatment. These acts stopped this and today men and women are paid and treated equally. Part -time workers were also being treated differently so the employment law brought in a law where part – time workers are treated the same as full time workers.

There are two types of groups that ‘Pizza Hut’ has to communicate with to run a successful business. Anyone within the business that ‘Pizza Hut’ wants to communicate with are call Internal Communications. These are groups like managers, employees and trade union representatives. People outside the business that ‘Pizza Hut’ wishes to contact are called External Communication. These are groups like shareholders, suppliers and customers. There are many ways that ‘Pizza Hut’ communicates with internal and external communications, but they can fit into one of the following categories. Oral communication, visual communication or written communication.

Oral communication are a quick form to talk to people but there is often no record of the conversation so it can cause problems as one person says one thing was said but another says another thing was said. Conversely, face to face conversations can be useful as it allows discussion and can help to get the message across efficiently. Meetings are one type of oral communication and are normally held between two internal groups, such as a manager and an employer to discuss the workers performance. Telephone is mainly used when the manager wants to order supplies from the supplier. Visual Communication is used to simplify and summarise words and numbers. Businesses also give presentations of how the business has been doing and its predictions for the future. ‘Pizza Hut’ use visual communications in forms of television, leaflets, advertising and pictures in menus to promote themselves.

Written Communication is used to connect internal and external communications with ‘Pizza Hut’. Letters are used to order stock for example or to complain. ‘Pizza Hut’ write done there order in a form of an order form. To arrange meetings between managers and assistant managers memos are used. Letters and memos are now sent in form of an e-mail instead or post. It is quicker and easier to send and write.

Reports are used to keep a record of the progress of restaurants and products. At every meeting that is held a minutes and agenda are recorded to keep track of what is being discussed. Newsletters are a way of communicating with employees so that they know what is happening in the business and any future events. ‘Pizza Hut’ communicates with supplies through oral and written communication. But there are eight stages to it before ‘Pizza Hut’ is delivered with their order. Letter of enquiry, Quotation, catalogue and price list, Order, Advice note, Delivery note, Invoice, Statement of account and Payment.