Work Experience

Evaluation of participation and responsible action during Work Experience. From 21st June to 2nd July 2004, I took part in a Work experience placement. I didn’t know what I would like to be when I left school, so therefore I decided to go somewhere that has a variety. I first looked on the NYBEP website, but there was nothing I wanted to do, so, I decided to refer back to when I worked at Malton Show with the Gazette and Herald.

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After deciding to go the paper I wrote a letter to the employer, Mr McMillan, asking him to accept me. I then sent him my WE4 form so he could fill it in. I found out what was required by telephoning Mr McMillan, the editor, and asking him a series of questions. I did work experience because I wanted to find out about Journalism and what it involves, and also because I wanted to improve my confidence.

Unfortunately I came across a problem because another student had already booked for the second week so therefore my supervisor proposed that I go to office in York for the first week, and the Malton office for the second week. If I was to prepare my work experience again I would go for an interview, as I didn’t have one on this work experience. On the first Monday, naturally I was nervous; I was greeted by Pam Johnson. I was then taken to meet Mr McMillan and then guided to where I was going to work for the first two days- the photography department.

I was introduced to a photographer called Anthony-Chappel-Ross, and ironically we had met earlier when we were waiting for the building to open. I was given a health and safety induction of the photography department, and after that I started work on the various jobs that needed doing. Later that day I was told that I was to go out to the North Minster Business Park and York college to take some photographs with Anthony, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got into a dark blue metallic convertible.

On the first Wednesday, I was handed back to the Gazette and Herald and was given a two hour induction by Mr McMillan. I was told to sort out 300 papers and put them in order. I spent the rest of the day typing my own articles for the next week’s paper. For the next two days I made 150 phone calls to various people and organizations, and before I knew it the first week had ended, I said my goodbyes and left looking forward to the week at Malton.

The second week was somewhat different as I went to court on Monday, Helmsley on Thursday, and Rosedale Abbey and Terrington Hall on the Friday. I think that the work I did had a positive impact on my employers as Mr McMillan said “Sophie is very willing and co-operative, comfortable in the environment with no obvious flaws”, and Victoria Young also said “Sophie was able, willing and very pleasant to work with (and a great style consultant) I’d be very happy to work with her again.

) Work Experience was extremely different to being at school because I was treated like an adult and not like a child. It was also different because it gives you experience that can be useful for future careers. I learnt about keyboard skills and I also learnt about writing for a newspaper. I wasn’t able to plan my working day because I did not know whether or not I would be going out to a job. I don’t think I would have liked more say because I liked the work, just the way it was.

All the people I worked with helped me in one way or another, whether it was about the work in general or travelling from one place to another- and for that I’m extremely grateful. I think I helped people by doing the jobs that they didn’t have time to do, for example- making all the phone calls. The benefits of work experience are that it gives you experience for the years ahead, it builds confidence and self-esteem, and it is a chance to learn about a specific career.

My Work experience has influenced my decision as I have now decided that I want to become a journalist. In order to do this I will stay on at sixth form and then go on to a university to study either Journalism or English. I have discovered that in order to go into sixth form I need five or six GCSE’s grade A* to C (and one must be in English). In order to become a journalist I need two A- Levels, a degree (it doesn’t necessarily have to be in Journalism) and pre-entry experience.