The hotel, restaurant and catering sector covers a wide range of different businesses including hotels, pubs and restaurants, fast-food takeaways, cafes and bistros. It plays an important role as a job creator in the service sector and in the economy as a whole in Australia. As there are huge number of people working in service industry, it is important to manage the risks and prevent the causes of accidents and ill health in the hospitality sector.
In other words, employers and employees have a duty of care to all people in NSW workplaces with regard to health, safety and welfare at work under NSW Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW OHS Act) (Occupational Health and Safety in Hospitality, 2003:3) . The aim of this report is to make available information relating to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in Bo Cafi?? and to provide an overview of good practices at both the policy and workplace levels. The first part of the report presents the key OHS policies relating to Cafi?? sector such as hygiene, safety and security in the workplace.
The report then focuses on the prevention of risks to workers in Bo Cafi??. The business should provide the training courses for employees at workplace level, including infection control, emergency procedure, fire prevention, manual handling, first aid, machinery and equipment and hazardous substance. The following section gives three methods that employer can consult with the employees under the Act. The brief explanations of the consultations include Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs), Health and Safety Committees (HSCs) and Additional ways to consult.
The next section refers the legislations that should be conducted in the Bo Cafi?? and provides an overview of contractual elements that should be involved in employer and employees. It includes the compensation for the staff who are not disadvantaged and have an early and successful return to work, and what legal obligations employers should be conducted. The main conclusion of the report is that the future recommendations are to develop prevention strategies which protect employees in Bo Cafi?? effectively. 1. Introduction
The food and beverage sector employs more than 7. 8 million people in Australia that is characterized by high job demands and high physical workload. Like most employers, they know that there is legislation about Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), however, they sometimes get around to address health and safety issues. According to the NSW Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW OHS Act), all businesses are required to set up an Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) program. The health and safety program is a process for managing health and safety in the workplace.
To achieve this, the business needs to establish and maintain the occupational health and safety program which is designed to prevent injuries and disease. “The employer is responsible for providing workers with adequate instruction in health and safety and for addressing unsafe situations in a timely, effective manner” (Health and Safety for Hospitality Small Business, 2005:41). And all staff and service contractors are required to work safely, to know and to follow the business’s guideline for safe work procedures (Occupation Health and Safety in Hospitality, 2003).
The aim of this report is to make available information relating to occupational health and safety in Bo Cafi?? and provide the overview of practices at both the policy and workplace levels. It begins with the briefly explanation of the OHS policies when setup new branch of Bo Cafi??. The type of trainings then will be conducted in workplace and the ways to involve the staff participating in OHS policies. Finally, the legal requirements and contractual elements may include and further recommendations.
“The business OHS policy involves implementing occupational health and safety to ensure a safe and healthy working and learning environment for all. This policy is in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000, the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001, the Workplace Injury Management and Workers’ Compensation Act 1998, the Workplace Injury Management and Workers’ Compensation Regulation 2002 and all relevant codes of practice” (Occupational Health and Safety Policy, 2006).
Consultation with employees can occur at any time. It encourages a sense of involvement and participation in business’s OHS issues. “People who have been involved in the decision-making process about changes are more inclined to accept the changes and implement safe systems of work more effectively” (Occupation Health and Safety in Hospitality, 2003:44). Generally, consultation results in staff being better informing and more motivating. There are further ways to consult in the workplace, in addition to consultation involving HSRs and HSCs.
Regularly scheduled meetings, such as tool box talks, production meetings, DWG meetings, team meetings and face-to-face discussions, may also be used for consultation. One or a mix of the arrangements may be appropriate, depending on the type of workplace. Employers with very small workplaces, where there are no HSRs may find face to face discussions or regular meetings with employees to be the most appropriate way for consulting about health and safety.
Under this Act, the workers are covered for workers compensation if they need time off work or medical treatment because of a work related injury or illness. Employers have an obligation to assist in the rehabilitation and return to meaningful and productive work of injured or ill employees as soon as practicable (Occupation Health and Safety in Hospitality, 2003).