Customer Satisfaction: Offset of an Effective Team

Establishing a team performance plan Question 1 Suggest ways the new recruits could establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles, responsibilities and accountabilities in accordance with organizational goals, plans and objectives. It is very essential that new recruits and management have common understanding of team purpose and vision statement. Therefore, organizational goals must be “SMART”. In other words, goals must be: Specific -? ensure that goal Is clear and not ambiguous. In order to create a specific AOL, employees must be informed about what is expected from their role.

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Measurable – this involves breaking down goals into measurable elements. Goals need to be measurable so that employees can keep track of what they are doing. Attainable – make sure that goal is achievable after considering the effort, time and other costs that team members put on. Relevant – ensure that goal Is aligned with other goals. Having relevant goals will motivate employees further and drive organization In forward direction. Timeliness – ensure that each goal has a time frame or target date. Having a time frame will put employees more commitment or focus on the tasks before the due date.

Question 2 What goals might Rob establish with his team to improve customer satisfaction? Several goals that Rob can implement to improve customers satisfaction: Set KIP in achieving customer loyalty to identify the progress that Rob and team members have made to improve customer satisfaction. Set a clear and time-frame target, for example to achieve an increase of 25% sales target compared to previous financial questionnaire. Question 3 Provide suggestions for Rob on how he should establish a) Team In order to create an effective team, Rob has to consider employees’ ideas as valuable in his decision making process.

Employees know best because they are the ones who undertake the daily routine tasks. Acknowledging employees ideas will motivate them further in carrying their tasks. Rob also needs to be clear when communicating and provide clear direction to each employee regarding his or her Job responsibility. Lastly, Rob has to facilitate communication between team members and himself to build more trust and cooperation. B) Specific performance strategies in order to come across the objectives of the team. Rob has to create strategies that are SMART.

This is important to align team members’ goals with the organizations, so that they can focus in carrying their tasks that meet organization goals. Strategies must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and have a time-frame. With such features, Rob can easily monitor and evaluate the strategies implemented against the objectives of the team. In addition, Rob can also provide ongoing training or support specific member’s day-to-day activities to ensure that team members can carry their tasks effectively and independently. Rob also needs to provide constant feedback for employees so they may improve further their performance.

Lastly, Rob may set KIP or performance indicator as a benchmark for performance of team members. Having actual results below KIP means that Rob needs to review his strategies. (These presentation strategies should establish expected conclusions, outputs, key performance pointers (Kips) and aims for the leaders). Question 4 Describe the role that Rob should play in supporting team members to achieve their performance objectives. Rob should monitor team members’ performance with aspect to their determination, roles, tasks and accountabilities with the organization’s goals and strategies.

Rob needs to facilitate communication between team members and himself. Encourage employees to participate in decision making. They will feel more respected and as a result, creating a more healthy and positive working environment. Rewards are essential in the sense that team members feel more motivated in carrying their tasks. Rewards are given for team members who excel in their performance. Rewards can be given in the form of promotion, longer annual leave or higher salary pay rate.