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All 500 stores were renovated according to revised design it. Marketing campaigns were launched informing about change in retailing format through print, TV and online channels iii. Catalogs were created and put in the stores – 25 catalogs per store ‘v. Employees were trained on new processes v. Internal processes were revamped to suit the new retailing model v’. Warehouses were optimizes based on stocking requirements vii. Additional store space leasing/sale was initiated 5. Issues with Strategy/Mid-Course Introspection a.

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As a result of the retail boom, being a catalog retailer, Taller had to ensure it stocked all the products listed in the catalog throughout the season. This lead to increasing inventory of unsold items. Inventory/Warehouse Management was not optimized to handle this Leasing/sale of additional retail space didn’t happen as planned, hence estimated income from this channel was not generated Customer footfall in the stores had reduced and overall customer satisfaction levels went down. Reasons were found to be as follows, I.

They couldn’t see the product and touch/feel it before deciding to buy it. This took away from the overall buying experience it. Catalog format eliminated their interactions with salesmen and hence the consultation process iii. They found it difficult to access catalogs due to crowd/rush during weekends ‘v. They found it difficult to browse the catalog and find product of their choice v. They found that most of the latest products were not available in the catalog v’. Many times, they got the wrong product despite toting correct “product hence ended up wasting time at the store vial.

Negative word-of-mouth among existing customers drove away potential new customers Store employees were unhappy with the catalog format which they felt alienated them from customers Taller has implemented the new strategy and is at a stage where they can’t switch back to the old methods 6. Questions a. Identify and elaborate on issues/gaps, if any, in Tattler’s target 2013/2020 strategy? Provide relevant data/workings where needed b. Identify 3 different solutions to fix the above mentioned issues, and do a cost-benefit analysis to identify the best approach to help Taller get back on track to achieve the objectives/targets set for 2020.

Provide relevant data/workings to substantiate the same c. If you have the opportunity to define Tattler’s Target 2013/2020 Strategy, what will it be, keeping in mind the objectives for 2013/2020 and company performance in fiscal year 2012? Elaborate on the same and provide relevant data/ workings to substantiate the same Copyright 0 2013 Accentuate All rights reserved. Accentuate, its logo, and High Performance Delivered are trademarks of Accentuate.