Business English

Most business letter, regardless of their purpose, have the following basic parts. I. Heading or Letterhead I’. Dateline Inside Address iii. Lb. Reference Line (Attention, Personal and Confidential, Subject) Body Complimentary Close vii. Viii. Signature ;x. Stenographic Reference x. Enclosures or Copies v. Salutation ; The Heading or Letterhead – companies usually use printed paper where heading or letterhead is specially designed at the top of the sheet. It bears all the necessary information about the organization’s identity. ; Date – Date of writing.

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The month should be fully spelled out and the year written tit all four digits October 12, 2005 (12 October 2005 – UK style). The date IS aligned with the return address. The number of the date is pronounced as an ordinal figure, though the endings SST. ND, rd, the, are often omitted in writing. The article before the number of the day is pronounced but not written. In the body of the letter, however, the article is written when the name of the month is not mentioned with the day. The recipient after your own address. Include the recipient’s name, company, address and postal code.

Add Job title if appropriate. Separate the recipient’s name and title tit a comma. Double check that you have the correct spelling of the recipient’s name. The Inside Address is always on the left margin. If an 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9″ business envelope, the inside address can appear through the window in the envelope. ; The Greeting – Also called the salutation. The type of salutation depends on your relationship with the recipient. It normally begins with the word “Dear” and always includes the person’s last name.

Use every resource possible to address your letter to an actual person. If you do not know the name or the sex of of your receiver addresses it to Dear Madam/Sir (or Dear Sales Manager or Dear Human Resources Director). As a general rule the greeting in a business letter ends in a colon (US style). It is also acceptable to use a comma (UK style). ; Reference Line – Its inclusion can help the recipient in dealing successfully with the aims of your letter. Normally the subject sentence is preceded with the word Subject: or Re: Subject line may be emphasized by underlining, using bold font, or all capital letters.

It is usually placed one line below the greeting but alternatively can be coated directly after the “inside address,” before the “greeting. ” ; The Body Paragraphs – The body is where you explain why you’re writing. It’s the main part of the business letter. Make sure the receiver knows who you are and why you are writing but try to avoid starting with “l”. Use a new paragraph when you wish to introduce a new idea or element into your letter. Depending on the letter style you choose, paragraphs may be indented. Regardless of format, skip a line between paragraphs. The Complimentary Close – This short, polite closing ends always with a comma. It s either at the left margin or its left edge is in the center, depending on the Business Letter Style that you use. It begins at the same column the heading does. The traditional rule of etiquette in Britain is that a formal letter starting “Dear Sir or Madam” must end “Yours faithfully”, while a letter starting “Dear ” must end “Yours sincerely”. (Note: the second word of the closing is NOT capitalized) ; Signature and Writer’s identification – The signature is the last part of the letter.

You should sign your first and last names. The signature line may include a second line for a title, if appropriate. The signature should start directly above the first letter of the signature line in the space between the close and the signature line. Use blue or black ink. Writer types the letter. If you include other material in the letter, put ‘Enclosure’, ‘Once. ‘, or ‘ Once. As appropriate, two lines below the last entry. C means a copy or copies are sent to someone else. 2. What are the common barriers of Communication?

How are they overcome? NAS. Communication in relationships is one of the biggest challenges that people need to deal with today. Whenever you put two people together in a relationship, they each ring different values, beliefs, expectations, history, education, agendas, goals, personality style, communication style, feelings, life outlook and old baggage to each and every interaction. It is difficult, at best, to communicate effectively with another person with each of these unique life outlooks, agendas and differences.

The keys to better communication in a relationship are recognizing these differences, and the willingness to be flexible, accepting, understanding and non-judgmental of the other person’s views, opinions or communication style. The main barriers of communication are Noise Distortion Gender difference Non-verbal communication Problems in the message Lack of communication skills Information overload Noise refers to the interference or distraction that is in the environment in which the communication is taking place. Distortion refers to the loss of meaning of the message in handling.

This largely occurs in the encoding and decoding stages of communication. Gender differences are a common barrier of communication. Men and women communicate for different reasons with different styles. Always accompanied by non-verbal cues that have a great tendency of encumbering he right message. As for problems in the message, the message could be incorrect, irrelevant, unsuitable, incomplete or difficult to understand or decipher. Also the encoder or decoder may lack communication skills, which becomes a barrier of communication. Guidelines to Overcome Barriers to Communications.

Overcoming Communication Barriers Overcoming Communication Barriers There is a lot of communication barriers faced these days by all. The message intended by the sender is not understood by the receiver in the same terms and sense and thus communication breakdown occurs. It is essential to deal and cope up with these communication barriers so as to ensure smooth and effective communication. As, in the previous section we have discussed the major barriers of communication. Let’s talk about how to overcome these barriers of communication. 1 .

Eliminating differences in perception: The organization should ensure that it is recruiting right individuals on the Job. It’s the responsibility of the interviewer to ensure that the interviewee has command over the written and spoken language. There should be proper Induction program so that the policies of the company are Lear to all the employees. There should be proper trainings conducted for required employees (for egg: Voice and Accent training). 2. Use of Simple Language: Use of simple and clear words should be emphasized. Use of ambiguous words and Jargon’s should be avoided. . Reduction and elimination of noise levels: Noise is the main communication barrier which must be overcome on priority basis. It is essential to identify the source of noise and then eliminate that source. 4. Active Listening: Listen attentively and carefully. There is a difference between “listening” and “hearing”. Active listening means hearing with proper understanding of the message that is heard. By asking questions the speaker can ensure whether his/her message is understood or not by the receiver in the same terms as intended by the speaker. . Emotional State: During communication one should make effective use of body language. He/she should not show their emotions while communication as the receiver might misinterpret the message being delivered. For example, if the conveyer of the message is in a bad mood then the receiver might think that the information being delivered is not good. 6. Simple Organizational Structure: The organizational structure should not be complex. The number of hierarchical levels should be optimum. There should be a ideal span of control within the organization.

Simpler the organizational structure, more effective will be the communication. 7. Avoid Information Overload: The managers should know how to prioritize their work. They should not overload themselves with the work. They should spend quality time with their subordinates and should listen to their problems and feedbacks actively. Feedback might be negative, but it should be delivered constructively. Constructive dieback will lead to effective communication between the superior and subordinate. 9. Proper Media Selection: The managers should properly select the medium of communication.

Simple messages should be conveyed orally, like: face to face interaction or meetings. Use of written means of communication should be encouraged for delivering complex messages. For significant messages reminders can be given by using written means of communication such as : Memos, Notices etc. 10. Flexibility in meeting the targets: For effective communication in an organization the managers should ensure that the individuals are meeting their targets timely thou skipping the formal channels of communication. There should not be much pressure on employees to meet their targets. . Explain the classification of Communication? Communication can be classified I. On the basis of the means of communication. It. On the basis of Relations iii. On the basis of direction of the flow of communication whether inward or outward, downward or upward. 1 . ) On the Basis of Means Used. A. When the message is conveyed by the written words, it is called written communication. B. When the message is conveyed by word mouth then it is called communication. . Written communication: It may be in form of a letter or circular, a bulletin, and office memo etc.

The purpose of this type of communication How is to help and promote co-ordination and team work. ‘v) Diagonal Communication: Diagonal communication takes place between people who are neither in the same department nor on the same level of organizational hierarchy. This type of communication flow helps in increasing organizational efficiency by cutting across departmental lines and by minimizing red tape. 4. Explain the Steps of effective writing? NAS : Effective writing allows the reader of your communication to thoroughly understand everything you are saying.