I The purpose of this Information could possibly be to ensure that London Transport Museum can communicate sales promotions successfully. I This source of information is an internal source in the finance department this is as they rate the sales promotions and impose them. I Written I Written communication is the use of communication through words written down physically. I L TM can use written information when they are talking to their partners in different countries around the world.
Another example could be them emailing other companies or schools to inform them about future plans and activities at the museum. I The purpose of this information would generally be to inform and educate people about future developments I This source of Information Is Internal. Human Resources department looks after screening, recruiting and training job applicants and they now a lot regarding the London Transport Museum. Meaning that It Is simply for them to offer the written Information.
I Onscreen I Onscreen Information Is communication which is displayed on a screen. For example TV screens. Onscreen communication may be used when L TM have presentations or special exhibitions for example they may have video clips playing for visitors to look at as part of certain exhibitions. I The purpose of this is to offer support for activities and shows that are happening at London Transport Museum. I The source for this information is internal. The reason for this is that it is the…