Direct to Consumer Marketing

While some may contend that direct-to-consumer advertising is more effective than doctors at motivating patients; research argues, “ETC Is Ineffective and will create a distraction In the examination room, Inevitably rain healthcare dollars, dramatically Increase unknown adverse effects and strain patient-doctor relationships (Strange, 2007). ” This review of the literature on direct-to- consumer marketing of pharmaceuticals will focus on the Ill advised prescription drugs that are presented straight to the consumer and possibly detrimental to their health.

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In the article “On TRACK: Intended and Unintended Consequences of Direct- to-consumer Drug Market,” Frey (2007), discussed how “the shotgun approach of marketing to the masses of drugs designed for narrow use in specific patients can rate a distraction in the examination room. ” He mentions how a patient will enter an examination room, “suffering and requesting help; they are accompanied by their explanatory models and influences from popular advertising.

Because the true risks of direct-to-consumer drugs are unknown, proper education of side effects and dangers of ETC drugs should be accessible and the public should be made aware of the potential harm. ” In conclusion, the long and drawn out debate on Consumers can only hope that proper regulations are in place to educate consumers properly. Since, the true net benefits and risks are unidentified, drug manufacturers and direct-to-consumer promotion will be around and very relevant for years to come.