Key Themes and Plot Development in Broken Glass

Eagleburger is going to sit Dry Hyman office to receive some results on the test his wife had – she is paralyses and showing no signs of illness at all. A little background history about the Humans is given. Reference to places In Brooklyn made -“ocean Parkway”. Opening of scene two from up to Eagleburger I see up. Margaret Hyman Dry Hyman-“early fifties”, an inquisitive, factual man “more people die or rat bite you know’, dollies women/wife.

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Slow thinker Eagleburger- he is impressed by Hyman, however some uncertainty towards him is clear A very slight Introduction to the theme of Eagleburger and Sylvia relationship, suggest that’s its perhaps cold “Oh… I never thought of it… ” He’s almost unfamiliar with his own wife. Sylvia illness is mentioned again – appears to be coping. Audience Is introduced to Dry Hyman, Sylvia doctor who is investigating her sudden paralysis. Sylvia appears to be coping well, something which Hyman admires.

Dry Hyman has the results from Dry Sherman tests on Sylvia. Reference to the typicality of the time – a doctor smoking Indoors, UN fazed by the claimed causes of smoking. Up Hyman I find this Adolph Hitler… To up Eagleburger Listen, I sympathies. Hyman – Educated in Germany, and shows great sympathy towards the Jews being punished over there, he ant understand the brutality. Eagleburger – suggests he has a short temper and that is almost ashamed of being a Jew, he’s not very sympathetic of the Jews in Germany – he’s very independent.

Theme of Sylvia and Eagleburger relationship with one another is touched on – Hyman presents this Idea that Sylvia Is scared of Phillip, The theme of Jewish is shown. Also Sylvia NAZI fear suggested – it’s almost an obsession of hers. While Hyman is trying to find the answer within the results, he talks to Eagleburger firstly about the Soldiers in Berlin smashing Jewish homes/stores etc, and Sylvia concern over it. Eagleburger expresses his thoughts on the German Jews, “l know but they’re supposed to be refugees… ” He has a negative attitude towards them – Hyman particularly agree.

Contextual reference to the Nazis pogroms;state sanctioned, anti-Jewish riots; against the Jewish community of Germany. It was known as “Charlatanic”, or “night of the broken glass”. Many Jewish homes, businesses, schools, hospitals and synagogues were destroyed. It can be seen as the first step in anti-Semitism. Also contextual reference to the stigma and accusations attached to the Jews in the sass’s. Up Hyman (cutting him of)… O up Eagleburger That’s the way I am… Hyman – shows more intrigue in Eagleburger relationship, he reasons behind his questions are not yet revealed but cause audience interest.

He isn’t sure of how/what is causing the hysteria. Eagleburger – he is shown to be a very forward and assertive man; he likes to know the facts He is difficult to talk to. Eagleburger becomes “tense” and “flushed” by the mention of his marital relationship. Eagleburger is proud of his wife, however the tension and the fact they only “get on very well” suggests some issues. Sylvia paralysis is hysterical, in relation to “people who are anxious enough or really righted can imagine they’ve gone blind or deaf” – Eagleburger is finding it difficult to understand.

Sylvia and Eagleburger relationship is discussed – Eagleburger speaks very highly of Sylvia but Hyman senses some tension around the discussion of their relationship. Dry Hyman believes that Sylvia paralysis is hysterical and psychological, however he is unsure what is causing it. Eagleburger questions Sylvia mental stability. Up Hyman You’re in… To POI slight pause Hyman- he is against the “psychiatry rigmarole”. He likes get ‘stuck in’ with work- likes to get straight to the point. Eagleburger -He is proud of his profession.

He is embarrassed about talking about his sexual relationship with his wife. He shows his disapproval of the actions in Germany/Judaism. Again the theme of relationship. Sylvia and Eagleburger have relations “twice, three times a week” Theme of the situation in Germany and how it’s in the papers across the world. Also the theme of Sylvia paralysis. It’s revealed Eagleburger is “the head of Mortgage Department of Brooklyn Guarantee and Trust. ” Hyman plans to treat Sylvia in his own way. The sexual relationship of Eagleburger and Sylvia is queried as Hyman believes sex is linked to the paralysis –

Eagleburger claims to have relations “twice, three times a week”. Eagleburger believes it is the pictures of the anti-semantic actions in Germany in the papers is what has caused the hysteria -“she scares herself to death with them” Contextual link to Anti- Semitism occurred in America as well despite the Jewish community being greater than the Christian community. There we no laws passed against the Jews to prevent them from doing things – it was personal prejudice. Also , contextual link to the POI slight pause to pop Hyman I don’t know…

Eagleburger – He becomes very emotional when describing the fall.. However he then becomes doubtful of his own wife. He denounces other Jews for not succeeding as he has done. His lack of humor, his brutish, snappy impatience, and paranoiac intensity make him dissociable to the audience. Hyman- is becoming more inquisitive, he likes to know about people, what they do etc. The theme of work plays a part, Eagleburger is very proud with the position he is in -“I’m the only Jew ever worked for Brooklyn Guarantee in their whole history. Although a contradiction, the theme of Eagleburger Judaism. The theme of Sylvia illness – the emotional side it (how she’s reacting, it’s also suggested she is almost faking the paralysis) Eagleburger recalls the night Sylvia collapsed and became paralyses – “her legs turned to butter. I couldn’t stand her up. Kept falling around like a rag doll… ” Eagleburger explains his work, and expresses his pride of being “the only Jew ever worked for Brooklyn Guarantee in their whole history. ” Hyman suggests that Sylvia is subconsciously scared causing her paralysis.

Eagleburger however questions whether or not his wife is “doing it against me”. Context reference to the American economy In the sass’s. In 1928 the wall street rash left America in a great depression due to the crash in the stock market. Pop Eagleburger (stares for a long moment… ) to pop Eagleburger turns and goes… Hyman-clearly a man of science does not believe in possessions or “daybook”. Eagleburger- he comes across as uneasy, “deeply disturbed”, he has a short temper, and he’s quick to assume “you’re not blaming this on me, are you? “.

We also learn his is perhaps old morale as his “parents were from the old country’ Theme of relationship- Hyman believes that “a lot of loving” is needed to help Sylvia and her Paralysis (another theme). Unsure of what to make of the results of his wife’s tests, he even questions whether she has been possessed. Hyman wants to treat Sylvia “unconventionally’. Eagleburger leaves. In Jewish folklore, a daybook is a malicious possessing spirit, believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. Pop Margaret That’s one miserable pissers… To end of scene.

Margaret- likes to be romanced by Hyman. Very concerning over her husband. A good Judgment of character. Hyman- Determined man “full enthusiasm” regarding the mystery surrounding the illness. He likes to romance women. He has a good heart- likes to alp even though he’s doubtful he can Eagleburger -Highly controlling man, “He’s a dictator”, and “miserable”. Sylvia illness: Hyman isn’t sure how to treat her, and promises his wife that if it becomes too much that he will refer her. Margaret comments of Eagleburger character “That’s one miserable pissers”, and that “he’s a dictator”.

Hyman is doubtful of his ability to treat Sylvia; however he is determined to continue due to sheer fascination. The scene ends on a empty promise to refer Sylvia to another doctor if its becomes too serious and Hyman and Margaret become intimate. Reference to American culture/cinema at the time – “at the Beverly they’ve got Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. Jimmy Chaney’s at the Realtor but it’s another pop Next evening to pop Sylvia Yes. Sylvia- “She is mid-forties, a buxom, capable, and warm woman. ” She is a sensitive woman, and doesn’t like to be a burden on anyone.

Is she attracted to Hyman? Harriet- is Sylvia younger sister, she isn’t as intelligent as her sister, and she doesn’t understand Sylvia reasoning. The theme of Sylvia illness, she can feel something “… But inside not on the skin. (Looks at legs. ) I can harden the muscles but I can’t lift hem. (Strokes her thighs. ) I seem to have an ache. Not only here but… (She runs her hands down her trunk. ) My whole body seems… I can’t describe it. It’s like I was Just born and l… Didn’t want to come out yet. Like a deep, terrible aching… “Suggests perhaps her paralysis is emotional?

Theme of Nazi Germany: it angers Sylvia, the poor Jewish men remind her of her grandfather- it disturbs her. Sylvia sister Harriet is visiting her, to run some errands for Sylvia – she is “pale” and Harriet questions whether she has been eating and Sylvia fascination with newspapers. Harriet is doubtful of Hyman. Sylvia explains her illness into more depth, and how/why the newspapers are distressing her – the old men scrubbing the flood remind her of her grandfather, she sympathizes with them. In November 1938, a Nazi ‘diplomat’ was shot dead by a Jew in Paris.

Hitler ordered a seven day campaign of terror against the Jews in Germany to be organized by Hammier and the AS. On the 10th November, the campaign started. 10,000 shops owned by Jews were destroyed and their contents stolen. Homes and synagogues were set on fire and left to burn. A huge amount of damage was done to Jewish property but the Jewish community was ordered to pay a nee billion mark fine to pay for the eventual clear-up. Jews were forced to scrub the streets clean. Pop Sylvia returns to p 20 Eagleburger It’s only a color… Eagleburger – he has a Stern, harsh and forbidding presence.

He is only proud of being Jewish when there is reason to be proud (I. E. Only Jew in the army) Sylvia – a very emotional, concerned woman and has a slightly reserved attitude towards Eagleburger. Sylvia paralysis: she feels like she is a burden on Eagleburger- being overly apologetic, something which causes annoyance to Eagleburger and strain to their “relationship”. (another theme) Eagleburger arrives home, he has a letter from the General of his son Jerome rank – Jerome has been given the honor of giving a lecture on artillery in Fort Still.

Eagleburger is overwhelmed with pride, as Jerome could be the first Jewish general in the US army. Sylvia is resentful – she is concerned about his welfare. Sylvia keeps apologizing for her burden she feels she is putting on Eagleburger. Eagleburger reveals he saw Hyman last night, and that he wants to change. He wants to teach Sylvia to drive. Slight link to the stigma’s that were attached to being Jewish -” I wanted to see that a Jew doesn’t have to be a Lawyer or a Doctor or a businessman. ” pop Sylvia Tell me… To pop end of the scene. Sylvia- she is unhappy in her relationship – she only stayed for “her mother”, “for Jerome”.

She also regrets marriage. Her illness takes its toll; she is frightened by the relations with his wife for years. Only out of fear he stayed in the relationship. Sylvia and Philips relationship/marriage: they haven’t been a couple in years- Eagleburger resents marriage it is clear they are merely Just living together- not married. Philips incompetence has put a strain on their relationship – perhaps even Sylvia lath? Is she frightened by him? Sylvia illness: remains unchanged, when Philip eggs her on to walking heated discussion she falls to the ground.

Eagleburger explains that Dry Hyman believes that her paralysis is psychological, and caused by fear- fear, which Eagleburger believes, is due to the newspapers. Sylvia believes “it’s ridiculous. I can’t move my legs from reading a newspaper? ” When Eagleburger attempts to comfort her, she believes she’s dying, that there is no hope. Phillip tries to change their relationship but Sylvia believes “it’s too late for that… It hasn’t happened in years”- Philip is impotence. Philip regrets marriage – they haven’t had a relationship for years. He eggs her to try and walk but she collapses on the floor.

In November 1938, a Nazi ‘diplomat’ was shot dead by a Jew in Paris. Hitler ordered a seven day campaign of terror against the Jews in Germany to be organized by Hammier and the AS. On the 10th November, the campaign started. 10,000 shops owned by Jews were destroyed and their contents stolen. Homes and synagogues were set on fire and left to burn. A huge amount of damage was done to Jewish property but the Jewish community was ordered to pay a one billion mark fine to pay for the eventual clear- p. Jews were forced to scrub the streets clean.

Scene Three pop Opening of scented Hymn’s office… To pop Hyman Yes. But in a way… Harriet – adores Hyman and the work he had done for her cousin. She is attentive, noses, almost a gossip although she has reservations of whether to tell Hyman anything. Hyman – he adore female attention. He is mystified, confused by Sylvia paralysis, he is interested in finding out about Phillip and Sylvia relationship The events in Germany are mentions in reference to the paper Sylvia has obsession with. Harriet goes to see Dry Hyman – he explains how physiologically, her numbness isn’t make sense.

Hyman used to treat Harrier’s cousin, Rosily Vein who had a crush on him. Since the collapse, Sylvia acts like “this is how she wants to be”, and that’s its only “last couple of weeks” she has had the fascination with Germany despite it “being across the ocean”. Reference made again to the NAZI and actions in a way… To positioning darkens Harrier’s expression… Harriet- Doesn’t withhold on her opinions, which are suggested as general ones of everybody. Hyman – he is piecing together and trying to work out who Phillip is, what he’s like, is it’s something o do with Sylvia paralysis?

He is shocked by how Philip has treated Sylvia. Harriet discusses Eagleburger and Sylvia relationship 0 she explains Phillips brash side and how he took is anger out on Sylvia by hitting her with a steak. Their relationship isn’t stable. Eagleburger hatred of himself being a Jew and his awareness of anti- Semitism is picked up. Hyman asks questions about Philips personality and his relationship with Sylvia. Harriet regards him as a “prune”, lies about him being “sweet” and discloses how no one like to be around him ,especially with opinions that go against his “republican” Houghton. L don’t understand him and I never will. ” Harriet reveals when Philip and Sylvia came close to separation when “he hit her with a steak” because it was “overdone” -“the whole thing is very strange”. Positioning darkens Harrier’s expression… To the end of the scene Harriet – although haunted by the account, she feels sympathy towards Philip and her sister despite her not liking Philip very much. Philip despite everything is a good man. Hyman – is with further confusion – they’re marriage does not make sense. Again in further detail the theme of Sylvia and Phillips relationship.

Despite their fights and abuse, he still adores her – something which causes great confusion amongst everyone. Harriet tells Hyman of one Christmas when Sylvia was Joking about some “very French” postcards, Phillip threw her up the stairs and “screamed” at her and everyone else 0 all because, it is suggested, he is impotent. However, Harriet explains that “the expression on that man’s face when he’s watching her- it could almost break your heart… He adore her! ” Scene Four Complete scene Case -“He has great natural authority, an almost childishly naive self-assurance”, he has a lot of trust in Eagleburger.

However, anti-Semitism is hinted “it’s surprising for one of you people” Eagleburger: admires and trusts Case, hard worker, enjoys the satisfaction of being right. The theme of Eagleburger obsession with work. It shows his emphasis for detail and how he adores praise and appreciation of all his work/fillings. Eagleburger stops by the office to offer advice on a property and to also boast about the progress of his son in the army. He suggest that case stay away from building 611 due to hearsay issues that Wanderer’s- a popular business is going and that 611 is a bad building. He is thanked and offered a brandy.

Anti-Semitism in America cached its peak during the interwar period. Car manufacturer Henry Ford radio speeches of Father Slouching in the late asses attacked Franklin D. Roosevelt New Deal and promoted the notion of a Jewish financial conspiracy. Views were also shared by politicians; Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the United States House Committee on Banking and Currency, blamed Jews for Roosevelt decision to abandon the gold standard, and claimed that “in the United States today, the Gentiles have the slips of paper while the Jews have the lawful money Scene Five pop start of scene to pop Sylvia Well you mustn’t get anyone…

Sylvia – her mood hinges around Hyman, she becomes flirtatious, anticipated, when he comes closer or touches her. Hyman- he is excited by Sylvia, he repeats how “beautiful” she is and how she have “moved “him. It’s clear they have feelings for one another. Sylvia and Humans relationship: the theme of their relationship and development of their emotions for one another plays an important role, as it shows Sylvia desire to be loved. Sylvia paralysis has no improvement despite the coaxing words of Hyman, she simply can’t move her legs. Hyman comes to visit Sylvia – he checks upon her legs; She can’t feel touch or move them.

Sylvia is excited by his presence, as is Hyman by her and so feels he should refer her to another doctor as he claims he hasn’t “been moved by a woman in a very long time”. Sylvia disapproves. Pop Sylvia Well you mustn’t get anyone… To pop Hyman Are you afraid right now? Sylvia -Anxious around him Her “eyes show fear” when Philip is mentioned Hyman – revealed he had many lovers in his youth. He is vain. Cares a lot about Sylvia. Sylvia does not know the overall answer as to she is feeling the way she does, why she can’t move her legs.

Relationship: When Hyman mentions Philip at random he notices fear in her eyes 0 key to her paralysis? Disruption in marriage? Hyman tries to press for an answer as to what is bothering her, but she doesn’t know. Hyman feels defeated; he doesn’t know what to do. Sylvia begs for patience, and they change topic onto Humans youth, but when Hyman mentions Philip, “Sylvia eyes show fear”. Pop Hyman Are you afraid right now? To pop Sylvia Tell me about Germany. Sylvia – She enjoys reminiscing about the past (suggests that they were better times. She has great desire to talk to Hyman/to be loved. Hyman- also likes remembering about his past in Germany, he likes women’s attention and is suggested he find sit difficult o say no to Sylvia. Illness: She tries to avoid questions on the subject almost as though she has convinced herself she will never walk again. She likes the company of Hyman. Relationship: Sylvia resents the fact she was forced to give up work, almost as though it took her freedom. But the fact that she is seeking “love” or attention from Hyman by kissing him, suggests that her marriage is not satisfying her needs.

Sylvia tells Hyman of how she met Phillip, when they married and how he forced her not got to work her feel hope full of herself – she kisses his palm and he sweeps her hair back. He exists her by staying away, he tries to encourage her to move her legs but she gives us – she Just can’t move them. She asks to know about Germany (of Humans Past). Pop Sylvia Tell me about Germany to the end of the scene. Sylvia- She is silenced by fear, she wants to talk and express things but she knows that Philip disagrees. She feels comfortable and open with Hyman, something she does normally feel.

Hyman – Links back to how he believes love/sex is linked to her secret illness. He uses it to try and get her to open up (intelligent/inquisitive. ) Germany – Sylvia constantly refers back to the events in Germany. But Hymen isn’t convinced this is her only fear. Eagleburger hatred of himself being a Jew and his awareness of anti-Semitism is picked up. Hyman studied medicine in Germany because American medical school have “high quotas for Jews”. Sylvia feels great sympathy and almost empathetic with the Jews in the times.

No one talks about it with her, Philip only Jokes about Jews. She is frightened inside. Hyman asks Sylvia to pretend they have made love and that she is telling him all her secrets. He leaves and she is left thinking. Certain universities, most notably Harvard, introduced policies which effectively placed a quota on the umber of Jews admitted to the university. This reached its height in the asses and has now died out to the point that 28% of the Ivy League student population is Jewish Scene Six pop Hymn’s Office to pop Eagleburger I’m kind of upset…

Eagleburger- he’s nervous, lost weight , sighs a lot – he snaps rudely at Margaret when she tries to help Margaret- pry’s into the business of Eagleburger, she notices changes in Eagleburger. Sylvia illness: there are been change since Humans last visit. Eagleburger visits Humans office. While waiting Margaret notices he has lost weight and that he is sighs a lot. There is no change in Sylvia. Eagleburger snaps, he is “upset”. Pop Hyman enters… To pop Eagleburger Listen… Eagleburger- His quick to Judge nature is reflected again into the discussion – he is elf conscious about what Sylvia may or may not have said.

Hyman – “the openness of this hostility mystifies Hyman who becomes apologetic” Relationship: Appears that Eagleburger is attempting to fix their relationship, however Eagleburger leads us to doubtfully believe it is only a recent occurrence. Eagleburger confides with Hyman that he is going to have sex with Sylvia. He claims they haven’t been together “for the last two week” and “some time before that”. Hyman suggests that love is the key to her being well, as women who aren’t feeling loved is “lost”. Eagleburger takes offence. Pop Eagleburger Listen… To pop Hyman Good!

Eagleburger- he is full of such anger and doubt, his reasoning is difficult to understand for Hyman, but he does trust him Hyman – He questions everything he hears. Illness: Eagleburger almost uses the paralysis as an excuse for their lack of relationship, as though it is being used to defy him. Marriage: Suggests that he doesn’t trust his wife 0 no trust weak marriage. Eagleburger asks to be put in touch with a specialist for himself (his impotence). Hyman believes Eagleburger is stressed (due to sighing). Eagleburger thinks that her paralyses is being done on purpose, he’s wondering “if she gets out and walks around when I leave the house. He is suspicious of what Sylvia and Hyman talk about, despite that he claims “l do trust you. ” pop Hyman Good! To pop Shaken, Hyman… Eagleburger – He is vein liar, he will say anything to protect himself and his image. He tries to blame her paralysis on her madness because he may know that he is the reason for it. Hyman -He is out of his depth Relationship- this again suggests a very poor and weak relationship. He takes his arsenal weakness out on his both others and his marriage.. Eagleburger confides in Hyman that he has trouble with impotence.

Hyman comforts Eagleburger that its nothing to worry about, and that he shouldn’t worry that she is expecting more. .Facing increasing recognition of his own impotence and weakness, he tries to hide it behind the lie that he made love to his wife, but that she then rejected him by cruelly claiming to have forgotten the experience altogether within hours of its occurrence. Pop Shaken, Hyman… To pop Eagleburger I am deciding… Eagleburger- is angry, frustrated and physically sick of Humans indecisiveness and by he idea that his wife is trying to destroy him. Hyman – he is out of his depth, unable to say the answer Eagleburger is looking for.

He is us pious of his claim of making love with Sylvia. Relationship – It seems as though Sylvia and Eagleburger don’t know each other anymore. Eagleburger is so caught up in the lies that he is ruining his wife’s only happiness of seeing Hyman. Sylvia claims that Eagleburger had “imagined doing it” as an act of spite and that she is trying to “destroy’ him. Hyman doesn’t know what to say, in fear he is out of his depth. Eagleburger is furious, storms out of the office forbidding Sylvia to be treated by Hyman again. Pop Eagleburger I am deciding… To end of the scene Hyman- he believes anything a woman tells him.

He is ambitious, has a drive to figure is out of his depth and should referred to another doctor – for once Hyman is not taking her advice. Illness- Hyman believes something big is causing the illness, something which she is scared to admit it. Driven by this idea that Sylvia knows something key, he is full of determination to find out what it is that is making her so scared that she is paralyses. Margaret id doubtful – she simply believes she mad and that she should be referred. Scene Seven pop start of the scene to end of the scene pop Case- angry at the fact he has lost out on a property with potential – he blames Eagleburger.

Eagleburger – Quick with explanation, he hates to be in a position where his work is criticized. Eagleburger obsession with work is clear because when he fails and becomes in trouble it is a great blow to him and his self-esteem. Eagleburger and Case have a heated discussion, the building Case wanted which Eagleburger had told him information on was false, causing friction and tension between the two. Eagleburger becomes progressively ill under stress- he “is left open mouthed, nee hand raised to bring back his life. ” Scene Eight pop Start of the scene to pop Hyman (forced to give up)..

Sylvia – likes sharing things with Hyman, she likes to listen to. Hyman -wants to help to the best of his ability, but he is finding it a struggle, he can’t cope he needs assistance. Ill news- “Eve learned that your kind of symptoms come from deep within the mind. I would have to deal with your dreams to get any results, your deepest secret feelings, you understand? That is not my training. ” Hyman visits Sylvia, he compliments her hair and perfume (much to Sylvia delight) and they discuss about heir childhood. Hyman says that “Eve learned that your kind of symptoms come from deep within the mind.

I would have to deal with your dreams to get any results, your deepest secret feelings, you understand? That is not my training. ” Despite this Sylvia wishes for Hyman to hear of her dream. Pop Hyman (forced to give up).. To pop Sylvia I feel like I’m losing… Sylvia – her obsessions with the NAZI pogroms have become greater – she is now dreaming every night of being attacked. Hyman – is greatly concerned for the welfare of Sylvia. Germany – the events in Germany have affected her dreams, like what Hyman said the people in the pictures seem real to her. Her dream is in black and white of a town Oust like the pictures in the paper), within it, she is being chased, and then is mounted by a man who kisses her and cuts of her breasts. She thinks its Philip but it’s not. Sylvia becomes emotional, and embraces and kisses Hyman on the mouth. Pogroms in Germany, as written in previous boxes A pop Sylvia I feel like I’m losing… To pop Sylvia (with bitter irony)… Sylvia- she is furious over the suggestion that she is mentally unstable and that her husband would create such a lie. Hyman