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This permits users to use, change, and Improve the software, and to distribute It In modified or unmodified forms. Meaning of hardware A computer’s hardware consists of the physical components necessary to operate and interact with a computer. Since a computer’s primary language is binary, devices are necessary to convert our input into that language. The binary code coming out of the computer must also be translated into something usable for the operator. Meaning of software Software is often divided into two categories: 1 .

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System software: Includes the operating system and all the utilities that enables the computer to function. ‘ 2. Application software: Includes programs that do real work for users. For examples:word processor,spreadsheets and database. 2. The Latest Open Source Application Software 2. 1 Meaning of Open Source SO Open Source Operating System is the most important program that runs on a computer that is free to use, change, and improve the software, and to redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs.

Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. 2. 2 Examples of open source SO A user friendly operating system based on KDE, the K Desktop Environment. With predictable 6 month release cycle and part of the Bunt project, Subunit is the GNU/Illumination’s for everyone. Improved desktop, updated applications increased usability features arrests a few of the surprises with this latest release. ) Fedora Linux A Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and pensioners software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It subsist by people across the globe who work together as a community: the Federation. The Fedora Project is open and anyone is welcomed to Join. 3. 0 The Latest Open Source Application Software 3. 1 Meaning of open source application software Open Source Application Software includes database programs, word processors, and spreadsheets and others.

It is free to use, change, and improve the software, and o redistribute it in modified or unmodified forms. 3. 2 Examples of open source application software a)Open Office An office application set (for word processing, spreadsheet manipulation,picture drawing and data base access) compatible with all other major objectification sets such as Office and available for Windows and Mac as well as Linux.