Material Development

We designed a story which we can read to children with story card technique. We Illustrated this story in such manner that Is appropriate for their age. In the story, there Is a bear family and they set out on a Journey In forest. The mall character In the story Is Barn. When Barn set out on a journey In forest, It learns counting numbers. We also designed materials with felt. With these materials, after children read or listen the story, they match numbers with characters in the story.

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We also use wood to children match numbers. Language of story is tried to be appropriate for children’s age and language-literacy level. We used attractive colors when we designed and made our material. We wanted that it is attractive and beautiful for children. Materials which we used tried to be appropriate for children. For example; sides and corners of wooden blocks are oval in a shape that they cannot harm to children. We designed our material in order to children using individually. Thanks to this, children can learn counting numbers when they read or listen story.

Also, reading or listening story can raise the awareness of reading. Children can learn new words. When children take this material, they can explore themselves counting numbers. This material can be used In Indoors but characters which we used In are things which children can find in outdoor. We aimed that material is connected with real life in this way. We designed this material for 4-5 years children. When we made this material, we considered their developmental level. Numbers which children will bond with hook and pile can help to children’s fine motor skills develop.

When teacher read the story, children can gain listening habit. They can learn new words from story. They can make the story continue as they want. This may help to develop their creativity. We used a clear topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. We used examples and story to help engage readers. We aimed that children learn numbers when they read and listen the story at the same time. In this way, numbers concept is more consistent In children’s mind. Thank to this material, children can learn by doing and living.

This material Is not single use material. It Is available for much the day. We aimed that our design serves as a means to build the basic skills necessary for literacy voltmeter by demonstrating to students with disabilities the function and utility of language in an intentional, purposeful, and intensive way. While many students come to school with exposure to literacy in their everyday lives, students who may not have access or exposure benefit from the instruction and intensity provided by teachers in this setting.

Given the support of this environment, students can be better prepared to work on other literacy skills including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. This material reflects and supports the process f colonization and the development of thinking. It reveals children’s interests. Children can work on reading, listening and talking skills In play with this material. The role of the teacher Is to encourage all attempts at reading, writing, and speaking, allowing students of varying ability to experience the different function and use of literacy activities and our material.

Teacher interactions with students with a variety of methods of communicating with students by asking questions, labeling objects and experiences with new vocabulary, and offering practice to help students member and generalize new concepts and skills. Teaching staff can plan activities so that students “have opportunities to integrate and extend their literacy knowledge by reading aloud, listening to other students read aloud, and listening to tape recordings and videotapes in reading corners”.

Also, staff can teach students how to use this material in their environment to promote interest and use of this literacy material throughout the classroom. Another strategy involves staff members intentionally making mistakes to demonstrate editing and revising modeling for hillier the importance of making mistakes while demonstrating the reading and talking process. Our design appeals to both genders. Characters in our story are animal. We do not specify sex. We can design also the reading area in the class.

This material can be used in it. We can make language-literacy box. There can be stories, books, magazines and newspapers, pictures, words, and objects for sorting and etc. The box can be in reading area. Children can explore this bow when they want as group or individually. Alphabet letters can likewise support children’s literacy. It’s important that teachers have different types of letters that children can move around, such as magnetic letters for the refrigerator and foam letters for the bathtub.

It’s also good to have alphabet blocks and puzzles, letter-shaped cookie cutters, letter stamps, and stickers. Children love writing their name; these materials give them the opportunity to do so over and over again. Audio and visual recordings can relate to beginning reading and writing also have their place in the home and class. Concept videos and DVD’s that feature rhyming and children’s books on tape or CD can be borrowed from the local library.