Language and Literacy Development

Also the child’s Rene) will not only need to be able to comprehend but will have the capability to correspond and put together their thoughts completely that would lead conclusively to listening and reading comprehension. With the preeminent goal of conventional literacy instructions in Kindergarten thru 3rd grade, in today schools, will help to encourage perspicacity and formulate the meaning to written text.

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By this it will scrutinize the oral language skills and make it indispensable for young children to start school. Also it’s the focal point in developing oral language to determine a more wide range of proficiency for success in reading in the future. Not to mention, it gives the educators recommendations to help the children to expedite the reinforcement of these skills (oral language).

Learning to read and write at a high level of proficiency is a lifelong process; however, it is well established that the early childhood years serve as an important foundation for subsequent literacy development (Neumann & Dickinson, 2001; Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998; Whitehorse & Longing, 2001). The degree to which children acquire requisite literacy skills is known to be a strong predictor of future academic success and has long-term social and economic implications for families and societies (Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998; Werner & Smith, 1992).

In a Joint position statement issued by the International Reading Association (AIR) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NANCY), the authors state, “One of the best predictors of whether a child will function competently in school and go on to contribute actively in our increasingly literate society is the level to which the child progresses in reading and writing” (AIR/NANCY, 1998, p. 30). Language and literacy skills go hand in hand together. Young hillier develop language skills early and they differ in ages and stages.

Such facts about young children is that they’re academic successes at age 9 and 10 can be attributed to the amount of talk they hear from birth through 3. 5, gaps widen, rather than diminish, over the early elementary years, by age 3, tends in the amount of talk, vocabulary growth and style of interaction are well established and suggest widening, at 16-18 months, when children begin amassing vocabulary and word learning is significantly affected by economic background (www. Early- literacy. Com).

During the first few years of a child’s (Rene) life their language ND literacy development begins. Young children encounters language and literacy skills thru books and having stories read to them. Also they learn thru their caregivers and as they grow they begin to coo and babble. This process continues until the child can immolate adults and comprehend the language (Otto, 2008). Oral language is a major component in emergent literacy skills. When children experience early speech difficulties they tend to be at risk later on.

By being susceptible to language skills early on allows the child (Rene) to be more proficiency and react in a way that contributes to them being able to express themselves in a ay that causes them to use a variety of different phonemes and at the same time mix and maneuver other language and literacy skills. Numerous studies have found that there is a strong link between language problems, reading and overall academic achievement (Zone, 2006, Snow Burns and Griffin, 1998, Justice and Ouzel, 2000). Constructive early language and literacy development can be an ally to opening a successful readers.

As the children grow (birth to 3 hrs. Old) their brain goes through an extraordinary developmental process and they begin to think, learn, communicate and rationalize things. When this early developmental stage is not being nourished the child will feel the affects of it in the long run. Children that come from low- income families that are enrolled in schools are affected the most. Educators and parents can assist these children by giving them the support (early-on) that they need to sustain a healthy learning environment.

As educators it is our duty to create an environment that will help in this process. In conclusion, generally in language and literacy development skills for the most part, there are difficulty in reading which is language-based. The role of language in proficient reading and the manifestation of early reading disability have the tendency to contemplate issues in both the language processing and metasyntactic awareness. Therefore, much sojourn to be established when it comes to the natural development for both capabilities.

Their interrelations are ultimately a resolution of the cognitive capabilities are very similar to linking reading skills and further be implemented methods of reading preparation for assessment to determine any reading issues that will reduce the proportion of reading deficiencies. Teachers should start this by enthusiastically engaging the children institute their credentials and participation onto the language and literacy activities. The teacher has to be a knowledgeable and a good listener as well as respond to the children.