Measure and Concept of Development

The meaning of development is measured by statistical analysis in a country with ; national Income ,lunation ,unemployment rate, balance of payment ,elf expectancy, the rate of literacy and such as more measurements In a actual country . Those measurements will show us how the countries are developing In the world , by the numbers of macroeconomic measures we will be able to understand how the countries are growing economically and how the macro economical growth rate is effecting actual countries social standards.

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The meaning of Developing countries are third world countries or a country that is still trying to create an advance macro economical standards and trying to Improve more advanced civilization. In other explanation we can also say Countries that haven’t reached an Important level of Industrialization according to their population so because of that reason country will have low national Income, high Inflation, high unemployment rate, low standard of living furthermore low domestic gross product ND we have to mention an important point between low income and high population growth.

The understanding of developed countries is; how the county is advanced by economically, socially, culturally or technologically and become a developed country. In developed countries we can understand by the 2 important way how the country is being developed, firstly economic development and human development. The Comparison between the two counties we will explain Canada for a developed country and in the other side we will compare with Indonesia or a developing country.

Those two countries are in different position in the world now , we should have know between Canada and Indonesia there are so many economical and social differences and now we will be able to understand why the macro economical measurements are so different then each other ? Canada is having one of the highest standards of living in the world. Canada has the eleventh largest economy in the world so far Canada Is one of the world’s wealthiest countries. The Canadian economy Is dominated by the services sector, which employs almost the having 70% percent of their population three.

Canada Is extraordinary place among other developed economies In the world, with the services sectors and OLL Industries being two of Canada’s most Important field In the economy. Canada also has a quite big manufacturing sector with the automobile coastal line, Canada has the 8th largest commercial fishing and seafood industry in the world Main industries in Canada: Canada’s main industries are transportation equipment, chemicals, processed and unprocessed minerals, food products, wood ND paper products, fish products, petroleum and natural gas .

Today Canada closely resembles the U. S. In its market-oriented economic system and pattern of production. Export goods :Canada’s most export goods are motor vehicles and parts, industrial machinery, aircraft, telecommunications equipment; chemicals, plastics, fertilizers; wood pulp, timber, crude petroleum, natural gas, electricity, aluminum. Import goods: Canada’s most imports goods are machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and parts, crude oil, chemicals, electricity, durable consumer goods