Personal Opinion on Banking and Finance Field

After 4-year undergraduate course,I have become cognizant of the essential role of economic management and desire to explore more about Its marvelous aspects and properties. ‘ sense little room for doubt that the course I am applying for will assist me to achieve this goal by Immensely Inflate my nooses of uncial market’s complicated laws,stock exchange rills,and real state trading.

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There are various reasons that urge me to study In the United states,specifically,at Oklahoma City university-First and foremost,living In an English-speaking circumstance aids me to wholly enhance my English skills In all facets,Welch Is significant to my future career-Moreover,slice united States Is reckoned as the world’s financial and cultural center,I stand high chance of gaining valuable knowledge that are likely to help me to make my purpose of working for a multinational corporation come true-I have specially craved to apply to your

University not only because of its worldwide fame in economic but also because of its advanced facilities and hospitality environmental. Since the first time I looked into your Banking and Finance course,I have known that it is bespoken for me as the course permit me to unite my yearning in business with my hobby of communicating with people. Banking and Finance is what I would like to study,so hoarding a thorough apprehension about this field is substantial. After finishing this course,I expect myself to have sufficient knowledge of financial market’s principles,so that I could starts my international career.

I have been living on my own for couples of year since I left my hometown to go to university. Life experiences have turned me into an independent and versatile man that is not afraid of confronting rough challenges. English has been my favorite subject since my very first time of school,and I also like learning about cultures all around the world. After school time,’ enjoy Joining extracurricular activities such as garbage collecting campaign,helping traffic warden. On the other hand,’ believe to complete social skills,patience and moral.