There are many more important factors to human activity than leadership. Effective leadership helps our nation through times of danger and risky situations. In today’s competitive world, leadership skills are crucial for both personal and professional development. Leadership is an important function of management which helps an individual or a business to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. It makes a business and/or nonprofit organization successful.
Leadership is a very important raid of management which helps an individual or a corporate business to maximize efficiency and achieve their goals. Leadership has different meanings to various people. Most commonly, leadership is also defines as influence, that is the art influencing others so that will strive willingly towards reaching goals. Political leadership is a more complex process by which the persons in power influence their followers, society, and the public to accomplish their set goals for the community. Political leaders are necessary for continuing and starting the process of change and placement in any society.
It can be social or economic change and constitutional or political change. These leaders carry out the process of change by applying their skills and attributes like politically relevant beliefs, socially adored values, and approved character. Political development Is an Interactive, public-decision-making and learning process that alters the achievable set of options open to solving political problems within and between government and civil society, based on power creation and dispersion. This process leads to Increasing Individual and group autonomy from low from above.
The study of Political Development can also be understood as the structures of the state In correspondence with the changes occurring In the economy and social dimensions of group life. The concept of political development should be based on an open acknowledgement of the value of Institutional autonomy and Its relationship to democratic values. Without any leadership and developing of societies, groups of human beings quickly turn Into arguments and conflict, because we see things In different ways and lean towards different solutions.