Problems on Staff Training and Development

The strategic procedure of employee training and development needs to encourage creativity, ensure inventiveness and shape the entire organizational knowledge that provides the organization with uniqueness and differentiates It from the others. Evidence collected from this research, especially from those Joint venture hotels supported the rationales that underpinned Western human resource development (HARD) models that effective T&D activities in hotels required to have systematic and strategically integrated T&D structures, which was particularly true when considering hotels’ long term development.

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Furthermore, some “emotion”-involved elements identified in the Chinese state-owned hotels seemed to have provided valuable ingredients to be added into the existing Western HARD models, which could help to increase their robustness in a cross-culture context and also to improve their effectiveness in the hotel Industry. It was found that positive learning attitudes and energetic learning leaders had the power to turn passive training activities Into active “learning from heart”.

It Is, therefore, proposed that to build up an effective training and development architecture in the Chinese hotel Industry, both systematic training ND development structure (as widely addressed In Western human resource development literature) and consistent emotional inputs (e. G. Devoted learning managers; turning trust-based personal relationships into learning drives, etc. ) are necessary. More empirical studies are needed to further test these ideas. In general, employees who feel undervalued or unwanted are likely to leave.

This is an especially important issue in China, where employees are possibly among the least satisfied in the world. While the number of dissatisfied employees is significantly greater in the Chinese state-owned enterprises, employee dissatisfaction in Macs is a big issue as well. Of all the factors which lead to dissatisfaction among Chinese employees, of course, compensation and benefits packages always play an overarching role. In the Work China survey, Watson Wyatt asked respondents who said they might leave In the next several years to list the top three reasons for their planned departure.

The results were consistent with popular perceptions: better pay as the number one reason employees wanted to leave their company, followed by Sources: 1 . Sunray, g, G, Zinnia, V, Impediment Kidskin erasures, Economies faculty, Subtopic, 2006 2. Wang, You, Leeds Metropolitan University, September 2005 3. Gross, Ames & Leafage, Shawn Leafage, Employee Retention: Building an Effective Strategy to Retain Your Chinese Employees, April 2001, Corporate Relocation News 4. Lingerer, Jim, The Key to Retention: Committed Employees, China Business Review, Jan,’F-Bobbie, Volvo. 31 Issue 1, pop-39