Communication and language development involves giving children a language- enabling environment to give them confidence and skills in expressing themselves and to communicate and listen in various situations. Physical development includes providing opportunities for young children to be physically active and interactive, also to develop their co-ordination, control and movement. Children must also be taught the importance of physical activity and also the importance of having a healthy diet.
Personal, social, and emotional development includes helping children o gain a positive image of themselves and others to enable them to form positive relationships and gain respect for others. It also Involves children being able to socialize and manage their feelings effectively also having confidence In their own ablest. Literacy development Involves children being able to link sounds and letters and eventually begin to read and write. The environment must enable children to be able to gain access to reading materials to set their interests of.
Mathematics includes providing children with the opportunities to develop and improve their skills n counting, understanding and using numbers in simple calculations involving addition and subtraction also describing shapes, spaces and measurements. Understanding the world involves giving children the resources to develop their knowledge on the world and their community opportunities to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment.
Expressive arts and design involves giving children the environment to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials, as well as providing encouragement for sharing their Houghton, Ideas and feelings through a range of actively In art, music, movement, dance, role-play and design and technology. (Information gathered from the revised BYES) These 6 learning and development areas are all interdependent, for example if you create an activity where children are allowed to play with multi colored Play-DOD in a tray with tools like a rolling pin for example.
The children would communicate between them in order for sharing the tools for them to use, they would be physically molding the Play-DOD and using the tools to create different shapes, models, animals etc. They will be able to talk to their friend’s to tell them what they have made and ask what their friends have made, when making things they can make sounds describing for example If the child made a dinosaur they might “roar to symbolize the dinosaur, they begin to tell friend’s how many things they have created for example they might say that they have made 3 balls or 2 animals etc.
When crating the things with the Play-DOD They would of got the idea from what they have seen, seen outside the setting meaning they are learning from outside environment finally hey can express their ideas by putting them into a model figure in Play-DOD like a house and a car. 1. 2 The statutory framework (enriched by law) for the Early Years Foundation Stage (BYES) aims for quality and consistency in the early years sector through universal standards in relation to both the welfare requirements and the development and learning requirements.
There are four themes that link to a principle, which influence the early year’s framework in the I-J. Theme 1- A unique child Principle: Every child is a competent learner from birth, who can be resilient, capable, nonevent and self-assured. Commitments: -child development -inclusive practice -keeping safe -health and wellbeing Theme 2- positive relationships Principle: every interaction is based on caring professional relationships and respectful acknowledgement of the feelings of children and their families.
Commitments: -respecting each other -parents as partners -supporting learning -key person Theme 3- enabling environments Principle: the environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning. -observation, assessment and planning -supporting every child the learning environment -the wider context Principle: children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates and all areas of development and learning are equally important and interconnected. -play and exploration -active learning -creativity and critical thinking -areas of development and learning 1. In the BYES it states that children should be reaching goals for their age at that time, observations are used to record and see if those goals are being met. The child’s development has to be recorded but it does not matter how, in my setting we call them learning Journals. This is where monthly the child’s observations are recorded in their matching any relevant goals from the EYES. Also to back up some observations the practitioners will take photos of the child doing something, they could also record the child saying something on a Dictations.
There is also planning where the practitioners record what goals the child has hit and what goals the child is working to hit, it also states the activities used to reach those goals. 5. 1 In my setting to support learning and development we give each child a on entry summary this then tells us what stage they are working at when they come into the eating so we know where to start there learning Journal. The learning Journal is updated every month of what the child has achieved or the goals they are working towards through the 6 areas of learning and development, the goals that the practitioners go by are set out by the EYES.
In the EYES the goals are under learning and development stages and they tell you the age the child should be meeting it and what the child should be able to do. The child also gets a diary where the practitioners can record what activities the child has done, how much they’ve eaten eave eaten and enjoyed doing but most importantly it allows parents to write observations down on what their child has done at home so that the practitioners can use it their learning Journals.
This is great because some children aren’t in nursery that often so it gives practitioners more information but also children are most comfortable with their parents so they are more likely to say and do more things. 5. 2 Reflection in the setting can be very useful in getting the most out of activities for example; the practitioner lays out some paint and some paper for the children to use, once the children have finished the practitioners can get together to see how it went and what could make it better for the children.
Some off the ideas are giving the children painting ideas e. G. Dinosaurs, animals, cars etc. Or even giving the children their name to try and paint this way it becomes educational and fun. Reflection can be used on every activity Just like it would be with the painting, in my setting we don’t always sit down and discuss it afterwards; we will sometimes improve it as we go along if we feel like it will better the children.