Psychology and Person Development Theorists

Understand child and young person development The opportunity for children and young people to develop In a loving caring environment is vital to their development. It Is Important that professional practitioners know the expected aspects and rate of development to ensure that Individuals In their care are given the best opportunity to thrive. The following tasks will help you to understand the support that each child or young person may need.

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Complete evidence of the following Important: Within the evidence for the tasks below where relevant you also need to show examples of how you embed the knowledge into your own ‘the settings practice. Please remember you must show your own knowledge and practice do not copy what is in your research materials. Plagiarism is taken seriously. Task 1 links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2. 3 A) an explanation of how current practice is influenced by the theories of the following (give an explanation of what each theory means e. What is cognitive theory, then explain each theorists theory and then explain how this is used in current practice today or not) (useful book ‘Understanding Early Years theory in Practice’ , Byers, E et al Henchman publishers ISBN number 978-0-435402-123-6 can be found in LARCH at college) a) theories of development Cognitive (e. G. Pigged) (stages of cognitive development) Psychoanalytic (e. G. Freud) (personality and how the unconscious mind effects development) Humanist (e. G. Moscow) (Mascots wheelchair of needs)

Social Learning (egg Bandeau) (How role models Influence children’s learning and behaviors) Operant controlling (e. G. Skinner) (That a behavior would be repeated If reinforced) Behaviorism (e. G. Watson) (that people can be conditioned to respond to external stimuli) b) frameworks to support development. Social pedagogy (academic discipline concerned with theory and practice of holistic education and care) part C Understand child and young person development The opportunity for children and young people to develop in a loving caring environment is vital to their development.

It is important that professional individuals in their care are given the best opportunity to thrive. The following tasks examples of how you embed the knowledge into your own [the settings practice. Humanist (e. G. Moscow) (Mascots hierarchy of needs) Social Learning (egg Bandeau) (How role models influence children’s learning and Operant conditioning (e. G. Skinner) (That a behavior would be repeated if reinforced) Behaviorism (e. G. Watson) (that people can be conditioned to respond to external stimuli)