Working complicatedly

There is a strong view that most of the social problems are the direct result of the neglect of education and youth development for the past decades. Be It unemployment, teenage pregnancies, Increasing drug-use or dealing, crime, Indiscipline, corruption, greed and selfishness, young people today have a greater responsibility to address these problems, and by effectively doing this, they must be well empowered to overcome howling challenges.

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If the aspirations and expectations of young people are not integrated in our national leaning efforts, we are essentially ignoring the future of the nation. This is why a viable and efficient educational system is vital for any country. But our youth, like the youth of every forward-looking nation, need more than good educational system; they need recreational programmed and social institutions that will inculcate in them national and cultural values and attitudes which will enable them overcome their national development challenges and become good, productive, and patriotic citizens.

The creation of vibrant youth empowerment and skills development centers that old provide avenues for the youth to involve themselves in nation building activities is essentially vital. These will help to provide youth with leadership skills, team-spirit and develop healthy habits and attitudes which will foster virtues like honesty, diligence, fraternity, fair-play, and patriotism. With the presence of these attitudes in our young people, ownership, respect and interest in the development of the country will be instilled in all.

Inoculating the youth with traditional and national values has been the concern of every progressive society everywhere. Our fore fathers had a way of doing theirs effectively through various rites and groups and they have succeeded. There is something to be said for promoting youth volunteerism. There are always obviously some disturbing aspects in trying to bring about youth development, but the basic idea of having a national youth organization to inculcate national and cultural values into youth and inundate them with patriotism is a good idea.

Just imagine now having a national youth organization or even 3 to 5 different organizations all teaching our young people the shared values, beginning with sense f nationhood, that we should all see ourselves as one people with a common destiny; that kindness and team-work will serve us better than greed and selfishness; that our nation desires productive and enterprising citizens and not drug-peddlers and loathers; that honest service and helping people In need Is nobler than riches from robbery and corruption; that volunteerism helps the nation more than people instigating violence and destruction of public property: that humility is preferable to hurts and whatever is good for the nation is good for all of us as individuals.

The youth by nature have lots of energy and expectations, and unless we guide them and channel it into productive and enterprising activities, they could be easily influenced into destructive and unproductive ventures. A lot of youth are into drugs and crime not because they are intrinsically bad, but because they are bored and have nothing productive to engage themselves. The devil, they say, finds work for the idle hands. Fundamentally, let me appeal to parents and authorities not to always see young people as detractor to national development but instead partners in the development process of a country. When they are well empowered and counseled, it would be very surprising to see what they can contribute to national development. Http:// observer. M/Africa/Gambia/article/youth-and-national-development-challenges-2 India is a big country with a large population. It is estimated that Indian’s present population is about 65 scores. Those between the age of 15 to 35 form more than 50 percent ‘of the total population. For our purposes we count them all as the youth. These comprise students, employees, workers, farmers and persons from various professions including the unemployed-?educated or otherwise. These young people constitute a large force. They are energetic, enthusiastic and full of zeal. Unfortunately a large number of them are without any direction. It is dangerous to allow them to remain idle, as it would increase their frustration.

A large number of them are capable, devoted, dedicated idealists and are fond of work. Their frustration is a result of their being without any worthwhile Job. It is a great national wastage if these energetic hands and brains are not provided with some sort of work to meet the needs of the nation. No country can permit sues wastage. What is needed is hat they should be taken into confidence and given a direction-?some constructive work. This massive manpower can do wonders provided its enthusiasm is harnessed for development work. Indian youth have . Never lagged behind when called upon to meet a challenge. It is for the national leaders to play their part by embroiling their abilities and providing them with a direction.

Let there be no doubt about their strength, power and capability. Their counterparts have changed the governments in their own countries. It was the youth of Indonesia who overthrew President Koreans. The massive youth movement in Czechoslovakia succeeded against the military invasion on their country. The recent history of Cambodia, Cuba, France and Pakistan provide evidences of their invincible force. Even in our own country before partition the youth played a very inspiring role in the freedom movement. After independence too their power has changed the fate of several state governments in the recent past. The Gujarat and Briar agitations are examples of the youth power.

If we exclude the youth, the rest of the population of India will comprise old people and children. They Anton be called the real manpower of the nation. So we may say that if the youth of reconstruction, the whole manpower of the nation is being wasted. The task of nation building is enormous and can be divided into many phases and compartments. It has some work for everybody. All the young people may be involved in this work. They may be assigned Jobs according to their capacity and capability. First of all they should be made to understand a specific project and its importance to the society and also the part they are expected to play to make it a success.

They are sure to work hard for its fulfillment. They have the resources, guts and imagination to explain it to the people in detail and make it a success, They will feel more than satisfied by the realization that they have been assigned a role in the nation-building efforts. This realization will encourage them to put their best into it. There is another factor : whatever is done by the government for nation-building affects the whole society-? the young and the old alike. At least the former think that they are being denied the right of their participation in that task. It would be prudent to associate them with all such programmed as concern them.

Such a step would satisfy their ego. It is not very difficult to mobiles the youth for nation-building. Once these programmed have succeeded in firing their imagination, more than enough resources of energy will be forth-coming to achieve the targets. And once they are genuinely involved, and their interest in these programmed is aroused, they would be prepared to give their best to their quick implementation. There can be a large number of schemes, projects and programmed wherein their total involvement will bring quicker and better results. They can play a pivotal role in the socio-economic regeneration of the society. There are many evil practices in our society.

If the youth is associated in a drive against these practices, the results may be much more satisfactory. There may be schemes connected with the raising of the level of production in agriculture. The youth may be assigned the Job of dissemination of knowledge for better farming, new techniques and proper use of fertilizers and pesticides. What is required is that they may be given adequate training in these tasks. In a drive against economic offences, their energy may be used in molding public opinion in favor of eradication and reversion of such offences. The youth may work successfully as an arm of the administration in the implementation of governmental programmed aimed at fighting against these and other maladies.

Another field wherein their energy may be gainfully employed is the task of adult education and universalistic of education. Being given a little dose of incentive encouragement and support, they may take over the great responsibility of fulfilling the targets fixed by the government. Their services may similarly be utilized for preventing and fighting offences like smuggling, black-marketing and hoarding. They can at least create public opinion against those who indulge in such unfair practices. Cooperatives may be encouraged, through them for creating parallel marketing facilities to render the antisocial practices ineffective. What is needed is that we repose faith in their capacity and capability.

By enlisting the cooperation and involvement of the massive youth army, the government will on the one hand be successful in embroiling idle man-power, and on the other hand these young people will be saved from falling a prey to such elements, as utilize them for their own narrow selfish ends. By employing these errors in some socially useful work, the possibilities of demonstrations, violence, that these young men are attracted towards some sort of developmental activities. Such involvement of the young people would generate a sense of pride and self- confidence in them, provided it is accorded adequate appreciation. It would raise defter morale as well.

At the same time the sense of patriotism and of being useful to the society would inhibit them from going astray. It would also help develop in them a nationalist outlook. Such a step would speed up the process of socio-economic regeneration and democratic decentralization. Our government spends a large amount of money on a number of organizations that are given charge of implement taxation of various schemes and programmed concerning national development. Involvement of the youth and their organizations would cost less in terms of money as well. The young people may be inspired and encouraged to adopt villages or other suitable units of operation, where they may concentrate on the improvement of physical and social environment.

This will lead to socio-economic progress and help to channels the energies, enthusiasm and idealism of the youth in the task of action-building. It is certain that the youth will make full use of the diverse opportunities offered to them. If would make the task of nation-building easier and quicker. Http://considerateness. Com/students/role-of-the-youth-in-nation-building/ he term – nation building or national development, is usually used to refer to a constructive process of engaging all citizens in building social cohesion, economic prosperity and political stability in a nation in an inclusive and democratic way. Going by the definition, it is seen that all citizens are to be involved in building or developing a nation.

Thus, the involvement of youth in national development is a must. In fact, youths play one of the most important roles in nation building. Youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but also the partners of today. Young people are social actors of change and progress. They are a crucial segment of a nation’s development. Their contribution, therefore, is highly needed. Youth always has been the key to any of the activities in the world be it war, politics, construction works; you name it and youth has , is and will have been involved, there’s no 2 way about it. The hunger, desire, motivation, determination and high energy of the youth can make all the difference in either destroying or building a nation.

Proper guidance and direction can bring the India is a big country with a large population. It is estimated that Indian’s present the country are not enthused to devote their energies to the task of national services may similarly be utilized for preventing and fighting offences like smuggling, unrest and turmoil will be largely minimized. It is therefore, in the national interest the society would inhibit them from going ala contributes work Image Credit: Rachel M. , Commercial, CA The role of the youths towards the nation building First of all we have that the youths are the period between childhood and adulthood. Secondly, the nation is a country considered as a group of people living in a certain territory under one Government.

Thirdly, we also have to know “Building” here means not masonry constructed, instead the development of the nation, the future of our The vision of our country lies in the hands of our youths. They are filled with tremendous and towering ambitions. It will be a great wastage of human resources if these youths are not given an opportunity to exercise their talent. This beautiful land deeds these youths in order for our soil to become a brighter one. The primary role of young people is to get a good education in order to become better citizens of tomorrow. They need to learn skills to do the Job that their country’s economy needs. They also need to know how to read, write, think, understand, analyses, and discuss the issues their country faces. The entire success of the nation depends on the youths.

However, in order for continuous success to take place; it is the Government’s responsibility to provide the youth with proper facilities for, getting equipped with the knowledge of the modern era. Youth is the spring of life. It is the age of discovery and dreams. They have the power to transform the nation into a better place. They also have the ability to lead their fellow citizens into the right direction. Youths are fighters. They fight for an identity in society, equality, the homeless, bullying, unemployment, exploitation, poverty and other problems which the world faces today. All of them hopes for a world full of opportunities, so great minds can conquer them and become better individuals.

They need good morals and values to handle conflicts in a positive way. We have aspiring doctors, entrepreneurs, scientists, and who knows; maybe the next president. Illiteracy is a major around the world. About ninety percent of the people who reside in villages are illiterate. The reason is their utter ignorance and lack of initiative to lead them in the right direction. Someone has to pull them up. Here also, the young people can be of immense help. The role of the youth is the most important in today’s time. They have underplayed themselves in the field of the politics. Youth are strong forces in social movements. Youths are problem solvers.

Our nations need them to resolve most of our problems. The nation is facing a lot of problems, and I believe that the youths are capable of solving them. They Just need to be given a chance to prove themselves. Youths have the power to unite individuals in the six ethnic groups. Racism is an ongoing issue around the world. Individuals are fighting against each other because of the complexion of their skin and the texture of their hair. Religion is another issue, the youths can convince their fellow man to live in peace and love. All of us are one and we should not allow these little differences to push us away from each other. There also a lot of crime taking place.

Women are being killed by their abusive husbands. Person’s homes, businesses, are being broken into. All of this crime and violence needs to stop. The youth once more has the ability to bring about a change in their country. Youths seems to have the ability to face any challenges and problems. They have a positive influence on their fellow young people. They are able to teach them the positive things in life. The ones whom are destroying their future, they tend to listen to their fellow youths. They will make them understand the importance of a good education. The wise youths that we have out there should be taken into consideration. Some of them, though educated are unemployed.

They should be given an opportunity to expose their intelligence to the world and make youths; so they can make our land a great and educated one. They will make a huge difference in society and the entire world. The youths are our life and nation. They will make our country proud. The country will be recognized. The youths Just need the support from their fellow citizens and they will perform their duties. In conclusion, the role of the youth in the nation building is crucial. They are problem lovers, have a positive influence on other young people and the nation, and are extremely ambitious. They have the ability to create an identity for themselves and move the nation forward. However, they will not be able to do this without the support of their Government and fellow youths.

Buck, (a Nobel Laureate in literature) “do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation”. Isn’t this single quotation of her is sufficient to motivate the whole nation? Or do we still need motivational quotes like the one above to recall our own potentials to attempt the impossible and achieve the success? It seems highly surprising that, we, the youth fail to display the same enthusiasm in nation’s building which we often display for getting ahead in traffic? Have we really forgotten our responsibility towards our nation or that we are knowingly skipping the tasks to achieve development? It is observed that, the youth who always fight for enjoying their rights, never wish to take up the pains of responsibility.

According to me, Indian youth is socially responsible ND moreover is working complicatedly to see India attain the developed status. Many educated youth had already realized the necessity of utilizing their skills for the betterment of the society but at the same time, the youth is also misguided to a larger extent by some evil sources making them irresponsible towards the society they live in. It is pathetic but true that, due to many -a-problems that exists in today’s world, youth is highly attracted and/or fancied towards evil sources. As a result, a huge destruction is occurring all over. It is true that, youth is highly amendable, but one must show…