Developmental Stages Matrix

Complete the matrix by listing out the various changes In each age group. Developmental Stage Physical changes Cognitive changes Acclamation’s changes Infancy Infancy starts at birth and lasts for months. The head of the Infant has great plasticity and can with stand damages more than adults. It grows bigger to Increase its thinking capacity so as to tackle the challenges of life. Infants learn to work by the end of infancy by first learning how to roll over then they learn how to sit up.

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After hat they learn how to crawl then walk. Infants are on what is called seniority stage according to Jean Pigged a child psychologist for example when you hide an object for a baby younger than months old, out of sight is out of mind. This is because their brains are not fully developed to understand that things do not disappear. By 9 months they can look for objects that are hidden from them. This is called Object Permanence. At birth babies develop a strong tie with their mothers or whoever is looking after them.

They develop this tie with whoever that provides them tit food and comfort. In fact they prefer comfort to food and say for example two people were respectively providing food and one of them denies the baby comfort the baby will develop a stronger tie with the one that provides the most comfort. Early Childhood Early childhood starts as a child enters his or her first year and lasts till their 5th year In life. They grow teeth, walk and run with help. Their brains increase in size and get almost to the size of an adults brain by their 5th years.

They grow increasingly better tit their motor skills and learn to eat, make simple sentences etc. Cognitively they are In what Jean Pigged call the operational stage where. They do not understand the principle of conservation that Is nuts In a Jar are of the same volume even If they are spread out on a table. They also believe that people that people think and feel the same way they do. According to Pigged If they have a dream they cannot tell If someone else had the same dream Since babies share a bond with whoever looks after them they carry this attachment with them Into early childhood.

If they also bond well with their caregivers In their daycare centers and the quality of the facility is good then they might live productive lives. Attachment is very important during a child’s development because at early child hood they step into the world and it helps them bond with their peers. Middle Childhood while boys play more physical games than girls. Children between the ages of six and 12 can dress themselves, ride a bike, play sports etc. Girls start acting different from boys and people can tell for example girls play with dolls.

They start getting ready for puberty as they continue to grow in weight and in length. They enter the concrete operational stage according to Pigged for example they can tell that nuts in a Jar are the same as nuts spread on a table. They think logically a little bit and can solve mathematical problems as they are thought in school. They can understand and retain more information. They become independent of their parents and start having friends. Develops increase in vocabulary and starts having slight peer pressure especially among peers of the same sex.