Handling Customer Complaints

Handling Customer Complaints Eventually people working in the food industry will have to deal with complaints from customers at some point in their career. Whether it’s a simple or difficult concern, how we handle the complaint makes all the difference. Listen to a customer’s concern, be sympathetic and do whatever you can to fix the problem Immediately. Train to not assign blame or make excuses, but be responsive to the customer. Take advantage of the experience to make Improvements to your products or services.

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For Instance you open a restaurant on the busiest day of the year, New Year’s, and you to people rushing in and out of the kitchen trying to satisfy the customers. It Is only natural that accidents may occur, Like meals being forgotten, cold meals, raw orders, etc. But how we handle It can either Improve or devastate our business. Here are the most common 5 step to help resolve any customer complaint: Step 1 . Focus your entire attention on the unhappy customer and allow him to express his complaint without interruption.

Listen full to what he has to say. If the situation Is too complex, write down notes so he knows you are taking him seriously and he is being heard. Step 2. Apologize to the customer for the problem, empathic with his situation and assure him that you will act upon his complaint. This is not the time to point fingers or make excuses. Remain calm and try to keep the situation at a low profile. Step 3. Ask the customer what you could do to resolve the situation.

At a minimum, volunteer to replace the item and make sure the staff understands the urgency of the situation. If the customers situation is more involved, or is still unhappy regardless of your efforts, offer to bring a person of higher status like the manager or supervisor. Customers feel better talking to the people in charge. Step 4. Make efforts to mend the situation. Offer a discount on the item or a certificate for future orders at your store. Ask if there is anything else you can do to help him feel better about the situation.

Step 5. Learn from the situation. Customer complaints often identify issues that need improvement. Imply changes to prevent problem situations from recurring. Be sure that all staff are trained and aware of how to handle a customer complaint, what types of things they are empowered to do themselves, and when they should request a managers involvement. By Jasmine concern, be sympathetic and do whatever you can to fix the problem immediately. Advantage of the experience to make improvements to your products or services.

For instance you open a restaurant on the busiest day of the year, New Year’s, and you got people rushing in and out of the kitchen trying to satisfy the customers. It is only natural that accidents may occur, like meals being forgotten, cold meals, raw orders, etc. But how we handle it can either improve or devastate our business. Here are the complaint without interruption. Listen full to what he has to say. If the situation is too If the customer’s situation is more involved, or is still unhappy regardless of your a manager’s involvement.