Professional Development Cycle

Job satisfaction Your learning style Does the activity suit your learning preferences? Activist Pragmatist Theorist Reflector Honey and Uniform’s Learning Styles Practicalities Is the time commitment appropriate? Is location suitable? Are there any personal circumstances that may prevent you from participating? Participating in activities Making the most of your professional development activities Before Plan what you hope to get out of each activity: Increased understanding? Skill development? Broader network?

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During Make notes: Handwritten Typed Visual notes Recorded Review after event to ensure complete and accurate After Make sure you keep a record of your notes somewhere (you may want to digitize for easy location in future) Share with colleagues Share with peers (social media, blobs) Recording and reflecting Keeping information up-to-date about the activities and what you have learnt Recording activities Desktop document (can use Dropped to ensure access from multiple locations/ devices) Online document (e. G. Google Drive) Online services Tendonitis CILIA Portfolio Reflecting on activities What have you learnt? How can you apply this In future? Any follow-up actions? Models of reflection What? So what? Now what?

More on CAPED Reflective Practice blob post Professional Development Cycle By spank 1210 Self analysis Understanding your current skills and knowledge and considering opportunities and threats Current C.V. and profiles Analyzing your current situation in required for current or future Job roles and identify areas for development CILIA P.S. Reflect on skills and knowledge required within profession and identify areas professional development Development plan Regularly updated plan including areas or development, planned activities, intended outcome, and timescale Opportunities What sort of activities have you been involved in for your own professional development?