Business Idea

Community Junior Senior School, I have observed that most students suffer from thirst, because of the hot weather, which leads to them going out during lessons and this affects their learning. Some students can also collapse due to dehydration caused by thirst if they are not allowed to go out to drink water during lessons by the teacher. My business idea is to solve the above problem by selling flavored and not flavored distilled water at an affordable price.

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Most customers will benefit from this especially students because they will not go out often during lessons to drink water which means that their learning will not be distracted . The selling of this product also means that students will not collapse due to dehydration caused by thirst. I will be selling my product in a small scale to Monosyllable Community in Monosyllable. The product will be sold to approximately 800, a few people from the kitchen staff and teachers. My competitors will be the Monosyllable tuck shop, which will also be selling the same product.

I will be selling flavored and not flavored distilled water and this will be an advantage because, students will have a variety to choose from and as a result, attracting more customers. My business will be located In Monosyllable and since my customers are Monosyllable Community, it will be easy for them to acquire the product. It will be easy to promote my product, by letting people know about the product, through awareness campaigns In the school, which will be easy, because I will be selling my product too small scale.

Managing my time Is going to be a problem because, I have lessons to attend and sometimes we are caught up with some school work . As a result this will contribute to a loss . 1 also have Limited skills on how to run a business. This as a result will contribute to a loss because for a business to be run successfully It needs a skilled person. Lack of team work Is also going to be a problem because I do not have the adequate skills that I need to use In order to work with other people such as partners and customers . This as a result will also contribute to the business making a loss.

Since the business will be located In school, It will be an opportunity because I will be near the market. The school will support the business by providing It, with a place to operate In, as we will be operating from the school’s business laboratory. The school will also contribute to the running of the business, by providing money to buy things needed by the business. Selling distilled water In extracurricular actively, such as sports will be an opportunity because many people attending the sports events may be willing to buy my product thus Increasing profit.

My competitors will be the Monosyllable tuck-shop and other business studies students In the school even though most of them do not sell the same product as mine. Being far from the supplier Is a problem because sometimes goods may be delivered late or not at all and this can affect the business negatively resulting In a ass especially If goods were not delivered. Having Limited time Is a threat to the business because to the business because our break time Is short and we might not resulting in a loss. I am Bonn Jose, a form if student in Monosyllable CSS.