Management University Technology of MAR Amelia Fashioning Facial university Technology of MAR ABDUCT Seasonality In tourism demand Is common among all sectors which Involve In the industry and become a focal Issue, particularly In the peripheral destinations and areas with four seasons.
Seasonality phenomenon in tourism can be seen obviously in the East Coast of the Peninsular Malaysia during the Northeast Monsoon due to he heavy rainfalls and this affect seriously on the tourist arrivals to the Islands which are the main tourist destinations. The Issues of seasonality In tourism demand should not only focus on the natural aspect, where we could also look through some places which might have the possibility of having the same phenomenon In other tourist destinations. Thus, the mall objectives of this research are to Identify the pattern of tourist arrivals and to examine the factors of the seasonal tourism demand.
The reason of doing this research In Amelia Is because of the Increment In tourist arrivals and heavy tourism satellites since It was declared as one of the World Heritage Clues by UNESCO In year 2008. However, the congestion and overcrowded during peak season which exceed the carrying capacity has affected the quality of the environment and the travel experience of the tourists. On the other hand, the seasonal phenomenon also affects on the tourism businesses particularly during the low season which causes them hard to survive.
The local authority has to take actions to overcome this problem In ensuring an excellent tourism development since the economic development of Amelia relies heavily on the tourism Industry wealth the area. By congressing Seasonality in tourism demand is common among all sectors which involve in the industry and become a focal issue, particularly in the peripheral destinations and the heavy rainfalls and this affect seriously on the tourist arrivals to the islands which are the main tourist destinations.
The issues of seasonality in tourism demand laces which might have the possibility of having the same phenomenon in other tourist destinations. Thus, the main objectives of this research are to identify the demand. The reason of doing this research in Amelia is because of the increment in tourist arrivals and heavy tourism activities since it was declared as one of the World Heritage Cities by UNESCO in year 2008. However, the congestion and overcrowded to overcome this problem in ensuring an excellent tourism development since the economic development of Amelia relies heavily on the tourism industry within the